6 research outputs found

    Warm water cultured fishes in Kermanshah province study on the possibility of improving

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    For the improve handling of carp cultured fishes in Kermanshah province we chose 4 treatment out of that one treatment was the best, this included fish+powdered ice with C.S.W tank transported with a roof covered car in all treatment fish are tested physically and chemically and microbiologically, also temperature of fish body and environment was taken periodically andattempt for biometry and weight ranges of fishes also did in each study

    Supply and protected different population of Litopenaeus vannamei subadult zero foster (F_0) from difference provinces Iran

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    Nowadays, Litopenaeus vannamei are the most important species of farmed penaeidae shrimp in the world that is rapidly replacing native species in areas aquaculture. Due to demand increase for this species culture, shrimp displacement to different areas may be associated with some potential pathogens transferred to new areas farmed. Therefore, in this study were prepared bi-osecurity conditions for specific disease-free production of L. vannamei. Thereafter, three populations (Molokaei, High health and mix of Molokaei and High health) of the shrimp various reserves were detected base on origin and genetic indexes such as: observed heterozygosity, expected heterozygosity, allele frequency, coefficient inbreeding, genetic differentiation, genetic distance and genetic identity. On the other hand, epidemiological studies indicate non pathogens (viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic) recognition of different populations selected in the quarantine salon. The bioassay results showed that the average weight and length of the populations of High health and Mix significantly greater than was a population of Molokaei. The shrimp populations were stocked in fiberglass tank (five ton) and were kept separated in the quarantine salon. During maintenance shrimp of populations in the quarantine salon were evaluated living and non-living pathogens with PCR, microbiology and biochemical methods. There is not any pathogens detection from shrimp populations stocking in the quarantine salon, so the shrimps were carried over to pond for broodstock culture of specific pathogenic free

    Identification and characterization of pathogenic viruses in aquatic animal using advanced techniques in order to develop rapid diagnostic kit (shrimp viral disease kit as well as TSV, HPV and MBV )

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    Shrimp production increasing rapidly in the world and in2013 the production reaches 4.2 MT. In Iran the shrimp production is under development and estimated in 1393, 20 thousand tons produced. In this regards the important subject is health and disease in shrimp farm. The white spot syndrome virus for second time appears in chabahar and damage many farms. Because the aquaculture activity expand in the world in national, regional and international scale, many emerge disease are endanger. In this regard the viral disease is very important and not only decrease the production but also has a side effect in business and national economy. For control and prevention the viral disease, the accurate methods such as PCR kit were developed. In this project the PCR methods with sensitivity, specificity and efficacy was designed and used for detection viral disease. Many viruses have several serotypes and in different area maybe new serotype induce the disease. For this reason, the specific kit will be design. Three viruses consist of MBV, TSV and IHHNV are very pathogenic in shrimp farm and need the specific PCR kit for detection them. In this project the MBV virus was identified and designs a new primer with Oligo software and the primer amplified a part of DNA with 185 bp in the gel. The specificity and sensitivity of primer were checked by IQ2000 Kit and the primer used for detection unknown samples

    Fish gene bank of the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea

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    Genetic studies and gene banks preparation can identify guidelines for improving diversity and population structure and estimation, poaching and also the amount of cross breeding and provide genetic classification. In this study, sampling was performed from the important studied species habitats areas for the species such as: Dasyatis bennetti، Netuma thalassina, Netuma bilineata Carcharhinus leucas، Choerodon robustus، Pseudorhombus pentophthalmus ،Pseudorhombus arsius Thunnus tonggol ،Euthynnus affinis and Trichiurus lepturus. Total DNA extraction was performed using phenol - chloroform method which is the most common method for DNA extraction in order to achieve high quality of DNA was performed in the preparation of gene bank in this study. After relevant studies on this gene primers were designed and in use. After editing the sequences, nucleotide BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) was performed using NCBI blast main page. The sequences obtained from each sample were aligned and corrected from any ambiguities and assembled using Bio edit program .Trees were generated using maximum parsimony (MP), a character-based algorithm and neighbor joining (NJ) a distance-based algorithm for phenetic analysis. The distance matrix option of MEGA4 was used to calculate genetic distance according to the Kimura 2-parameter model of sequence evolution. Based on the results obtained, the optical density of 260 to 280 nm in the samples was recorded between 1/8 - 2, indicating good quality DNA samples. Optimized PCR reaction to 16SrRNA gene amplification using the gradient between 48 - 60° C showed that the most suitable criteria for binding primers, 54 to 58 Celsius degrees respectively. The project objectives including the identification of the genetic structure of the species, and draw the phylogenetic trees using two genes 16SrRNA, making identification and registration of specified computer storage and regulate the structure and management of mentioned species by focus on genetic resources 10 species of majour commercial and noncommercial fishes in the Persia Gulf and Oman Sea through the creation of an integrated network of aquatic genetic resources in the region to try to identify genetic resources and aquatic gene bank. This type of analysis could be considered as an important tool to be used in broodstock selection in breeding programs. Also identify the species of fish named as Pseudorhombus pentophthalmus with a new haplotype and genetic differences 7% in compare to the samples recorded in the World gene Bank can considered as a major achievements of this research

    Determination of essence value of produced and supplied rose-water in Kashan district in spring 2005

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    Background: Kashan's rose-water has a high celebrity in Iran and around the world. Rose-water has used in Iranian traditional medicine for treatment of cardiac and rheumatic pain and in food indust r ies such as production of ice cream and cookies. This research is conducted for determination of essence value of produced Rose-water in Kashan, Spring of 2005. Materials and Methods: This study was a descriptive study. Rose-water samples were collected from workshops, factories and supplying centers in Kashan in 2005 (398 samples) and transferred to lab. In the laboratory, chemical tests for determination of the essence value were carried out according to the Pantan method. Minimum acceptable of Rose-water essence is 12mg/100cc, thus, any Rose-water is classified to three type light (0.1- 11.9), middle (12-35) and high (> 35). Findings were analysed by the use of t test. Results: Essence quality of produced Rose-water in Rose-water workshops and supplying shops showed that essence values were 76.7 of the workshops and 27.5 of supplying shops higher than 12mg/100 (p< .0001). Thus, essence value of factories were higher than 12mg/100 (58.3). Conclusions: Essence value of Rose-waters were acceptable in most factories but essence value samples in most supplying shops were low. Thus, Kashan health politician's and administrators should arrange appropriate strategies for standardization and increasing of rose-water quality