91 research outputs found

    A procedure to determine the optimum imaging parameters for atomic/molecular resolution frequency modulation atomic force microscopy

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    We propose a general procedure to determine the optimum imaging parameters (spring constant and oscillation amplitude) to obtain the optimum resolution in frequency modulation atomic force microscopy. We calculated the effective signal-to-noise ratio for various spring constants and oscillation amplitudes, based on the measurement of frequency shift and energy dissipation versus tip-sample distance curves, to find the optimum. We applied this procedure for imaging a lead phthalocyanine (PbPc) thin film on a MoS2(0001) substrate, and found that the optimum parameters were about 5 N/m and 20 nm, respectively. An improved signal-to-noise ratio was attained in a preliminary experiment using parameters which were close to the calculated optimum

    Will Preoperative Atrophy and Fatty Degeneration of the Shoulder Muscles Improve after Rotator Cuff Repair in Patients with Massive Rotator Cuff Tears?

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    Recently, retear rate after repair for massive cuff tear have been improved through devised suture techniques. However, reported retear rate is relevant to preoperative atrophy and fatty degeneration. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether preoperative atrophy and fatty degeneration of rotator cuff muscles improve by successful repair. Twenty-four patients with massive rotator cuff tear were evaluated on the recovery of atrophy and fatty degeneration of supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscle after surgery. Atrophy was classified by the occupation ratio and fatty degeneration by modified Goutallier's classification. Both were assessed on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) before and after the operation. When the cuff was well repaired, improvement of the atrophy and fatty degeneration were observed in a half and a one-fourth of the cases, respectively. In retear cases, however, atrophy and fatty degeneration became worse. Improvement of atrophy and fatty degeneration of the rotator cuff muscles may be expected in the cases with successful achievement of rotator cuff repair for large and massive tear

    Obstructions of Portal Veins and Tumor Numbers Are Associated with Humped Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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    Tumor protrusion in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the risk signs of tumor rupture. Despite curative tumor treatments, HCC recurrences sometimes occur with rapidly growing humped or ruptured HCC in small sized tumors. The aim of this study was to clarify the characteristics of humped HCC clinically and radiologically associated with tumor progression, liver damage, and treatment. The subjects were 179 consecutive HCC patients who underwent angiographic examination. Dynamic studies, using helical computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging were assessed, and the HCC area were measured. The tumor-node-metastasis (TNM) stage differed significantly between the humped and non-humped HCC groups. Humped HCC was more frequently observed in the right lobe (29.3% of right-lobe HCCs) than in the left (10.1%;p=0.003). Analysis of recurrent HCC revealed that patients with multiple treatments of >4 sessions had more humped HCC (33.8%) than those with 1-3 sessions (16.7%;p=0.042). Multivariate regression analysis revealed that tumor invasion in the portal vein, rather than large tumor size, was significantly associated with tumor protrusion. HCC recurrence with humped HCC occurs often in patients with multiple treatments. Tumor factors of the TNM classification, especially tumor invasion in the portal vein, might be associated with the mechanisms of tumor protrusion

    Alkannin inhibits CCL3 and CCL5 production

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    Alkannin, which is found in Alkanna tinctoria, a member of the borage family, is used as a food coloring. Alkannin has recently been reported to have certain biological functions, such as anti-microbial and anti-oxidant effects. It is known that CC chemokine receptor (CCR) 5-positive leukocytes contribute to alveolar bone resorption in periodontal lesions. The aim of this study was to examine whether alkannin inhibits the production of CC chemokine ligand (CCL) 3 and CCL5, which are CCR5 ligands, in human periodontal ligament cells (HPDLC). Interleukin (IL)-1β induced CCL3 and CCL5 production in HPDLC. Alkannin inhibited IL-1β-mediated CCL3 and CCL5 production in HPDLC in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover, we revealed that alkannin suppressed inhibitor of kappa B-α degradation in IL-1β-stimulated HPDLC. In addition, a nuclear factor (NF)-κB inhibitor significantly inhibited CCL3 and CCL5 production in IL-1β-stimulated HPDLC. These results demonstrate that alkannin inhibits CCR5 ligand production in IL-1β-stimulated HPDLC by attenuating the NF-κB signaling pathway


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    AbstractIn the last decades, several studies have been conducted aiming to the extraction of forest variables from LiDAR data. Although such studies have indicated great potential, the high cost associated with LiDAR data acquisition process inhibits the technology to become an operational technique for forestry applications. The cost of a LiDAR survey, as for any other data collection techniques, is composed of fixed and variable costs. The variable portion, which can be optimized, is dependent, among other factors, on the number of flight hours. The flight time is mainly dependent on the flight configuration used for the survey. The objective of this paper is to investigate the impact of using different operational parameters on different species of forest plantations, to provide inputs for an adequate cost-benefit analysis. The different configurations are evaluated in terms of the number of individual trees automatically detected, individual height and volume, using the forest inventory as the reference data. The experiments have shown that compatible results are obtained using different configurations with flight time varying by a factor of 3.5 to 10 times. Also, for a given point density, preference should be given to the configuration based on a lower flying height.Keywords: Airborne LiDAR; remote sensing; progressive densification; forest mensuration; operational parameters; tree height; volume. ResumoInfluência da configuração de voo para aquisição de dados LiDAR na extração de dados de árvores individuais em plantios florestais. Nas últimas décadas, vários estudos têm sido realizados visando à utilização dos dados obtidos através da tecnologia LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) na obtenção de variáveis florestais. Embora tais estudos indiquem alto potencial do LiDAR para aplicações florestais, o elevado custo do levantamento dificulta sua operacionalização no meio florestal. O custo de um levantamento LiDAR, como em outros tipos de levantamentos, é composto de custos fixos e variáveis. A parcela de custos variáveis, a qual pode ser otimizada, encontra-se associada, dentre outros fatores, ao número de horas de voo. O tempo de voo depende principalmente da configuração de voo utilizada no levantamento. Este artigo visa analisar a influência da utilização de diferentes parâmetros operacionais para diferentes espécies de plantios florestais, objetivando prover insumos para uma adequada análise custo-benefício. As configurações são avaliadas em termos do número de árvores automaticamente identificadas, altura individual e volume, tendo como referência os dados do inventário florestal. Os experimentos realizados demonstraram que resultados comparáveis são obtidos com a utilização de diferentes configurações com tempo de voo variando de um fator de 3,5 a 10 vezes. Observou-se também que para uma dada densidade de pontos deve-se dar preferência à configuração que utilize menor altura de voo.Palavras-chave:      Laser scanner; sensoriamento remoto; parâmetros operacionais; altura; volume.In the last decades, several studies have been conducted aiming to the extraction of forest variables from LiDAR data. Although such studies have indicated great potential, the high cost associated with LiDAR data acquisition process inhibits the technology to become an operational technique for forestry applications. The cost of a LiDAR survey, as for any other data collection techniques, is composed of fixed and variable costs. The variable portion, which can be optimized, is dependent, among other factors, on the number of flight hours. The flight time is mainly dependent on the flight configuration used for the survey. The objective of this paper is to investigate the impact of using different operational parameters on different species of forest plantations, to provide inputs for an adequate cost-benefit analysis. The different configurations are evaluated in terms of the number of individual trees automatically detected, individual height and volume, using the forest inventory as the reference data. The experiments have shown that compatible results are obtained using different configurations with flight time varying by a factor of 3.5 to 10 times. Also, for a given point density, preference should be given to the configuration based on a lower flying height.Keywords: Airborne LiDAR; remote sensing; progressive densification; forest mensuration; operational parameters; tree height; volume


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    AbstractThis study aimed to compare two methods of sampling, one is the method of variable area represented by the Bitterlich point (PB) sampling and the other is the method of fixed area represented by circular plots (PC) with structural variation, the cross sampling cluster (CC) and the line sampling cluster (CL). Precision and efficiency in estimation of the variables mean DBH (cm), number of trees (N/ha), basal area (m2/ha) and total volume (m3/3) in three plantation conditions of Pinus taeda L., located in the city of Carambeí, Paraná, were assessed. In simultaneous analysis of the three conditions to estimate the mean DBH and number of trees per hectare variables, the sampling method of fixed area with Circular Plot (PC) was the most accurate and efficient. The Bitterlich point sampling method (PB) was more accurate and efficient for the estimation of basal area and total volume variables. The two structures of sampling method of the fixed area with Cross Cluster (CC) and with Line Cluster (CL) demonstrated good results being the line cluster superior to the cross cluster.ResumoEficiência do método de amostragem de Bitterlich e de área fixa com variações estruturais em plantações de Pinus taeda. O estudo visou comparar dois métodos de amostragem, sendo eles o de área variável, o qual foi representado pelo método Ponto de Bitterlich (PB) e o de área fixa, representado pela Parcela Circular (PC) e as variações estruturais em Conglomerado em Cruz (CC) e Conglomerado em Linha (CL) com subunidades circulares. Foram avaliadas a precisão e eficiência para a estimativa da variável DAP médio (cm), número de árvores (N/ha), área basal (m2/ha) e volume total (m3/ha), em três condições de plantações, localizadas no município de Carambeí, PR. Na análise simultânea das três condições para a estimativa da variável DAP médio (cm) e número de árvores (N/ha), o método de área fixa com Parcela Circular (PC) foi o mais preciso e eficiente. Para a estimativa da variável área basal (m2/ha) e volume total (m3/ha), o método de área variável Ponto de Bitterlich foi mais preciso e eficiente. As duas estruturas do método de área fixa, utilizando-se o Conglomerado em Cruz (CC) e o Conglomerado em Linha (CL) apresentaram resultados precisos e eficientes, entretanto, o CL foi superior ao CC.Palavras-chave: Eficiência relativa; precisão; reflorestamento.AbstractThis study aimed to compare two methods of sampling, one is the method of variable area represented by the Bitterlich point (PB) sampling and the other is the method of fixed area represented by circular plots (PC) with structural variation, the cross sampling cluster (CC) and the line sampling cluster (CL). Precision and efficiency in estimation of the variables mean DBH (cm), number of trees (N/ha), basal area (m2/ha) and total volume (m3/3) in three plantation conditions of Pinus taeda L., located in the city of Carambeí, Paraná, were assessed. In simultaneous analysis of the three conditions to estimate the mean DBH and number of trees per hectare variables, the sampling method of fixed area with Circular Plot (PC) was the most accurate and efficient. The Bitterlich point sampling method (PB) was more accurate and efficient for the estimation of basal area and total volume variables. The two structures of sampling method of the fixed area with Cross Cluster (CC) and with Line Cluster (CL) demonstrated good results being the line cluster superior to the cross cluster.Keywords: Relative efficiency; precision; reforestation. ResumoEficiência do método de amostragem de Bitterlich e de área fixa com variações estruturais em plantações de Pinus taeda. O estudo visou comparar dois métodos de amostragem, sendo eles o de área variável, o qual foi representado pelo método Ponto de Bitterlich (PB) e o de área fixa, representado pela Parcela Circular (PC) e as variações estruturais em Conglomerado em Cruz (CC) e Conglomerado em Linha (CL) com subunidades circulares. Foram avaliadas a precisão e eficiência para a estimativa da variável DAP médio (cm), número de árvores (N/ha), área basal (m2/ha) e volume total (m3/ha), em três condições de plantações, localizadas no município de Carambeí, PR. Na análise simultânea das três condições para a estimativa da variável DAP médio (cm) e número de árvores (N/ha), o método de área fixa com Parcela Circular (PC) foi o mais preciso e eficiente. Para a estimativa da variável área basal (m2/ha) e volume total (m3/ha), o método de área variável Ponto de Bitterlich foi mais preciso e eficiente. As duas estruturas do método de área fixa, utilizando-se o Conglomerado em Cruz (CC) e o Conglomerado em Linha (CL) apresentaram resultados precisos e eficientes, entretanto, o CL foi superior ao CC.Palavras-chave: Eficiência relativa; precisão; reflorestamento

    Scanning tunneling microscopy of Dy@C82 and Dy@C60 adsorbed on Si(111)-(7x7) surfaces

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    Dy@C-82 and Dy@C-60 adsorbed on Si(111)-(7x7) surface are investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) at 295 K. The Dy@C-82 molecules in the first layer are adsorbed on the Si(111)-(7x7) surface without formation of islands and nucleation, and the internal structure of the Dy@C-82 molecule is first observed on the surface at 295 K. The average heights of the Dy@C-82 molecules in the first and second layers are estimated to be 7.2 and 10.8 A, respectively, by STM. These results suggest strong interactions between the Si atoms and the Dy@C-82 molecules in the first layer. The STM image reveals that the Dy@C-60 molecule is nearly spherical, showing that the metal endohedral C-60 possesses a cage-form structure. </p

    Time and movement study in forest nursery

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    O objetivo deste artigo foi analisar a viabilidade da melhoria das condições de trabalho em um viveiro florestal adotando um ambiente protegido. A pesquisa focaliza o processo de seleção de mudas pelo estudo de tempo e movimento. Uma análise de viabilidade econômica utilizando os indicadores VPL e TIR foi realizada, levando em conta os tempos perdidos no processo e o custo de implantação de um galpão de seleção. O estudo de tempo mostrou que se essas atividades forem realizadas em um ambiente coberto, protegido e adequado, sem interferência de intempéries, proporcionará melhoria das condições de trabalho e aperfeiçoará o rendimento da produção. A análise de viabilidade econômica mostrou que, com base nos ganhos de rendimento calculados, o investimento total na construção do galpão é totalmente viável e o retorno financeiro do investimento acontecerá em dois anos, com um VPL de R119.150,27,umaTIRde14,5 119.150,27, uma TIR de 14,5% e uma taxa de 8% ao ano. A construção do galpão possibilitará um ambiente de trabalho mais confortável para o trabalhador, economizando tempo das seleções de mudas e redução de custos da produção.Palavra-chave: Melhoria ergonômica; análise econômica; processo produtivo. AbstractTime and movement study in forest nursery. The objective of this research was to analyze the improvement of work conditions in a forest nursery by adopting a protected environment. The research focuses on the process of seedlings selections by the study of time and movement. It performed an economic viability assessment utilizing the indicators NPV and IRR, and considering the downtime in the process and costs of implementing a selection warehouse. The time and movement study showed that, if these activities were performed in a covered, protected and appropriate environment, without direct interference of weather, they will provide improvement of work conditions and optimize income productivity. The economic viability assessment showed that, based on calculated income gains, the overall investment used in the construction of a warehouse is fully viable and the financial return on the investment will happen in two years, with a NPV of R 119,150.27, an IRR of 14.5%, using a 8% discount rate. The warehouse construction will enable a more comfortable work environment for the worker, saving time of seedling selections and reduction in production costs.Keywords: Ergonomic improvement; economic analysis; production process.AbstractThe objective of this research was to analyze the improvement of work conditions in a forest nursery by adopting a protected environment. The research focuses on the process of seedlings selections by the study of time and movement. It performed an economic viability assessment utilizing the indicators NPV and IRR, and considering the downtime in the process and costs of implementing a selection warehouse. The time and movement study showed that, if these activities were performed in a covered, protected and appropriate environment, without direct interference of weather, they will provide improvement of work conditions and optimize income productivity. The economic viability assessment showed that, based on calculated income gains, the overall investment used in the construction of a warehouse is fully viable and the financial return on the investment will happen in two years, with a NPV of R$ 119,150.27, an IRR of 14.5%, using a 8% discount rate. The warehouse construction will enable a more comfortable work environment for the worker, saving time of seedling selections and reduction in production costs.Keywords: Ergonomic improvement; economic analysis; production process

    Release and extraction of retained subfoveal perfluorocarbon liquid facilitated by subretinal BSS, vibration, and gravity: a case report.

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    BACKGROUND: Perfluorocarbon liquid (PFCL) is an effective surgical adjuvant in performing vitrectomy for severe vitreoretinal pathologies such as proliferative vitreoretinopathy and giant retinal tears. However, subretinal retention of PFCL can occur postoperatively and retained PFCL causes severe visual disorders, particularly when PFCL was retained under the fovea. Although several procedures have been proposed for subfoveal PFCL removal, such as direct aspiration or submacular injection of balanced salt solution (BSS) to dislodge the subfoveal PFCL, the retinal damage associated with these procedures has been a major problem. Here, we report a case of subfoveal retention of PFCL for which we performed a novel surgical technique that attempts to minimize retinal damage. CASE PRESENTATION: A 69-year-old man presented with subfoveal retained PFCL after surgery for retinal detachment. To remove the retained PFCL, the internal limiting membrane overlying the subretinal injection site is first peeled to allow low-pressure (8 psi) transretinal BSS infusion, using a 41-gauge cannula, to slowly detach the macula. A small drainage retinotomy is created with the diathermy tip at the inferior position of the macular bleb, sized to be slightly wider than that of the PFCL droplet. The head of the bed is then raised, and the surgeon gently vibrates the patient\u27s head to release the PFCL droplet to allow it to migrate inferiorly towards the drainage retinotomy. The bed is returned to the horizontal position, and the PFCL, now on the retinal surface, can be aspirated. The subfoveal PFCL is removed while minimizing iatrogenic foveal and macular damage. One month after PFCL removal, the foveal structure showed partial recovery on optical coherence tomography, and BCVA improved to 20/40. CONCLUSION: Creating a macular bleb with low infusion pressure and using vibrational forces and gravity to migrate the PFCL towards a retinotomy can be considered as a relatively atraumatic technique to remove subfoveal retained PFCL

    Relationship of morphometry and competition with growth of Trichilia claussenii in fragment of Semidecidual Forest, RS.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivos determinar a relação de variáveis morfométricas e de índices de competição com o crescimento em diâmetro de Trichilia claussenii, em um fragmento da Floresta Estacional Semidecidual na região central do Rio Grande do Sul. Os dados utilizados neste estudo foram obtidos de 29 árvores amostradas por classe diamétrica, denominadas árvores centrais, com diâmetro à altura do peito (d) igual ou superior a 10,0 centímetros, distribuídas em 51 parcelas permanentes, totalizando 0,51 hectares. Cada árvore central teve as seguintes variáveis mensuradas: altura total e altura comercial do fuste, diâmetro à altura do peito, diâmetro da copa e comprimento de copa. Posteriormente, calcularam-se alguns parâmetros morfométricos, assim como alguns índices de competição dependentes e independentes da distância. A análise de correlação de Pearson e análise de regressão foram utilizadas para verificar a relação entre as variáveis morfométricas, os índices de competição e o incremento em diâmetro. Concluiu-se que existe associação entre o incremento em diâmetro de Trichilia claussenii e a competição, sendo que o crescimento em diâmetro possui maior relação com o índice Bal de competição.Palavras-chave: Catiguá; floresta nativa; biometria florestal. AbstractRelationship of morphometry and competition with growth of Trichilia claussenii in fragment of Semidecidual Forest, RS. This study aimed to determine the relationship of morphometric variables and indices of competition with the growth in diameter of Trichilia claussenii, in a fragment of semideciduous forest in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul. The data used in this study were obtained from 29 sampled trees by diameter class, called central trees with diameter at breast height (d) not less than 10.0 cm, from 51 permanent plots, totaling 0.51 ha. Each central tree had measured the following variables: total height and commercial height, stem diameter at breast height, crown diameter and crown length. Subsequently, it was calculated some morphometric parameters, as well as some competition indexes dependent and independent of distance. The Pearson correlation analysis and regression analysis were used to verify the relationship between the morphometric variables, competition indexes and diameter increment. It was concluded that there is an association between the increase in diameter of Trichilia claussenii and competition, where the growth in diameter has a greater relationship with Bal index of competition.Keywords: Catigua; native forest; forest biometrics.This study aimed to determine the relationship of morphometric variables and indices of competition with the growth in diameter of Trichilia claussenii, in a fragment of semideciduous forest in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul. The data used in this study were obtained from 29 sampled trees by diameter class, called central trees with diameter at breast height (d) not less than 10.0 cm, from 51 permanent plots, totaling 0.51 ha. Each central tree had measured the following variables: total height and commercial height, stem diameter at breast height, crown diameter and crown length. Subsequently, it was calculated some morphometric parameters, as well as some competition indexes dependent and independent of distance. The Pearson correlation analysis and regression analysis were used to verify the relationship between the morphometric variables, competition indexes and diameter increment. It was concluded that there is an association between the increase in diameter of Trichilia claussenii and competition, where the growth in diameter has a greater relationship with Bal index of competition