119 research outputs found

    Sleep Duration as a Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Disease- a Review of the Recent Literature

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    Sleep loss is a common condition in developed countries, with evidence showing that people in Western countries are sleeping on average only 6.8 hour (hr) per night, 1.5 hr less than a century ago. Although the effects of sleep deprivation on our organs have been obscure, recent epidemiological studies have revealed relationships between sleep deprivation and hypertension (HT), coronary heart disease (CHD), and diabetes mellitus (DM). This review article summarizes the literature on these relationships. Because sleep deprivation increases sympathetic nervous system activity, this increased activity serves as a common pathophysiology for HT and DM. Adequate sleep duration may be important for preventing cardiovascular diseases in modern society

    Efficacy and tolerability of olmesartan/amlodipine combination therapy in patients with mild-to-severe hypertension: focus on 24-h blood pressure control.

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    European guidelines recommend that treating patients with hypertension to blood pressure (BP) goal is an important target for cardiovascular (CV) risk reduction. However, office BP may be a suboptimal target, given its limitations. Indeed, there is evidence that 24-h ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM) parameters may score better in this regard, representing more accurate predictors of CV risk. In particular, mean 24-h BP and BP variability both correlate closely with hypertension end-organ damage and rate of CV events, which suggests that antihypertensive therapy should provide smooth BP control over the full 24-h dosing interval. The use of ABPM has demonstrated that fixed-dose combination therapy, comprising agents with complementary mechanisms of action, may overcome the challenge of suboptimal BP control by providing improvements in antihypertensive efficacy and tolerability throughout the 24-h period. Olmesartan/amlodipine is one of the latest combination therapies to be approved, and a number of large clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy and tolerability of this combination in patients with mild-to-severe hypertension. Furthermore, recent ABPM studies of olmesartan/amlodipine-based treatment algorithms have shown the satisfactory 24-h antihypertensive efficacy of this fixed-dose combination. This review provides an overview of recent clinical data on the efficacy and tolerability of fixed-dose olmesartan/amlodipine combination therapy for the treatment of mild-to-severe hypertension, with a focus on sustained 24-h BP control

    Medical telemonitoring for the management of hypertension in older patients in Japan

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    Hypertension is the most frequent modifiable risk factor associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD) morbidity and mortality. Even in older people, strict blood pressure (BP) control has been recommended to reduce CVD event risks. However, caution should be exercised since older hypertensive patients have increased physical vulnerability due to frailty and multimorbidity, and older patients eligible for clinical trials may not represent the general population. Medical telemonitoring systems, which enable us to monitor a patient's medical condition remotely through digital communication, have become much more prevalent since the coronavirus pandemic. Among various physiological parameters, BP monitoring is well-suited to the use of such systems, which enable healthcare providers to deliver accurate and safe BP management, even in the presence of frailty and/or living in geographically remote areas. Furthermore, medical telemonitoring systems could help reduce nonadherence to antihypertensive medications and clinical inertia, and also enable multi-professional team-based management of hypertension. However, the implementation of medical telemonitoring systems in clinical practice is not easy, and substantial barriers, including the development of user-friendly devices, integration with existing clinical systems, data security, and cost of implementation and maintenance, need to be overcome. In this review, we focus on the potential of medical telemonitoring for the management of hypertension in older people in Japan

    Research and Development of Information and Communication Technology-based Home Blood Pressure Monitoring from Morning to Nocturnal Hypertension

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    Asians have specific characteristics of hypertension (HTN) and its relationship with cardiovascular disease. The morning surge in blood pressure (BP) in Asians is more extended, and the association slope between higher BP and the risk for cardiovascular events is steeper in this population than in whites. Thus, 24-hour BP control including at night and in the morning is especially important for Asian patients with HTN. There are 3 components of “perfect 24-hour BP control”: the 24-hour BP level, adequate dipping of nocturnal BP (dipper type), and adequate BP variability such as the morning BP surge. The morning BP-guided approach using home BP monitoring (HBPM) is the first step toward perfect 24-hour BP control. After controlling morning HTN, nocturnal HTN is the second target. We have been developing HBPM that can measure nocturnal BP. First, we developed a semiautomatic HBPM device with the function of automatic fixed-interval BP measurement during sleep. In the J-HOP (Japan Morning Surge Home Blood Pressure) study, the largest nationwide home BP cohort, we successfully measured nocturnal home BP using this device with data memory, 3 times during sleep (2, 3, and 4 am), and found that nocturnal home BP is significantly correlated with organ damage independently of office and morning BP values. The second advance was the development of trigger nocturnal BP (TNP) monitoring with an added trigger function that initiates BP measurements when oxygen desaturation falls below a variable threshold continuously monitored by pulse oximetry. TNP can detect the specific nocturnal BP surges triggered by hypoxic episodes in patients with sleep apnea syndrome. We also added the lowest heart rate-trigger function to TNP to detect the “basal nocturnal BP,” which is determined by the circulating volume and structural cardiovascular system without any increase in sympathetic tonus. This double TNP is a novel concept for evaluating the pathogenic pressor mechanism of nocturnal BP. These data are now collected using an information and communication technology (ICT)-based monitoring system. The BP variability includes different time-phase variability from the shortest beat-by-beat, positional, diurnal, day-by-day, visit-to-visit, seasonal, and the longest yearly changes. The synergistic resonance of each type of BP variability would produce great dynamic BP surges, which trigger cardiovascular events. Thus, in the future, the management of HTN based on the simultaneous assessment of the resonance of all of the BP variability phenotypes using a wearable “surge” BP monitoring device with an ICT-based data analysis system will contribute to the ultimate individualized medication for cardiovascular disease