6 research outputs found

    Analysis of adolescents' views on the role of vaccination and limitations in psychosocial functioning during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced entering numerous changes and restrictions on daily psychosocial functioning. The purpose of our research was to explore the views of adolescents aged 14-20 years attending secondary schools on the role of vaccination and the restrictions put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and methods. The study was conducted with 504 secondary school students in a small town in Poland. Students were aged between 14 and 20 years (M = 16.6, SD = 1.3). The groups were homogeneous in terms of age and gender. 250 males (M = 16.5; SD = 1.3) and 254 females (M = 16.7; SD = 1.4) completed the sheets.   The survey took place between January 7 and 11, 2022. The study used the author's “Pandemic and My Life” survey method. It contained 7 closed-ended questions covering adolescents' attitudes towards COVID-19. Results. More than half of the students have been vaccinated against COVID-19, and they are convinced of the effectiveness of the vaccines. Females were more likely to reveal anxiety before infection. Despite the presence of the COVID-19 virus in many families’ homes, concerns about infection were rather small. A great number of the respondents assessed restrictions as “more burdensome than beneficial”. Males were more prone to accepting distant education. There was a relationship between students' fear of the COVID-19 infection and the anxiety observed by pupils in their families. Conclusions. The majority of the adolescents surveyed have been vaccinated against COVID-19 and have positive opinions about the effectiveness of the vaccines. There is a strong polarisation of views on some issues. The results obtained can be helpful in building preventive programmes and shaping pupils' health-promoting attitudes.                   &nbsp

    Cognitive and psychomotor performance of Polish and Ukrainian drivers

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    Introduction. Recent years have seen a dynamic increase in people from eastern countries employed in Polish road transport. The aim of the study was to compare the cognitive and psychomotor performance of Polish and Ukrainian drivers.   Material and Methods. The results of 336 male truck drivers aged between 22 and 64 years were analysed. There were 174 respondents in the Polish sample (M = 38.6 years; SD = 10.3) and 162 respondents in the Ukrainian sample (M = 36.8 years; SD = 8.3). The level of intellectual performance was assessed using the Raven's Matrix Test (TMS) and the Precision of Movement and Quick Thinking (PIM) Index. Psychomotor performance was verified using computer tests belonging to the SDP System.   Results. Ukrainian drivers, compared to Polish drivers, were characterised by analogous results in terms of cognitive processes and psychomotor performance. The mean scores of the Raven's test, PIM index and also coordination tests were comparable in both groups. A strong positive correlation was found between TMS and PIM.   Conclusions. 1. Drivers from Ukraine and Poland have similar intellectual and psychomotor abilities. 2. The PIM index correlates strongly positively with TMS and can be a reliable tool in intelligence screening. 3. The presented methods of the SDP System are not culturally loaded. Standardised scales addressed to the Polish driver population should be used to assess these areas in Ukrainian subjects. &nbsp

    Digital dementia and its impact on human cognitive and emotional functioning

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    Digital dementia is a term coined by Spitzer and associated with a decline in mental abilities in memory, attention, and thinking by people who overuse new technologies. The aim of the study was to analyse the scientific literature in the field of new technology on digital dementia and its impact on human cognitive and emotional functioning. The study was based on a content analysis of current articles on Google Scholar on the topic of digital dementia. The negative phenomena associated with digital dementia and their impact on human cognitive and emotional functioning were presented. It is shown that inappropriate use of social media can be a risk factor and a source of mental health problems. A more important contemporary problem is not escaping from modern technology, but rather the rational ability to use it

    E-sport related intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in practice. Initial psychometric properties of the “E-sport and ME” questionnaire

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    Background. The popularity of eSports is rapidly increasing, and PC gamers are watched by crowds of spectators similarly to traditional sports. The aim. E-Sport and ME questionnaire was created to assess motivation for playing video games and competing in tournaments. Material and methods. The theoretical background was grounded in self-determination theory (SDT). The results of 203 men aged 14 to 33 years (M = 20.4; SD = 3.4) were studied. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses (EFA and CFA) were conducted. Results. Both EFA and CFA indicated two solid factors: extrinsic and intrinsic motivation [Comparative Fit Index = 0.995, Tucker Lewis Index = 0.994, Root Mean Square Error of Approximation = 0.046 (CI 0.00 – 0.08), Standardized Root Mean Square Residual = 0.075 (χ2 = 64.16, df = 53)]. Both scales had a high level of internal consistency (> α = 0.8). Respondents from professional e-sports clubs have higher extrinsic motivation than amateurs; intrinsic motivation takes place on similar level.  Conclusions. The statistical analysis of e-sport and myself revealed a high level of internal consistency as well as the identification of two distinct factors. This could aid coaches and players in outlining the dominant type of motivation for playing video games. The shown version should be further explored and validated to increase its generalizability

    Traffic Risk Image in The Light of the Road Situation Assessment Questionnaire

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    Introduction: Drivers often lack reflection on their behaviour. For predictive purposes and educational interventions, it is useful to know the individual traffic risk picture of the driver under investigation. Objective: This paper aimed to show the psychometric properties of the questionnaire and to establish a hierarchy of traffic situations in terms of perceptions of associated danger. Material and Methods: A total of 548 people aged between 18 and 68 years participated in the study. A self-administered questionnaire method was used to measure situational (road) awareness and the ability to anticipate the consequences of engaging in unsafe road traffic actions. The tool's accuracy was verified with the 'Controversy' questionnaire, which is used to measure the severity of drivers' normative beliefs about breaking traffic laws. Results: Satisfactory psychometric values of the questionnaire were obtained. After taking into account the correlation of measurement errors, an acceptable fit was obtained: χ2 /df = 2.48; GFI = 0.95; AGFI = 0.92; CFI = 0.96; RMSEA = 0.06 (0.048-0.072). Mean values and standard deviations for 14 descriptions of unsafe traffic situations were shown. Conclusions: The satisfactory reliability and accuracy of the measurement allow the method to be used in research and individual diagnosis in the areas of transport psychology and education. Overtaking at pedestrian crossings, on a bend, uphill, and continuing to drive despite fatigue are the most dangerous traffic situations associated with the risk of traffic accidents

    Psychomotor performance in video games

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    Introduction: Interactive electronic games allow to access virtual environments and interact using a computer or TV screen. Anyone who has played a video game, or seen others playing, is aware of the importance of reaction speed and eye-hand coordination skills. Objective: To determine the differences in psychomotor performance between professional gamers and amateurs. Material and Methods:  A total of 62 gamers took part in the study, including 31 people - professional video game users who had participated in e-tournaments in the last month (age: M = 20.6, SD = 6.3) and 31 people who did not play video games or played very rarely (they declared that they did not participate in e-sports tournaments), who constituted the control group (age: M = 17.9, SD = 5.4). Integrated computer SDP-System with an executive module for stimulus generation and reception was used to assess psychomotor performance. Results: Professional gamers have higher psychomotor skills than amateurs. They reveal better results for fast thinking, motor reactions, perception, attention, and working memory. Conclusion: Playing video games has a positive impact on players' psychomotor performance and can promote improvements in elementary cognitive functions. Key words: video-games; e-sport; psychomotor performance; cognitive functions         &nbsp