6,115 research outputs found

    A microbiological method for the determination of choline by use of a mutant of Neurospora

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    Previous communications from this laboratory have described the production of biochemical mutants in the mold Neurospora by means of ultraviolet and x-rays (1, 2). Such mutants are characterized by the inability to carry out specific chemical syntheses which normally occur in the unmutated, or wild type, strain. In each case which has been genetically analyzed the failure of the synthesis has been found to be related to the mutation of a single gene. The strain to be described, known as No. 34486, or cholineless, arose from a culture of wild type Neurospora crassa which had been irradiated with ultraviolet light. It was found to be unable to grow in a medium containing only salts, sugar, and biotin, but it grew normally on the addition of a mixture of water-soluble vitamins. When the components of the mixture were tested singly, it was found that the addition of choline alone permitted normal growth. Up to the present, no completely satisfactory method for the determination of choline in natural products and tissue extracts has been described. Chemical methods, such as precipitation of the reineckate, lack specificity, while the biological method of Fletcher, Best, and Solandt (3) is time-consuming and difficult, and “possesses many dangerous pitfalls for the chemist” (4). The whole subject has been critically reviewed by Best and Lucas (4). It was therefore of interest to determine whether the Neurospora mutant is a suitable test organism in a quantitative assay for choline. The experiments to be described show that this is the case and form the basis of a simple, sensitive, and specific method for the determination of choline in natural products. By this procedure it is possible to determine choline in a concentration of 0.02 mg. per liter; routine analyses can be run on 100 mg. samples of material

    Quenching and Tomography from RHIC to LHC

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    We compare fully perturbative and fully nonperturbative pictures of high-pT energy loss calculations to the first results from LHC. While over-suppressed compared to published ALICE data, parameter-free pQCD predictions based on the WHDG energy loss model constrained to RHIC data simultaneously describe well the preliminary CMS hadron suppression, ATLAS charged hadron v2, and ALICE D meson suppression; we also provide for future reference WHDG predictions for B meson RAA. However, energy loss calculations based on AdS/CFT also qualitatively describe well the RHIC pion and non-photonic electron suppression and LHC charged hadron suppression. We propose the double ratio of charm to bottom quark RAA will qualitatively distinguish between these two energy loss pictures.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Proceedings for Quark Matter 201

    Charge-conjugation violating neutrino interactions in supernovae

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    The well known charge conjugation violating interactions in the Standard Model increase neutrino- and decrease anti-neutrino- nucleon cross sections. This impacts neutrino transport in core collapse supernovae through "recoil" corrections of order the neutrino energy kk over the nucleon mass MM. All k/Mk/M corrections to neutrino transport deep inside a protoneutron star are calculated from angular integrals of the Boltzmann equation. We find these corrections significantly modify neutrino currents at high temperatures. This produces a large mu and tau number for the protoneutron star and can change the ratio of neutrons to protons. In addition, the relative size of neutrino mean free paths changes. At high temperatures, the electron anti-neutrino mean free path becomes {\it longer} than that for mu or tau neutrinos.Comment: 14 pages, 2 included ps figures, subm. to Phys. Rev.

    Tyrocidin inhibition: effect of Tween 80 and conidial density

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    Tyrocidin inhibition: effect of Tween 80 and conidial densit

    Dilaton test of connection between AdS_3 X S^3 and 5D black hole

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    A 5D black hole(M5_5) is investigated in the type IIB superstring theory compactified on S1×^1 \times T4^4. This corresponds to AdS3×_3 \times S3×^3 \times T4^4 in the near horizon with asymptotically flat space. Here the harmonic gauge is introduced to decouple the mixing between the dilaton and others. On the other hand we obtain the BTZ balck hole(AdS3×_3\timesS3×^3\timesT4^4) as the non-dilatonic solution. We calculate the greybody factor of the dilaton as a test scalar both for a 5D black hole(M5×_5 \times S1×^1 \times T4^4) and the BTZ black hole(AdS3×_3 \times S3×^3 \times T4^4). The result of the BTZ black hole agrees with the greybody factor of the dilaton in the dilute gas approximation of a 5D black hole.Comment: revised version to appear in classical and quantum gravity, 15 pages with RevTe

    pQCD vs. AdS/CFT Tested by Heavy Quark Energy Loss

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    We predict the charm and bottom quark nuclear modification factors using weakly coupled pQCD and strongly coupled AdS/CFT drag methods. The log(pT/M_Q)/pT dependence of pQCD loss and the momentum independence of drag loss lead to different momentum dependencies for the R_{AA} predictions. This difference is enhanced by examining a new experimental observable, the double ratio of charm to bottom nuclear modification factors, R^{cb}=R^c_{AA}/R^b_{AA}. At LHC the weakly coupled theory predicts R^{cb} goes to 1; whereas the strongly coupled theory predicts R^{cb} .2 independent of pT. At RHIC the differences are less dramatic, as the production spectra are harder, but the drag formula is applicable to higher momenta, due to the lower temperature.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Proceedings for the International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter (SQM 2007), Levoca, Slovakia, 24-29 June 200

    Dispersion γZ\gamma Z-box correction to the weak charge of the proton

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    We consider elastic scattering of electrons off a proton target. The parity violating (PV) asymmetry arises at leading order in α\alpha due to interference of γ\gamma and ZZ exchange. The radiative corrections to this leading mechanism were calculated in the literature and included in experimental analyses, except for γZ\gamma Z box and cross-box contributions. We present here a dispersion calculation of these corrections in forward kinematics. We demonstrate that at the GeV energies of current PV experiments, such corrections are not suppressed by the small vector weak charge of the electron, as occurs in the atomic PV. Our results suggest that the current theoretical uncertainty in the analysis of the QWEAK experiment might be substantially underestimated, and more accurate account of the dispersion corrections are needed in order to interprete the PV data.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, revtex

    Neutrino Trapping in a Supernova and Ion Screening

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    Neutrino-nucleus elastic scattering is reduced in dense matter because of correlations between ions. The static structure factor for a plasma of electrons and ions is calculated from Monte Carlo simulations and parameterized with a least squares fit. Our results imply a large increase in the neutrino mean free path. This strongly limits the trapping of neutrinos in a supernova by coherent neutral current interactions.Comment: 9 pages, 1 postscript figure using epsf.st

    When Black Holes Meet Kaluza-Klein Bubbles

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    We explore the physical consequences of a recently discovered class of exact solutions to five dimensional Kaluza-Klein theory. We find a number of surprising features including: (1) In the presence of a Kaluza-Klein bubble, there are arbitrarily large black holes with topology S^3. (2) In the presence of a black hole or a black string, there are expanding bubbles (with de Sitter geometry) which never reach null infinity. (3) A bubble can hold two black holes of arbitrary size in static equilibrium. In particular, two large black holes can be close together without merging to form a single black hole.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, v2: few comments on stability modifie