127 research outputs found

    The correlation between demographic development and land-use changes in Slovenia

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    The paper focuses on determining the degree of correlation between land-use changes and demographic development in Slovenia. The authors conclude that there is still insufficient evidence in the literature for a correlation between these two processes, because quantitative studies addressing these links are very rare and mostly cover small and specific areas. In the case of Slovenia, Spearman’s correlation coefficients are quite low, which confirms that land-use change processes are complex and not dependent solely on individual demographic and socioeconomic factors. Despite the low correlation coefficients, our findings indicate that changes in land use are significantly influenced by changes in age structure and population growth. In areas with population growth the share of arable land is shrinking, whereas in areas with depopulation and a rising aging index the share of partially overgrown land is growing. In the following analysis, the authors focus their analysis on a case study of the Mura and Central Slovenia statistical regions, which lie on opposite poles with regard to development, and thus show differing trends in land-use changes

    Diferencijacija komercijalnih vina sa zaštićenom oznakom izvornosti proizvedenih u Istri (Hrvatska), dobivenih od različitih sorata iz dvije berbe, pomoću hlapljivih sastojaka arome određenih metodom HS-SPME-GC/MS

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    To differentiate monovarietal wines made from native and introduced varieties in Istria (Croatia), samples of Malvazija istarska, Chardonnay and Muscat yellow from two harvest years (2013 and 2014) were subjected to headspace solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric analysis (HS-SPME-GC/MS) of volatile aroma compounds. Significant effects of variety and harvest year were determined, but their interaction complicated the differentiation. Particular compounds were consistent as markers of variety in both years: nerol for Malvazija, ethyl cinnamate and a tentatively identified isomer of dimethylbenzaldehyde for Chardonnay, and terpenes for Muscat yellow. Wines from 2013 contained higher concentrations of the majority of important volatiles. A 100 % correct differentiation of Malvazija istarska and Chardonnay wines according to both variety and harvest year was achieved by stepwise linear discriminant analysis.Mikroekstrakcijom na čvrstoj fazi uz plinsku kromatografiju i spektrometriju masa (HSSPME-GC/MS) ispitani su hlapljivi sastojci arome za diferencijaciju vina domaćih i introduciranih sorata Malvazija istarska, Chardonnay i Muškat žuti, ubranih 2013. i 2014. godine u Istri (Hrvatska). Utvrđen je značajan utjecaj sorte i godine berbe na hlapljive sastojke arome, no interakcija tih dvaju faktora otežala je diferencijaciju uzoraka vina. Spojevi koji su poslužili kao pouzdani markeri sortnog podrijetla, i to: nerol u sorti Malvazija, etil-cinamat i kvalitativno određen izomer dimetilbenzaldehida u sorti Chardonnay, te terpeni u sorti Muškat žuti pronađeni su u uzorcima vina iz obje godine. Vina dobivena od grožđa ubranog 2013. godine imala su veću koncentraciju skoro svih važnih hlapljivih spojeva. Primjenom postupne linearne diskriminantne analize postignuta je 100 % točna diferencijacija uzoraka vina Malvazija istarska i Chardonnay prema sorti i godini berbe

    Quark number scaling in fluid dynamics and hadronization via quarkyonic matter

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    NCQ scaling of elliptic flow is studied in a non-equilibrium hadronization and freeze-out model from ideal, deconfined and chirally symmetric Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP), to final non-interacting hadrons. In this transition the quarks gain constituent quark mass while the background Bag-field breaks up. The constituent quarks then recombine into simplified hadron states, while chemical, thermal and flow equilibrium break down. Then the resulting temperatures and flow velocities of baryons and mesons will be different. In a simplified model, we reproduce the constituent quark number scaling

    Synthesis of Trehalose-centered Dipeptide Esters

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    Chemical esterification of α,α-trehalose with two different dipeptide acyl donors, Boc-Phe-Met-OH and Boc-Gly-Gly-OH, gave a set of products differing in the number and site of substitution. With both dipeptides 6,6\u27-diester was isolated as the major product. In the Boc-Phe-Met-OH line, the dipeptide units in all higher substituted esters were asymmetrically distributed between the two trehalose rings. In contrast, the first higher substituted Boc-Gly-Gly-OH derived ester found was the symmetric 2,2\u27,6,6\u27-tetraester. These four sites remained occupied in all other isolated products, two asymmetric pentaesters and one symmetric hexaester. The data presented here show that in addition to sugar hydroxyl group reactivity, the structural properties of the acylating reagent, in particular its sterical demands, are of the utmost importance for the distribution and arrangement of acyl moieties around the non-reducing disaccharide core molecule

    Internal verification of coating quality in conformity with the requirements of the EN 1090 standard

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    The requirements for the quality of protection on metal structures in terms of durability, reliability and efficiency require from the manufacturer to define certain procedures and verification of anticorrosion protection activities. Today, the criteria used to evaluate the success of the protection and the general quality of the structure are the criteria listed in the EN 1090 standard and in the compatible standards related to the realization and protection of metal structures. The article briefly describes the basis of the requirements of the standard, the eligibility criteria for the protection of structures and it also gives a practical example of the verification process through preparation, implementation and control

    Medication adherence and health-related quality of life among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    This study evaluated medication adherence and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of Slovenian patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and examined the factors associated with HRQoL. Demographic and therapy information was collected from 65 patients through interviews. The St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire and the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale were used to evaluate HRQoL and adherence, resp. A multiple linear regression model was used to assess the association between the factors and HRQoL. The mean St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire score (range 0–100, with higher scores indicating lower HRQoL) was 41.4. COPD affected patients’ daily activities more than their social and psychological functioning. Slightly more than 53 % of the patients were optimally adherent, while 12 % were non-adherent. Patients with lower HRQoL had a larger number of medications for concomitant diseases, experienced COPD exacerbation in the last year, and had less education. No statistically significant correlation was found between medication adherence and HRQo

    Impact of Conservation Tillage on Grain Yield and Yield Components of Maize in North-West Croatia

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    Finding optimal tillage system in ever-changing agroecosystem with quality and stable grain yield is challenging but essential to the farmer. At the Experiment Station Šašinovec (NW Croatia), the trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of different tillage systems and straw on yield and its components of maize (Zea mays L.) on silty clay loam soil (Fluvisol). The tillage systems compared were conventional tillage, minimal tillage and reduced tillage. Under each treatment, there were subplots with and without straw. Tillage systems had significant (P < 0.05) effects on 1000-seed weight, protein, harvest index and yield. The use of cover was significant only on yield, while the interaction of factors (tillage x cover) significantly affected all yield components. In our short-term experiment, deeper soil tillage provided significantly higher values on some yield components (harvest index and protein content) than conventional tillage, thus showing our farmers possible sustainable solutions for their production under agroecological conditions of the north-west of Croatia