182 research outputs found

    Emergent Quantum Near-Criticality from Baryonic Black Branes

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    We find new black 3-brane solutions describing the "conifold gauge theory" at nonzero temperature and baryonic chemical potential. Of particular interest is the low-temperature limit where we find a new kind of weakly curved near-horizon geometry; it is a warped product AdS_2 x R^3 x T^{1,1} with warp factors that are powers of the logarithm of the AdS radius. Thus, our solution encodes a new type of emergent quantum near-criticality. We carry out some stability checks for our solutions. We also set up a consistent ansatz for baryonic black 2-branes of M-theory that are asymptotic to AdS_4 x Q^{1,1,1}.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures; v2 discussion of entropy revised, minor changes; v3 note added, minor improvements, version published in JHE

    Finite-Temperature Fractional D2-Branes and the Deconfinement Transition in 2+1 Dimensions

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    The supergravity dual to N regular and M fractional D2-branes on the cone over \mathbb{CP}^3 has a naked singularity in the infrared. One can resolve this singularity and obtain a regular fractional D2-brane solution dual to a confining 2+1 dimensional N = 1 supersymmetric field theory. The confining vacuum of this theory is described by the solution of Cvetic, Gibbons, Lu and Pope. In this paper, we explore the alternative possibility for resolving the singularity - the creation of a regular horizon. The black-hole solution we find corresponds to the deconfined phase of this dual gauge theory in three dimensions. This solution is derived in perturbation theory in the number of fractional branes. We argue that there is a first-order deconfinement transition. Connections to Chern--Simons matter theories, the ABJM proposal and fractional M2-branes are presented.Comment: v3: analytic solutions are expose

    Holographic Superconductor/Insulator Transition at Zero Temperature

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    We analyze the five-dimensional AdS gravity coupled to a gauge field and a charged scalar field. Under a Scherk-Schwarz compactification, we show that the system undergoes a superconductor/insulator transition at zero temperature in 2+1 dimensions as we change the chemical potential. By taking into account a confinement/deconfinement transition, the phase diagram turns out to have a rich structure. We will observe that it has a similarity with the RVB (resonating valence bond) approach to high-Tc superconductors via an emergent gauge symmetry.Comment: 25 pages, 23 figures; A new subsection on a concrete string theory embedding added, references added (v2); Typos corrected, references added (v3

    Holographic Symmetry-Breaking Phases in AdS3_3/CFT2_2

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    In this note we study the symmetry-breaking phases of 3D gravity coupled to matter. In particular, we consider black holes with scalar hair as a model of symmetry-breaking phases of a strongly coupled 1+1 dimensional CFT. In the case of a discrete symmetry, we show that these theories admit metastable phases of broken symmetry and study the thermodynamics of these phases. We also demonstrate that the 3D Einstein-Maxwell theory shows continuous symmetry breaking at low temperature. The apparent contradiction with the Coleman-Mermin-Wagner theorem is discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figur

    Holographic Superconductors in a Cohesive Phase

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    We consider a four-dimensional N=2 gauged supergravity coupled to matter fields. The model is obtained by a U(1) gauging of a charged hypermultiplet and therefore it is suitable for the study of holographic superconductivity. The potential has a topologically flat direction and the parameter running on this "moduli space" labels the new superconducting black holes. Zero temperature solutions are constructed and the phase diagram of the theory is studied. The model has rich dynamics. The retrograde condensate is just a special case in the new class of black holes. The calculation of the entanglement entropy makes manifest the properties of a generic solution and the superconductor at zero temperature is in a confined cohesive phase. The parameter running on the topologically flat direction is a marginal coupling in the dual field theory. We prove this statement by considering the way double trace deformations are treated in the AdS/CFT correspondence. Finally, we comment on a possible connection, in the context of gauge/gravity dualities, between the geometry of the scalar manifold in N=2 supergravity models and the space of marginal deformations of the dual field theory.Comment: 32 pages, 11 figures. Introduction rewritten and clarified, comments and details on section 4 added, acknowledgements rectified. To appear in JHE

    Entanglement Entropy and Wilson Loop in St\"{u}ckelberg Holographic Insulator/Superconductor Model

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    We study the behaviors of entanglement entropy and vacuum expectation value of Wilson loop in the St\"{u}ckelberg holographic insulator/superconductor model. This model has rich phase structures depending on model parameters. Both the entanglement entropy for a strip geometry and the heavy quark potential from the Wilson loop show that there exists a "confinement/deconfinement" phase transition. In addition, we find that the non-monotonic behavior of the entanglement entropy with respect to chemical potential is universal in this model. The pseudo potential from the spatial Wilson loop also has a similar non-monotonic behavior. It turns out that the entanglement entropy and Wilson loop are good probes to study the properties of the holographic superconductor phase transition.Comment: 23 pages,12 figures. v2: typos corrected, accepted in JHE

    Holographic Entanglement Entropy in P-wave Superconductor Phase Transition

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    We investigate the behavior of entanglement entropy across the holographic p-wave superconductor phase transition in an Einstein-Yang-Mills theory with a negative cosmological constant. The holographic entanglement entropy is calculated for a strip geometry at AdS boundary. It is found that the entanglement entropy undergoes a dramatic change as we tune the ratio of the gravitational constant to the Yang-Mills coupling, and that the entanglement entropy does behave as the thermal entropy of the background black holes. That is, the entanglement entropy will show the feature of the second order or first order phase transition when the ratio is changed. It indicates that the entanglement entropy is a good probe to investigate the properties of the holographic phase transition.Comment: 19 pages,15 figures, extended discussion in Sec.5, references adde

    The Many Phases of Holographic Superfluids

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    We investigate holographic superfluids in AdS_{d+1} with d=3,4 in the non-backreacted approximation for various masses of the scalar field. In d=3 the phase structure is universal for all the masses that we consider: the critical temperature decreases as the superfluid velocity increases, and as it is cranked high enough, the order of the phase transition changes from second to first. Surprisingly, in d=4 we find that the phase structure is more intricate. For sufficiently high mass, there is always a second order phase transition to the normal phase, no matter how high the superfluid velocity. For some parameters, as we lower the temperature, this transition happens before a first order transition to a new superconducting phase. Across this first order transition, the gap in the transverse conductivity jumps from almost zero to about half its maximum value. We also introduce a double scaling limit where we can study the phase transitions (semi-)analytically in the large velocity limit. The results corroborate and complement our numerical results. In d=4, this approach has the virtue of being fully analytically tractable.Comment: 31 pages, 19 figure

    Absorption of scalars by nonextremal charged black holes in string theory

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    We analyze the low frequency absorption cross section of minimally coupled massless scalar fields by different kinds of charged static black holes in string theory, namely the D1ā€“D5 system in d=5 and a four dimensional dyonic four-charged black hole. In each case we show that this cross section always has the form of some parameter of the solution divided by the black hole Hawking temperature. We also verify in each case that, despite its explicit temperature dependence, such quotient is finite in the extremal limit, giving a well defined cross section. We show that this precise explicit temperature dependence also arises in the same cross section for black holes with string \alpha' corrections: it is actually induced by them.This work has been supported by FEDER funds through Programa Operacional Fatores de Competitividade ā€“ COMPETE and by FundaĆ§Ć£o para a CiĆŖncia e a Tecnologia (FCT) through projects EstC/MAT/UI0013/2011 and CERN/FP/123609/2011

    Dynamic SU(2) Structure from Seven-branes

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    We obtain a family of supersymmetric solutions of type IIB supergravity with dynamic SU(2) structure, which describe the local geometry near a stack of four D7-branes and one O7-plane wrapping a rigid four-cycle. The deformation to a generalized complex geometry is interpreted as a consequence of nonperturbative effects in the seven-brane gauge theory. We formulate the problem for seven-branes wrapping the base of an appropriate del Pezzo cone, and in the near-stack limit in which the four-cycle is flat, we obtain an exact solution in closed form. Our solutions serve to characterize the local geometry of nonperturbatively-stabilized flux compactifications.Comment: 49 pages, 2 figures; v2: minor corrections, references adde
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