119 research outputs found

    Photometrically-Classified Superluminous Supernovae from the Pan-STARRS1 Medium Deep Survey: A Case Study for Science with Machine Learning-Based Classification

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    With the upcoming Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), it is expected that only ∼0.1%\sim 0.1\% of all transients will be classified spectroscopically. To conduct studies of rare transients, such as Type I superluminous supernovae (SLSNe), we must instead rely on photometric classification. In this vein, here we carry out a pilot study of SLSNe from the Pan-STARRS1 Medium-Deep Survey (PS1-MDS) classified photometrically with our SuperRAENN and Superphot algorithms. We first construct a sub-sample of the photometric sample using a list of simple selection metrics designed to minimize contamination and ensure sufficient data quality for modeling. We then fit the multi-band light curves with a magnetar spin-down model using the Modular Open-Source Fitter for Transients (MOSFiT). Comparing the magnetar engine and ejecta parameter distributions of the photometric sample to those of the PS1-MDS spectroscopic sample and a larger literature spectroscopic sample, we find that these samples are overall consistent, but that the photometric sample extends to slower spins and lower ejecta masses, which correspond to lower luminosity events, as expected for photometric selection. While our PS1-MDS photometric sample is still smaller than the overall SLSN spectroscopic sample, our methodology paves the way to an orders-of-magnitude increase in the SLSN sample in the LSST era through photometric selection and study.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Ap

    Luminous Supernovae: Unveiling a Population Between Superluminous and Normal Core-collapse Supernovae

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    Stripped-envelope core-collapse supernovae can be divided into two broad classes: the common Type Ib/c supernovae (SNe Ib/c), powered by the radioactive decay of 56^{56}Ni, and the rare superluminous supernovae (SLSNe), most likely powered by the spin-down of a magnetar central engine. Up to now, the intermediate regime between these two populations has remained mostly unexplored. Here, we present a comprehensive study of 40 \textit{luminous supernovae} (LSNe), SNe with peak magnitudes of Mr=−19M_r = -19 to −20-20 mag, bound by SLSNe on the bright end and by SNe Ib/c on the dim end. Spectroscopically, LSNe appear to form a continuum between Type Ic SNe and SLSNe. Given their intermediate nature, we model the light curves of all LSNe using a combined magnetar plus radioactive decay model and find that they are indeed intermediate, not only in terms of their peak luminosity and spectra, but also in their rise times, power sources, and physical parameters. We sub-classify LSNe into distinct groups that are either as fast-evolving as SNe Ib/c or as slow-evolving as SLSNe, and appear to be either radioactively or magnetar powered, respectively. Our findings indicate that LSNe are powered by either an over-abundant production of 56^{56}Ni or by weak magnetar engines, and may serve as the missing link between the two populations.Comment: 39 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Ap

    SN 2016iet: The Pulsational or Pair Instability Explosion of a Low Metallicity Massive CO Core Embedded in a Dense Hydrogen-Poor Circumstellar Medium

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    We present optical photometry and spectroscopy of SN 2016iet, an unprecedented Type I supernova (SN) at z=0.0676z=0.0676 with no obvious analog in the existing literature. The peculiar light curve has two roughly equal brightness peaks (≈−19\approx -19 mag) separated by 100 days, and a subsequent slow decline by 5 mag in 650 rest-frame days. The spectra are dominated by emission lines of calcium and oxygen, with a width of only 34003400 km s−1^{-1}, superposed on a strong blue continuum in the first year, and with a large ratio of L[Ca II]/L[O I]≈4L_{\rm [Ca\,II]}/L_{\rm [O\,I]}\approx 4 at late times. There is no clear evidence for hydrogen or helium associated with the SN at any phase. We model the light curves with several potential energy sources: radioactive decay, central engine, and circumstellar medium (CSM) interaction. Regardless of the model, the inferred progenitor mass near the end of its life (i.e., CO core mass) is ≳55\gtrsim 55 M⊙_\odot and up to 120120 M⊙_\odot, placing the event in the regime of pulsational pair instability supernovae (PPISNe) or pair instability supernovae (PISNe). The models of CSM interaction provide the most consistent explanation for the light curves and spectra, and require a CSM mass of ≈35\approx 35 M⊙_\odot ejected in the final decade before explosion. We further find that SN 2016iet is located at an unusually large offset (16.516.5 kpc) from its low metallicity dwarf host galaxy (Z≈0.1Z\approx 0.1 Z⊙_\odot, M≈108.5M\approx 10^{8.5} M⊙_\odot), supporting the PPISN/PISN interpretation. In the final spectrum, we detect narrow Hα\alpha emission at the SN location, likely due to a dim underlying galaxy host or an H II region. Despite the overall consistency of the SN and its unusual environment with PPISNe and PISNe, we find that the inferred properties of SN\,2016iet challenge existing models of such events.Comment: 26 Pages, 17 Figures, Submitted to Ap

    The Luminous and Double-Peaked Type Ic Supernova 2019stc: Evidence for Multiple Energy Sources

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    We present optical photometry and spectroscopy of SN\,2019stc (=ZTF19acbonaa), an unusual Type Ic supernova (SN Ic) at a redshift of z=0.117z=0.117. SN\,2019stc exhibits a broad double-peaked light curve, with the first peak having an absolute magnitude of Mr=−20.0M_r=-20.0 mag, and the second peak, about 80 rest-frame days later, Mr=−19.2M_r=-19.2 mag. The total radiated energy is large, Erad≈2.5×1050E_{\rm rad}\approx 2.5\times 10^{50} erg. Despite its large luminosity, approaching those of Type I superluminous supernovae (SLSNe), SN\,2019stc exhibits a typical SN Ic spectrum, bridging the gap between SLSNe and SNe Ic. The spectra indicate the presence of Fe-peak elements, but modeling of the first light curve peak with radioactive heating alone leads to an unusually high nickel mass fraction of fNi≈31%f_{\rm Ni}\approx 31\% (MNi≈3.2M_{\rm Ni}\approx 3.2 M⊙_\odot). Instead, if we model the first peak with a combined magnetar spin-down and radioactive heating model we find a better match with Mej≈4M_{\rm ej}\approx 4 M⊙_\odot, a magnetar spin period of Pspin≈7.2P_{\rm spin}\approx 7.2 ms and magnetic field of B≈1014B\approx 10^{14} G, and fNi≲0.2f_{\rm Ni}\lesssim 0.2 (consistent with SNe Ic). The prominent second peak cannot be naturally accommodated with radioactive heating or magnetar spin-down, but instead can be explained as circumstellar interaction with ≈0.7\approx 0.7 M⊙M_\odot of hydrogen-free material located ≈400\approx 400 AU from the progenitor. Including the remnant mass leads to a CO core mass prior to explosion of ≈6.5\approx 6.5 M⊙_\odot. The host galaxy has a metallicity of ≈0.26\approx 0.26 Z⊙_\odot, low for SNe Ic but consistent with SLSNe. Overall, we find that SN\,2019stc is a transition object between normal SNe Ic and SLSNe.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, Accepted to Ap

    Nebular-Phase Spectra of Nearby Type Ia Supernovae

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    We present late-time spectra of eight Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) obtained at >200>200 days after peak brightness using the Gemini South and Keck telescopes. All of the SNe Ia in our sample were nearby, well separated from their host galaxy's light, and have early-time photometry and spectroscopy from the Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO). Parameters are derived from the light curves and spectra such as peak brightness, decline rate, photospheric velocity, and the widths and velocities of the forbidden nebular emission lines. We discuss the physical interpretations of these parameters for the individual SNe Ia and the sample in general, including comparisons to well-observed SNe Ia from the literature. There are possible correlations between early-time and late-time spectral features that may indicate an asymmetric explosion, so we discuss our sample of SNe within the context of models for an offset ignition and/or white dwarf collisions. A subset of our late-time spectra are uncontaminated by host emission, and we statistically evaluate our nondetections of Hα\alpha emission to limit the amount of hydrogen in these systems. Finally, we consider the late-time evolution of the iron emission lines, finding that not all of our SNe follow the established trend of a redward migration at >200>200 days after maximum brightness.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, 9 tables; accepted to MNRA

    Type Ibn Supernovae Show Photometric Homogeneity and Spectral Diversity at Maximum Light

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    Type Ibn supernovae (SNe) are a small yet intriguing class of explosions whose spectra are characterized by low-velocity helium emission lines with little to no evidence for hydrogen. The prevailing theory has been that these are the core-collapse explosions of very massive stars embedded in helium-rich circumstellar material (CSM). We report optical observations of six new SNe Ibn: PTF11rfh, PTF12ldy, iPTF14aki, iPTF15ul, SN 2015G, and iPTF15akq. This brings the sample size of such objects in the literature to 22. We also report new data, including a near-infrared spectrum, on the Type Ibn SN 2015U. In order to characterize the class as a whole, we analyze the photometric and spectroscopic properties of the full Type Ibn sample. We find that, despite the expectation that CSM interaction would generate a heterogeneous set of light curves, as seen in SNe IIn, most Type Ibn light curves are quite similar in shape, declining at rates around 0.1 mag day^(−1) during the first month after maximum light, with a few significant exceptions. Early spectra of SNe Ibn come in at least two varieties, one that shows narrow P Cygni lines and another dominated by broader emission lines, both around maximum light, which may be an indication of differences in the state of the progenitor system at the time of explosion. Alternatively, the spectral diversity could arise from viewing-angle effects or merely from a lack of early spectroscopic coverage. Together, the relative light curve homogeneity and narrow spectral features suggest that the CSM consists of a spatially confined shell of helium surrounded by a less dense extended wind

    FLEET: A Redshift-Agnostic Machine Learning Pipeline to Rapidly Identify Hydrogen-Poor Superluminous Supernovae

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    Over the past decade wide-field optical time-domain surveys have increased the discovery rate of transients to the point that ≲10%\lesssim 10\% are being spectroscopically classified. Despite this, these surveys have enabled the discovery of new and rare types of transients, most notably the class of hydrogen-poor superluminous supernovae (SLSN-I), with about 150 events confirmed to date. Here we present a machine-learning classification algorithm targeted at rapid identification of a pure sample of SLSN-I to enable spectroscopic and multi-wavelength follow-up. This algorithm is part of the FLEET (Finding Luminous and Exotic Extragalactic Transients) observational strategy. It utilizes both light curve and contextual information, but without the need for a redshift, to assign each newly-discovered transient a probability of being a SLSN-I. This classifier can achieve a maximum purity of about 85\% (with 20\% completeness) when observing a selection of SLSN-I candidates. Additionally, we present two alternative classifiers that use either redshifts or complete light curves and can achieve an even higher purity and completeness. At the current discovery rate, the FLEET algorithm can provide about 2020 SLSN-I candidates per year for spectroscopic follow-up with 85\% purity; with the Legacy Survey of Space and Time we anticipate this will rise to more than ∼103\sim 10^3 events per year.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Ap
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