47 research outputs found

    Novel Photonic Resonance Arrangements Using Non-Hermitian Exceptional Points

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    In recent years, non-Hermitian degeneracies also known as exceptional points (EPs) have emerged as a new paradigm for engineering the response of optical systems. EPs can appear in a wide class of open non-Hermitian configurations. Among different types of non-conservative photonic systems, parity-time (PT) symmetric arrangements are of particular interest since they provide an excellent platform to explore the physics of exceptional points. In this work, the intriguing properties of exceptional points are utilized to address two of the long standing challenges in the field of integrated photonics- enforcing single mode lasing in intrinsically multimode cavities and enhancing the sensitivity of micro-resonators. In the first part of this work, I will describe how stable single mode lasing can be readily achieved in longitudinally and transversely multi-moded microring cavities through the systematic utilization of abrupt phase transitions at exceptional points. This technique will be first demonstrated in a parity-time laser that is comprised of a gain cavity coupled to an identical but lossy counterpart. A detailed study of the behavior of this system around the exceptional point will be presented. Furthermore, we report the first experimental realization of a dark state laser in which by strategically designing the spectral locations of exceptional points, widely tunable single-mode lasing can be attained even at high pump levels. Despite the presence of loss in such open laser systems, the slope efficiency remains virtually intact. Our results demonstrate the potential of exceptional points as a versatile design tool for mode management in on-chip laser configurations. In the second part of my dissertation, I will show how the exceptional points and their underlying degeneracies can be used to significantly boost the intrinsic sensitivity of microcavities. I will demonstrate the enhanced sensitivity in a binary PT-symmetric coupled cavity arrangement that is biased at an exceptional point. Then I will report the first observation of higher-order exceptional points in a ternary parity-time symmetric microring laser system with a judiciously tailored gain-loss distribution. The enhanced response associated with this ternary system follows a cubic root dependence on externally introduced perturbation, which can in turn be detected in the spectral domain. Using such arrangements, more than one order of magnitude enhancement in the sensitivity is observed experimentally. These results can pave the way towards improving the performance of current on-chip micro-cavity sensors

    Metallic Coaxial Nanolasers

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    The last two decades have witnessed tremendous advancements in the area of nanophotonics and plasmonics. Undoubtedly, the introduction of metallic structures has opened a path towards light confinement and manipulation at the subwavelength scale { a regime that was previously thought to be out of reach in optics. Of central importance is to devise efficient light sources to power up the future nanoscale optical circuits. Coaxial resonators can provide a platform to implement such subwavelength sources. They support ultrasmall cavity modes and offer large mode-emitter overlap as well as multifold scalability. Given their large modulation bandwidth, they hold promise for high speed optical interconnects { where they can be used for light generation and modulation simultaneously. In addition, the possibility of thresholdless operation in such devices may have implications in developing the next generation of efficient lighting systems. In this review article, the physics and applications of coaxial nanolasers will be discussed

    Nonlinear reversal of PT symmetric phase transition in a system of coupled semiconductor micro-ring resonators

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    A system of two coupled semiconductor-based resonators is studied when lasing around an exceptional point. We show that the presence of nonlinear saturation effects can have important ramifications on the transition behavior of this system. In sharp contrast with linear PT-symmetric configurations, nonlinear processes are capable of reversing the order in which the symmetry breaking occurs. Yet, even in the nonlinear regime, the resulting non-Hermitian states still retain the structural form of the corresponding linear eigenvectors expected above and below the phase transition point. The conclusions of our analysis are in agreement with experimental data.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Integrable nonlinear parity-time symmetric optical oscillator

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    The nonlinear dynamics of a balanced parity-time symmetric optical microring arrangement are analytically investigated. By considering gain and loss saturation effects, the pertinent conservation laws are explicitly obtained in the Stokes domain-thus establishing integrability. Our analysis indicates the existence of two regimes of oscillatory dynamics and frequency locking, both of which are analogous to those expected in linear parity-time symmetric systems. Unlike other saturable parity time symmetric systems considered before, the model studied in this work first operates in the symmetric regime and then enters the broken parity-time phase.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publicatio

    Parity-time-symmetric coupled microring lasers operating around an exceptional point

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    The behavior of a parity-time (PT) symmetric coupled microring system is studied when operating in the vicinity of an exceptional point. Using the abrupt phase transition around this point, stable single-mode lasing is demonstrated in spectrally multi-moded micro-ring arrangements.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Pt-Symmetric Micro-Resonators: High Sensitivity At Exceptional Points

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    Enhanced sensitivity is demonstrated in PT-symmetric coupled micro-resonator arrangements biased at an exceptional point. The spectral response of such a system is shown to follow a square root dependence on externally introduced perturbations. OCIS codes: 140.3948 (Microcavity devices), 280.3420 (Laser sensors), 140.3560 (Lasers, ring) Exceptional points (EPs) represent degeneracies in parameter space, where both eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a non-Hermitian operator tend to coalesce [1]. Recently, the properties associated with such singularities have been utilized in optics to introduce a number of new functionalities that are not readily attainable in conventional Hermitian systems [2,3]. Among various optical structures, parity-Time (PT) symmetric arrangements provide an excellent platform for the experimental realization of exceptional points [4]. Along these lines, single mode lasing in PTsymmetric coupled microring lasers has been demonstrated by exploiting the abrupt phase transitions at EPs [5,6]. An important feature of this class of non-Hermitian arrangements is an extreme sensitivity to external perturbations when operated close to their exceptional points. While this behavior has been proposed as a means to increase the responsivity of optical micro-resonator [7,8], this enhancement is yet to be experimentally demonstrated. In this study, we report on the observation of enhanced sensitivity associated with a PT-symmetric coupled cavity configuration biased at an EP. We show that the system response has a square root dependence on the applied perturbation that can be further boosted by increasing the coupling strength between the resonators