9,415 research outputs found

    A project to investigate mechanisms and methodologies for the design and construction of communicating concurrent processes in real-time environments

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    Research undertaken in 1979 into effective and appropriate mechanisms to aid in the design and construction of software for use in the flight research programs undertaken by NASA is presented

    As Built design specification for CLASSY, an adaptive maximum likelihood clustering method

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    The latest modifications to the CLASSY system and the associate postprocessor MAXLABEL are described. Software and hardware descriptions, control card modifications, and sample executions are given

    As-built design specification for equiprobability ellipses representation of CLASSY clusters

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    There are no author-identified significant results in this report

    Numerical study of the current sheet and PSBL in a magnetotail model

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    The current sheet and plasma sheet boundary layer (PSBL) in a magnetotail model are discussed. A test particle code is used to study the response of ensembles of particles to a two-dimensional, time-dependent model of the geomagnetic tail, and test the proposition (Coroniti, 1985a, b; Buchner and Zelenyi, 1986; Chen and Palmadesso, 1986; Martin, 1986) that the stochasticity of the particle orbits in these fields is an important part of the physical mechanism for magnetospheric substorms. The realistic results obtained for the fluid moments of the particle distribution with this simple model, and their insensitivity to initial conditions, is consistent with this hypothesis

    An in situ probe‐spacing‐correcting thermo‐TDR sensor to measure soil water content accurately

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    To reduce the possibility of probe deflections, conventional thermo-time domain reflectometry (T-TDR) sensors have relatively short probe lengths (≤4 cm). However, short probes lead to large errors in TDR-estimated soil water content (θv). In this study, two new 6-cm-long probe-spacing-correcting T-TDR (CT-TDR) sensors were investigated. Compared to conventional 4-cm-long T-TDR sensors, the 6-cm-long CT-TDR sensors reduced errors in TDR-estimated θv. Errors in heat pulse (HP) estimated θv because of probe deflections were reduced when linear or nonlinear probe spacing correcting algorithms were implemented. The 6-cm-long CT-TDR sensors provided more accurate θv estimations than do the conventional 4-cm-long TTDR sensors

    High Sensitivity Search for v_e’s from the Sun and Other Sources at KamLAND

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    Data corresponding to a KamLAND detector exposure of 0.28 kton yr has been used to search for ν̅ _e’s in the energy range 8.3 < E_(ν̅e) < 14.8  MeV. No candidates were found for an expected background of 1.1±0.4 events. This result can be used to obtain a limit on ν̅_e fluxes of any origin. Assuming that all ν̅_e flux has its origin in the Sun and has the characteristic ^8B solar ν_e energy spectrum, we obtain an upper limit of 3.7×10^2  cm^(-2) ^(s-1) (90% C.L.) on the ν̅_e flux. We interpret this limit, corresponding to 2.8×10^(-4) of the standard solar model ^8B ν_e flux, in the framework of spin-flavor precession and neutrino decay models

    Crop Residue Effects on Surface Radiation and Energy Balance - Review

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    Crop residues alter the surface properties of soils. Both shortwave albedo and longwave emissivity are affected. These are linked to an effect of residue on surface evaporation and water content. Water content influences soil physical properties and surface energy partitioning. In summary, crop residue acts to soil as clothing acts to skin. Compared to bare soil, crop residues can reduce extremes of heat and mass fluxes at the soil surface. Managing crop residues can result in more favorable agronomic soil conditions. This paper reviews research results of the quantity, quality, architecture, and surface distribution of crop residues on soil surface radiation and energy balances, soil water content, and soil temperature

    Integrating the landscape epidemiology and genetics of RNA viruses: rabies in domestic dogs as a model

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    Landscape epidemiology and landscape genetics combine advances in molecular techniques, spatial analyses and epidemiological models to generate a more real-world understanding of infectious disease dynamics and provide powerful new tools for the study of RNA viruses. Using dog rabies as a model we have identified how key questions regarding viral spread and persistence can be addressed using a combination of these techniques. In contrast to wildlife rabies, investigations into the landscape epidemiology of domestic dog rabies requires more detailed assessment of the role of humans in disease spread, including the incorporation of anthropogenic landscape features, human movements and socio-cultural factors into spatial models. In particular, identifying and quantifying the influence of anthropogenic features on pathogen spread and measuring the permeability of dispersal barriers are important considerations for planning control strategies, and may differ according to cultural, social and geographical variation across countries or continents. Challenges for dog rabies research include the development of metapopulation models and transmission networks using genetic information to uncover potential source/sink dynamics and identify the main routes of viral dissemination. Information generated from a landscape genetics approach will facilitate spatially strategic control programmes that accommodate for heterogeneities in the landscape and therefore utilise resources in the most cost-effective way. This can include the efficient placement of vaccine barriers, surveillance points and adaptive management for large-scale control programmes

    Extended methodology for determining wetting properties of porous media

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    [1] Because most methods for assessing the wettability of porous materials are restricted in their applicability, we developed two new methods for measuring contact angles and particle surface energy. The proposed methods (the Wilhelmy plate method (WPM) and the modified capillary rise method (MCRM)) were tested on 24 soils. For comparison, the water drop penetration time test (WDPTT) and the sessile drop method (SDM) were also applied. It was found that advancing contact angles, measured either with WPM or MCRM, agreed well in the range of 0° to 142°. Sessile drop contact angles were within the domain enclosed by the range of advancing and receding contact angles as determined with WPM. WDPTT, however, was only sensitive in the narrow range of 85° to 115°. We conclude that both WPM and MCRM are reliable methods for determining contact angles and particle surface energy over a wide range of porous material wettabilities

    Preliminary results of fast neutron treatments in carcinoma of the pancreas

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    A group of 30 patients with adenocarcinoma of the pancreas including some patients with very advanced disease, were treated with the so-called mixed beam modality employing photon treatments three times per week and neutron treatments twice a week. Two hundred Rads or equivalent Rads (RBE 3.3) were given in daily fractions aiming at a total dose of 6000 Rads in 6 to 8 weeks. The treatments were well tolerated and significant palliation was achieved in 26 to 30 cases. Twelve months survival was 33 percent with a median survival of 7 months or 210 days. Treatment techniques and localization procedures are discussed