128 research outputs found

    O tvorbi riječi u Tadijanovićevu djelu "Svašta po malo"

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    U radu se obrađuju načini tvorbe pridjeva, priloga, prijedloga, zamjenica i veznika na primjerima iz Tadijanovićeva djela „Svašta po malo“. Posebno se upozorava na tipove tvorba koji su neobični zbog značenja koje ima tvorenica, na tvorbu neuobičajenih tvorenica prema već postojećim modelima, na različite pristupe i tumačenja u određivanju tvorbenih načina te na odnos motiviranih i nemotiviranih riječi sa stajališta povijesne i suvremene tvorbe. Analizirani se primjeri uspoređuju s potvrdama iz „Rječnika hrvatskoga ili srpskoga jezika JAZU“.The paper deals with the ways of formation of adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, pronouns and conjunctions in Tadijanović’s work “Svašta po malo”. The authors pay special attention to the types of word-formation which are unusual because of the meaning of the compound or derivative, the formation of unusual compounds or derivatives according to models which already exist, as well as different approaches and possible explanations of various types of word-formation and the relationship of motivated and unmotivated words from the point of view of historical and contemporary word-formation. The analyzed problems are compared to the words recorded in “Rječnika hrvatskoga ili srpskoga jezika JAZU”

    Glasovne promjene : nepostojano "a" i "e" (problematizacija naziva, definicija I međuodnosa glasovnih promjena)

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    U radu se analiziraju neki problemi i nejasnoće koji se pojavljuju u temeljnim jezikoslovnim priručnicima i udžbenicima. Problemi su uočeni na svim jezičnim razinama, ali se u ovome radu govori o nejasnoćama i nepreciznostima u vezi s nepostojanim a i e.The authors analyze some terminological problems, contradictions and inconsistencies that occur in basic linguistic manuals, grammars and textbooks. The authors focus especially on two sound changes: movable a and movable e (the correct English term is vowel-zero alternation). These problems are illustrated by examples from textbooks and manuals and the authors offer their own suggestions

    Tvorba glagola u djelu "Svašta po malo" Blaža Tadijanovića

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    U radu se analiziraju glagolske tvorenice u Tadijanovićevu jezikoslovnom priručniku "Svašta po malo iliti kratko složenje imena i riči u ilirski i njemački jezik" (1761.), što je nastavak cjelovitoga istraživanja Tadijanovićevih tvorbenih modela. Autorice otvaraju i neka bitna teorijska pitanja iz područja glagolske tvorbe te upozoravaju na probleme, nedosljednosti i različita tumačenja pri raščlambi tvorbenih načina koje nalazimo u relevantnoj literaturi.In the paper the authors analyze verbal derivatives and compounds in Tadijanović’s work “Svašta po malo iliti kratko složenje imena i riči u ilirski i njemački jezik” (1761.). This is the continuation of their work on the analysis of Tadijanović’s word formation models. The authors also open some important theoretical questions on the formation of verbs and draw attention to some problems, inconsistencies and different explanations in the analysis of ways of formation found in the relevant literature

    Sintaktička svojstva zamjenica u Marulićevu i Kašićevu prijevodu De Imitatione Christi

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    U radu se analizira latinski sintaktički utjecaj pri uporabi zamjenica u Marulićevu i Kašićevu prijevodu popularnoga srednjovjekovnog djela De imitatione Christi. Istražuju se ova sintaktička svojstava zamjenica: izricanje pripadanja 3. licu s pomoću genitiva ličnih zamjenica za 3. lice, uporaba posvojne zamjenice za 1. i 2. lice u odnosu na povratno-posvojnu zamjenicu svoj, uporaba povratno-posvojne zamjenice svoj u odnosu na posvojne za 3. lice, uporaba lične zamjenice za 1. i 2. lice u odnosu na povratnu zamjenicu, uporaba odnosnih zamjenica na početku rečenice te množina srednjega roda pokaznih, relativne (koji) i neodređenih (sav, svaki) zamjenica u značenju jednine. Na temelju promatranih kategorija autorice nastoje utvrditi sličnosti i razlike tih dvaju proznih prijevodnih tekstova te objasniti prevoditeljski postupak. Ključne riječi: De imitatione Christi ; Marko Marulić ; Bartol Kašić ; uporaba zamjenica ; sintaktičke prevedeniceThe paper analyzes the influence of Latin syntax on the usage of pronouns in Marulić’s and Kašić’s translation of the very popular medieval work De imitatione Christi. The following characteristics of pronouns are analyzed: expressing possessivity with the genitive case of the 3rd person singular personal pronouns, usage of the 1st and 2nd person possessive pronoun instead of the reflexive-possessive pronoun svoj, usage of the reflexive-possessive pronoun svoj instead of the 3rd person possessive pronoun, usage of the 1st and 2nd person personal pronoun instead of a reflexive pronoun, usage of relative pronouns at the beginning of sentences, and usage of the plural of neutral demonstrative and indefinite (sav, svaki) pronouns as well as of a neutral relative pronoun (koji) instead of a singular one. The analysis of the two translations of the same Latin text, although they refer only to a small and limited segment, indicates that there were two parallel trends in the development of a literary language. One is connected to the liturgical literary genre, mostly translational, and to its immanent usage norms according to which syntactic calques from Latin became a recognizable model confirmed even in non-translated literary texts. In Marulić’s translations one can discern the characteristics of a literary language that are not the result of the influence of a foreign language but rather are indicators of original Croatian language heritage. The differences found should be viewed in the context of the extralinguistic circumstances in which the texts were produced – Jesuit Bartol Kašić, as the author of the almost century-and-a-half younger translation, was limited at all language levels by the authority of the Latin original, while humanist and writer Marko Marulić, without deviating significantly from the original, often gave priority to the expressive possibilities of the Croatian language that were a result of author’s primary feeling and knowledge of the language

    Posljedice internacionalizacije u hrvatskome jeziku

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    Posljedice globalizacijskih procesa vidljive su i u jeziku kao tendencija k internacionalizaciji. Internacionalizacija, ili možda preciznije angloamerikanizacija, zahvatila je sve jezike modernoga svijeta. Hrvatski jezik nije iznimka. U ovom ćemo radu spomenuti samo neke od posljedica internacionalizacije, i to na leksičkoj, tvorbenoj i semantičkoj razini.The consequences of globalization processes are visible in language as tendencies towards internationalization. Internationalization, or more precisely Anglo-Americanization, has affected all modern languages in the world and the Croatian language is no exception. Due to the great influence of the English language, new development tendencies can be found on many language levels. All this stresses the need for standardologists to dedicate more serious consideration to this problem, and offer adequate and unified solutions, especially on the levels of orthography and word formation

    On Historical-Grammatical T Terminology in the RETROGRAM Project

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    The paper examines the sources of a linguistic corpus explored and interpreted in the framework of the RETROGRAM project, carried out by the Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics. The abovementioned sources comprise three pre-standard historical grammar books which, aside from the rules governing Italian, German and Latin, additionally include Croatian equivalents of grammatical terms, morphological paradigms as well as linguistic annotation

    The Remake of Judita: A Modern Translation of the First Croatian Literary and Artistic Work

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    To mark the five hundredth anniversary of the first edition of Marko Marulić’s Judita in 2021 the Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics issued a prose adaptation of this famous epic in modern Croatian. Drawing on straightforward examples, this paper aims to illustrate and describe the adaptation techniques that were essential to bring this early sixteenth century work closer to a wider readership and to prompt readers from different walks of life and educational background to read Marulić’s original. The paper is divided into three main sections. The first section outlines basic facts about Marulić’s life and work. The second section analyses the historical, linguistic and cultural background of Marulić’s Judita and considers its role in a contemporary society. The third section addresses specific aspects of its prose adaptation and the expected reception among twenty-first century readers, but also explores the concepts of intralingual translation and adaptation. The conclusion posits that this particular translation exemplifies that albeit intralingual translation is still an important theoretical construct, its practical purposefulness continues to be ambiguous

    Music terminology in Croatian pre-standard dictionaries

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    U radu se istražuju primjeri glazbenoga nazivlja u dopreporodnim rječnicima s obzirom na njihova jezična obilježja, prije svega s obzirom na fonološka i tvorbena svojstva odabranih potvrda. Također su predmet analize podrijetlo naziva i načini prilagodbe stranih naziva, potvrđenost određenih naziva i njihov status u jeziku pisaca (na temelju usporedbi s pojavnicama koje donosi Rječnik hrvatskoga ili srpskoga jezika JAZU), višeznačnost riječi općega leksika i prijenos značenja, odnosno terminološka funkcija riječi općega leksika u određenim kontekstima (npr. udarati u egede). Istraživanjem su obuhvaćeni ovi rječnici: Dictionarium quinque nobilissimarum Europae linguarum, latinae, italicae, germanicae, dalmaticae et ungaricae (1595.) Fausta Vrančića, Blago jezika slovinskoga (1649./1651.) Jakova Mikalje, rukopisni rječnik Vocabolario di tre nobilissimi linguaggi, italiano, illirico e latino (kraj 17. i početak 18. st.) Ivana Tanzlinghera Zanottija, Dizionario italiano, latino, illirico (1728.) Ardelija Della Belle, Svašta po malo iliti kratko složenje imena i riči u ilirski i njemački jezik (1761.) Blaža Tadijanovića i Ričoslovnik (Vocabolario – Wörterbuch) illiričkoga, italijanskoga i nimačkoga jezika (1803.) Josipa Voltića te u posebnom poglavlju rječnik Adama Patačića Dictionarium Latino-Illyricum et Germanicum (između 1772. i 1779.). Ovim se radom nastojalo pridonijeti dosadašnjim spoznajama o razvoju hrvatskoga glazbenog nazivlja, kao i utvrđivanju zaključaka o kontinuitetu hrvatskoga dopreporodnog glazbenog nazivlja.Although some research on Croatian music terminology in old Croatian dictionaries has already been conducted (e.g. papers by the musicologist Stanislav Tuksar Croatian music terminology in Blago jezika slovinskoga (1649–1651) by Jakov Mikalja, 1980, Baroque Croatian music terminology: terminology of instruments and instrumental music in dictionaries printed between 1649 and 1742, 1992), this paper has a different approach and focuses on linguistic aspects of music terminology in pre¬standard dictionaries. Thus, the data is analyzed according to linguistic features mainly focusing on the phonological and word¬formation features of the selected examples. The origin of the terms and the ways of adaptation of foreign terms are analyzed as well as the occurrence of certain terms and their status in the language of writers (on the bases of the comparison with tokens from Rječnik hrvatskoga ili srpskoga jezika JAZU). The analysis focuses on the polysemy of general language words and metaphorization, e.g. the terminologization of general language words in certain contexts (e.g. udarati u egede). The research is based on these dictionaries: Dictionarium quinque nobilissimarum Europae linguarum, latinae, italicae, germanicae, dalmaticae et ungaricae (1595) by Faust Vrančić, Blago jezika slovinskoga (1649/1651) by Jakov Mikalja, manuscript dictionary Vocabolario di tre nobilissimi linguaggi, italiano, illirico e latino (the end of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th centuries) by Ivan Tanzlingher Zanotti, Dizionario italiano, latino, illirico (1728) by Ardelio Della Bella, Svašta po malo iliti kratko složenje imena i riči u ilirski i njemački jezik (1761) by Blaž Tadijanović, and Ričoslovnik (Vocabolario – Wörterbuch) illiričkoga, italijanskoga i nimačkoga jezika (1803) by Josip Voltić. A brief commentary 454 Rasprave 44/2 (2018.) str. 437–454 on the manuscript dictionary Dictionarium Latino-Illyricum et Germanicum (between 1772 and 1779) by Adam Patačić is presented in a separate chapter. The aim of the research is to contribute to the comprehension of the development of Croatian music terminology and to study the continuity of the Croatian prestandardization music terminology