21 research outputs found

    Nucleic acid sequence-based amplification assay for human papillomavirus mRNA detection and typing: evidence for DNA amplification

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    Human papillomavirus (HPV) E6/E7 mRNA has been proposed as a more specific marker for cervical dysplasia and cancer than HPV DNA. This study evaluated the RNA specificity of nucleic acid sequence-based amplification (NASBA)-based HPV detection using HPV DNA plasmids (HPV type 16 [HPV16], HPV18, HPV31, HPV33, and HPV45) and nucleic acid extracts of several cell lines, which were systematically subjected to enzymatic treatments with DNase and RNase. HPV plasmid dilutions (10(6) to 10(0) copies/μl) and nucleic acid extracts (total DNA, RNA-free DNA, total RNA, and DNA-free RNA) of unfixed and fixed (PreServCyt and SurePath) HaCaT, HeLa, and CaSki cells were tested with the NucliSENS EasyQ HPV test. The RNA-free DNA extracts of HeLa and CaSki cells could be amplified by HPV18 and -16 NASBA, respectively. Fixation of the cells did not influence NASBA. All HPV plasmids could be detected with NASBA. Based on the plasmid dilution series, a lower detection limit of 5 × 10(3) HPV DNA copies could be determined. Our study identified viral double-stranded DNA as a possible target for NASBA-based HPV detection. The differences in diagnostic accuracy between the NASBA-based tests and conventional HPV DNA detection assays seem to be attributable not to the more specific amplification of viral mRNA but to the limited type range and the lower analytical sensitivity for HPV DNA

    Effects of fixation on RNA integrity in a liquid-based cervical cytology setting

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    Aims: Despite many improvements, cervical cancer screening is still subject to shortcomings. Diagnostic accuracy may improve by using molecular biological techniques, requiring RNA of superior quality. This study determined the effect of SurePath fixation on RNA integrity to assess the suitability of clinical samples collected in this medium for RNA-based molecular assays. Methods: RNA isolation was performed on fresh and fixed HeLa cells and exfoliated cervical cells fixed in SurePath. The RNA integrity was evaluated by analysis of ribosomal RNA as an indicator of quality. The effect of SurePath preservation on PCR amplification was evaluated by real-time reverse transcriptase (RT)-PCR. Results: In contrast to unfixed cells, SurePath-fixed cells yielded less and severely degraded RNA, as shown by the absence of ribosomal RNA bands. RNA derived from SurePath-fixed cells showed poor real-time RT-PCR amplification characteristics, as evidenced by the absent correlation between threshold values and log cDNA concentration. Conclusions: Implementation of molecular biology in a clinical context is on the rise and may alleviate shortcomings in current screening and diagnostics. This study shows that SurePath fixation gives rise to highly fragmented RNA with insufficient quality for further reliable analysis by standard real-time RT-PCR applications. The increasing prominence of molecular screening stresses the importance of this finding, which must be considered in relation to choice of an appropriate liquid-based cytology system