11,833 research outputs found

    Phase transition in protocols minimizing work fluctuations

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    For two canonical examples of driven mesoscopic systems - a harmonically-trapped Brownian particle and a quantum dot - we numerically determine the finite-time protocols that optimize the compromise between the standard deviation and the mean of the dissipated work. In the case of the oscillator, we observe a collection of protocols that smoothly trade-off between average work and its fluctuations. However, for the quantum dot, we find that as we shift the weight of our optimization objective from average work to work standard deviation, there is an analog of a first-order phase transition in protocol space: two distinct protocols exchange global optimality with mixed protocols akin to phase coexistence. As a result, the two types of protocols possess qualitatively different properties and remain distinct even in the infinite duration limit: optimal-work-fluctuation protocols never coalesce with the minimal work protocols, which therefore never become quasistatic.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures + SI as ancillary fil

    Black Strings and Classical Hair

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    We examine the geometry near the event horizon of a family of black string solutions with traveling waves. It has previously been shown that the metric is continuous there. Contrary to expectations, we find that the geometry is not smooth, and the horizon becomes singular whenever a wave is present. Both five dimensional and six dimensional black strings are considered with similar results.Comment: 14 pages, harvma

    Higher-dimensional resolution of dilatonic black hole singularities

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    We show that the four-dimensional extreme dilaton black hole with dilaton coupling constant a=p/(p+2)a= \sqrt{p/(p+2)} can be interpreted as a {\it completely non-singular}, non-dilatonic, black pp-brane in (4+p)(4+p) dimensions provided that pp is {\it odd}. Similar results are obtained for multi-black holes and dilatonic extended objects in higher spacetime dimensions. The non-singular black pp-brane solutions include the self-dual three brane of ten-dimensional N=2B supergravity and a multi-fivebrane solution of eleven-dimensional supergravity. In the case of a supersymmetric non-dilatonic pp-brane solution of a supergravity theory, we show that it saturates a bound on the energy per unit pp-volume.Comment: 27 pages, R/94/28, UCSBTH-94-35 (Comments added to the discussion section

    Photocatalytic production of organic compounds from CO and H2O in a simulated Martian atmosphere

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    [14C]CO2 and [14C]organic compounds are formed when a mixture of [14C]CO and water vapor diluted in [12C]CO2 or N2 is irradiated with ultraviolet light in the presence of soil or pulverized vycor substratum. The [14C]CO2 is recoverable from the gas phase, the [14C]organic products from the substratum. Three organic products have been tentatively identified as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and glycolic acid. The relative yields of [14C]CO2 and [14C]organics are wavelength- and surface-dependent. Conversion of CO to CO2 occurs primarily at wavelengths shorter than 2000 angstrom, apparently involves the photolysis of water, and is inhibited by increasing amounts of vycor substratum. Organic formation occurs over a broad spectral range below 3000 angstrom and increases with increasing amounts of substratum. It is suggested that organic synthesis results from adsorption of CO and H2O on surfaces, with excitation of one or both molecules occurring at wavelengths longer than those absorbed by the free gases. This process may occur on Mars and may have been important on the primitive earth

    Fast high--voltage amplifiers for driving electro-optic modulators

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    We describe five high-voltage (60 to 550V peak to peak), high-speed (1-300ns rise time; 1.3-300MHz bandwidth) linear amplifiers for driving capacitive or resistive loads such as electro-optic modulators. The amplifiers use bipolar transistors in various topologies. Two use electron tubes to overcome the speed limitations of high-voltage semiconductors. All amplifiers have been built. Measured performance data is given for each.Comment: 9pages, 6figures, 6tables, to appear in Review of Scientific Instrument

    Wide-band current preamplifier for conductance measurements with large input capacitance

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    A wide-band current preamplifier based on a composite operational amplifier is proposed. It has been shown that the bandwidth of the preamplifier can be significantly increased by enhancing the effective open-loop gain of the composite preamplifier. The described preamplifier with current gain 107^7 V/A showed the bandwidth of about 100 kHz with 1 nF input shunt capacitance. The current noise of the amplifier was measured to be about 46 fA/Hz\sqrt{\rm Hz} at 1 kHz, close to the design noise minimum. The voltage noise was found to be about 2.9 nV/Hz\sqrt{\rm Hz} at 1 kHz, which is in a good agreement with the value expected for the operational amplifier used in the input stage. By analysing the total noise produced by the preamplifier we found the optimal frequency range suitable for the fast lock-in measurements to be from 1 kHz to 2 kHz. To get the same signal-to-noise ratio, the reported preamplifier requires roughly 10% of the integration time used in measurements made with a conventional preamplifier.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    A method for measuring the nonlinear response in dielectric spectroscopy through third harmonics detection

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    We present a high sensitivity method allowing the measurement of the non linear dielectric susceptibility of an insulating material at finite frequency. It has been developped for the study of dynamic heterogeneities in supercooled liquids using dielectric spectroscopy at frequencies 0.05 Hz < f < 30000 Hz . It relies on the measurement of the third harmonics component of the current flowing out of a capacitor. We first show that standard laboratory electronics (amplifiers and voltage sources) nonlinearities lead to limits on the third harmonics measurements that preclude reaching the level needed by our physical goal, a ratio of the third harmonics to the fundamental signal about 7 orders of magnitude lower than 1. We show that reaching such a sensitivity needs a method able to get rid of the nonlinear contributions both of the measuring device (lock-in amplifier) and of the excitation voltage source. A bridge using two sources fulfills only the first of these two requirements, but allows to measure the nonlinearities of the sources. Our final method is based on a bridge with two plane capacitors characterized by different dielectric layer thicknesses. It gets rid of the source and amplifier nonlinearities because in spite of a strong frequency dependence of the capacitors impedance, it is equilibrated at any frequency. We present the first measurements of the physical nonlinear response using our method. Two extensions of the method are suggested.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figure

    Large-Area, Low-Noise, High Speed, Photodiode-Based Fluorescence Detectors with Fast Overdrive Recovery

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    Two large-area, low noise, high speed fluorescence detectors have been built. One detector consists of a photodiode with an area of 28 mm x 28 mm and a low noise transimpedance amplifier. This detector has a input light-equivalent spectral noise density of less than 3 pW/Hz^1/2, can recover from a large scattered light pulse within 10 us, and has a bandwidth of at least 900 kHz. The second detector consists of a 16 mm diameter avalanche photodiode and a low-noise transimpedance amplifier. This detector has an input light-equivalent spectral noise density of 0.08 pW/Hz^1/2, also can recover from a large scattered light pulse within 10 us, and has a bandwidth of 1 MHz.Comment: Submitted to Review of Scientific Instrument

    On Pair Creation of Extremal Black Holes and Kaluza-Klein Monopoles

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    Classical solutions describing charged dilaton black holes accelerating in a background magnetic field have recently been found. They include the Ernst metric of the Einstein-Maxwell theory as a special case. We study the extremal limit of these solutions in detail, both at the classical and quantum levels. It is shown that near the event horizon, the extremal solutions reduce precisely to the static extremal black hole solutions. For a particular value of the dilaton coupling, these extremal black holes are five dimensional Kaluza-Klein monopoles. The euclidean sections of these solutions can be interpreted as instantons describing the pair creation of extremal black holes/Kaluza-Klein monopoles in a magnetic field. The action of these instantons is calculated and found to agree with the Schwinger result in the weak field limit. For the euclidean Ernst solution, the action for the extremal solution differs from that of the previously discussed wormhole instanton by the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. However, in many cases quantum corrections become large in the vicinity of the black hole, and the precise description of the creation process is unknown.Comment: 45 pages, 5 figures, EFI-93-74, UCSBTH-93-38. (Omitted acknowledgements added, typos fixed
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