41 research outputs found

    Structure of turbulence and sediment stratification in wave-supported mud layers

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    We present results from laboratory experiments in a wave flume with and without a sediment bed to investigate the turbulent structure and sediment dynamics of wave-supported mud layers. The presence of sediment on the bed significantly alters the structure of the wave boundary layer relative to that observed in the absence of sediment, increasing the TKE by more than a factor of 3 at low wave orbital velocities and suppressing it at the highest velocities. The transition between the low and high-velocity regimes occurs when ReΔ ≃ 450, where ReΔ is the Stokes Reynolds number. In the low-velocity regime (ReΔ 450) the ripples are significantly smaller, the near-bed sediment concentrations are significantly higher and density stratification due to sediment becomes important. In this regime the TKE and Reynolds stress are lower in the sediment bed runs than in comparable runs with no sediment. The regime transition at ReΔ = 450 appears to result from washout of the ripples and increased concentrations of fine sand suspended in the boundary layer, which increases the settling flux and the stratification near the bed. The increased stratification damps turbulence, especially near the top of the high-concentration layer, reducing the layer thickness. We anticipate that these effects will influence the transport capacity of wave-supported gravity currents on the continental shelf

    Turbulent Kinetic Energy and Coherent Structures in a Tidal River

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    We investigate the relationship between turbulence statistics and coherent structures (CS) in an unstratified reach of the Snohomish River estuary using in situ velocity measurements and surface infrared (IR) imaging. Sequential IR images are used to estimate surface flow characteristics via a particle-image-velocimetry (PIV) technique, and are conditionally sampled to delineate the surface statistics of bottom-generated CS, or boils. In the water column, we find that turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) production exceeds dissipation near the bed but is less than dissipation in the midwater column and that TKE flux divergence closes a significant portion of the measured imbalance. The surface boundary leads to divergence in upwelling CS, and leads to the redistribution of vertical TKE to the horizontal. Very near the surface, statistical anisotropy is observed at length scales larger than the depth H (3–5 m), while boil-scale motions of O(1)m are nearly isotropic and exhibit a 25/3 turbulent cascade to smaller scales. Conditional sampling suggests that TKE dissipation in boils is approximately 2 times greater on average than dissipation in ambient flow. Similarly, surface boils are marked by significantly greater velocity variance, upwelling, divergence, and TKE flux divergence than ambient flow regions. Coherent structures and their surface manifestation, therefore, play an important role in the vertical transport of TKE and the water column distribution of dissipation, and are an important component of the TKE budget

    Vertical Boil Propagation from a Submerged Estuarine Sill

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    Surface disruptions by boils during strong tidal flows over a rocky sill were observed in thermal infrared imagery collected at the Snohomish River estuary in Washington State. Locations of boil disruptions and boil diameters at the surface were quantified and are used to test an idealized model of vertical boil propagation. The model is developed as a two-dimensional approximation of a three-dimensional vortex loop, and boil vorticity is derived from the flow shear over the sill. Predictions of boil disruption locations were determined from the modeled vertical velocity, the sill depth, and the over-sill velocity. Predictions by the vertical velocity model agree well with measured locations (rms difference 3.0 m) and improve by using measured velocity and shear (rms difference 1.8 m). In comparison, a boil-surfacing model derived from laboratory turbulent mixed-layer wakes agrees with the measurements only when stratification is insignificant

    The impact of storms and stratification on sediment transport in the Rhine region of freshwater influence

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    We present measurements of along and across-shore sediment transport in a region of the Dutch coast 10 kilometers north of the Rhine River mouth. This section of the coast is characterized by strong vertical density stratification because it is within the mid-field region of the Rhine region of freshwater influence, where processes typical of the far-field, such as tidal straining, are modified by the passage of distinct freshwater lenses at the surface. The experiment captured two storms, and a wide range of wind, wave, tidal and stratification conditions. We focus primarily on the mechanisms leading to cross-shore sediment flux at a mooring location in 12m of water, which are responsible for the exchange of sediment between the near-shore and the inner shelf. Net transport during storms was directed offshore and influenced by cross-shelf winds, while net transport during spring tides was determined by the mean state of stratification. Tidal straining dominated during neap tides; however, cross-shore transport was negligible due to small sediment concentrations. The passage of freshwater lenses manifested as strong pulses of offshore transport primarily during spring tides. We observe that both barotropic and baroclinic processes are relevant for cross-shore transport at depth and, since transport rates due to these competing processes were similar, the net transport direction will be determined by the frequency and sequencing of these modes of transport. Based on our observations, we find that wind- and wave-driven transport during storms tends move fine sediment offshore, while calmer, more stratified conditions move it back onshore

    Cross-shore stratified tidal flow seaward of a mega-nourishment

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    The Sand Engine is a 21.5 million m3 experimental mega-nourishment project that was built in 2011 along the Dutch coast. This intervention created a discontinuity in the previous straight sandy coastline, altering the local hydrodynamics in a region that is in influenced by the buoyant plume generated by the Rhine River. This work investigates the response of the cross-shore stratified tidal flow to the coastal protrusion created by the Sand Engine emplacement by using a 13 hour velocity and density survey. Observations document the development of strong baroclinic-induced cross-shore exchange currents dictated by the intrusion of the river plume fronts as well as the classic tidal straining which are found to extend further into the nearshore (from 12 to 6m depth), otherwise believed to be a mixed zone

    Mixing Layer Dynamics in Separated Flow Over an Estuarine Sill with Variable Stratification

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    We investigate the generation of a mixing layer in the separated flow behind an estuarine sill (height H ∼ 4 m) in the Snohomish River, Washington as part of a larger investigation of coherent structures using remote and in situ sensing. During increasing ebb flows the depth d and stratification decrease and a region of sheared flow characterized by elevated production of turbulent kinetic energy develops. Profiles of velocity and acoustic backscatter exhibit coherent fluctuations of order 0.1 Hz and are used to define the boundaries of the mixing layer. Variations in the mixing layer width and its embedded coherent structures are caused by changes to both the normalized sill height H/d and to a bulk Richardson number Rih defined using the depth of flow over the sill. Entrainment ET and the mixing layer expansion angle increase as stratification and the bulk Richardson number decrease; this relationship is parameterized as ET = 0.07Rih−0.5 and is valid for approximately 0.1 \u3c Rih \u3c 2.8. Available comparisons with literature for inertially dominated conditions (Rih \u3c 0.1) are consistent with our data and validate our approach, though lateral gradients may introduce an upwards bias of approximately 20%. As the ratio H/d increases over the ebb, the free surface boundary pushes the mixing layer trajectory downward, reduces its expansion angle, and produces asymmetry in the acoustic backscatter (coherent structures). Three-dimensional divergence, as imaged by infrared video and transecting data, becomes more prominent for H/d \u3e 0.8 due to blocking of flow by the sill

    Frontal Processes in the Columbia River Plume Area

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    Information about frontal processes in the Columbia River plume area. Topics include: phenomenology of CR plume fronts, plume responses, upwelling fronts & internal waves: the Zipper , etc

    Asymmetry of Tidal Plume Fronts in an Eastern Boundary Current Regime

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    The Columbia River tidal plume or near-field is formed twice daily by the ebb outflow of the Columbia River. It is a part of a larger, anticyclonic plume bulge, which in turn is embedded in far-field plume and coastal waters. Because of the mixing caused directly and indirectly by plume fronts, the interaction of the tidal plume and bulge with the California Current upwelling regime plays a vital role in coastal productivity on the Oregon and Washington shelves. The tidal plume is initially supercritical with respect to the internal Froude number on all stronger ebbs. It is separated from the plume bulge by a front, whose properties are very different under upwelling vs. downwelling conditions. Under summer upwelling conditions, this front is sharp and narrow (only 50-100 m wide on its upwind or northern side) and marks a transition from supercritical to subcritical flow for 6-12 hours after high water. This sharp front is a source of turbulent mixing, despite the strong stratification. Because the tidal plume may overlie newly upwelled waters, these fronts can mix nutrients into the plume, enhancing primary productivity. Symmetry would suggest that there should be a sharp front south of the estuary mouth under summer downwelling conditions. Instead, the downwelling tidal plume front is usually broad (up to several km) and diffuse on the upstream side. Less mixing occurs, and the water immediately below the plume consists of old plume and surface ocean waters, both low in nutrients. There is also a second up-welling-downwelling asymmetry. Supercritical upwelling plume fronts often generate solitons trains as they slow and transition to a subcritical state. These soliton trains contribute to vertical mixing in the plume bulge and have a non-zero Stokes drift so that they transport low-salinity water across the tidal plume into the plume bulge. Under downwelling conditions, soliton forma-tion is uncommon. Moreover, solition formation almost always begins on the south side of the plume so that the front unzips from south to north. This implies that a frontal transition from supercritical to subcritical conditions first occurs on the south side tidal plume, regardless of whether this is the upwind or downwind side of the plume. This contribution describes and analyzes these two asymmetries using vessel data, SAR images and a vorticity analysis. Internal Froude number and plume depth are key parameters in distinguishing the upwelling and downwelling situations, and the observed asymmetries can be explained in terms of potential vorticity conservation. The tidal outflow embeds relative vorticity in the emerging tidal plume water mass. This vorticity controls the transition of the tidal plume front to a subcritical state and the timing and location of internal wave generation by plume fronts

    Infrared-Based Measurements of Velocity, Turbulent Kinetic Energy, and Dissipation at the Water Surface in a Tidal River

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    Thermal infrared (IR) based particle image velocimetry (PIV) is used to measure the evolution of velocity, turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), and the TKE dissipation rate at the water surface in the tidally influenced Snohomish River. Patterns of temperature variability in the IR imagery arise from disruption of the cool skin layer and are used to estimate the 2D velocity field. Comparisons of IR based PIV mean velocity made against a collocated acoustic velocimeter demonstrate high correlation (r2 \u3e 0.9). Over a tidal period, surface TKE computed from the IR velocity varies from 10-4 J·kg-1 to 3x10-3 J·kg-1, with an average difference from the in situ measurements of 8%. IR-derived TKE dissipation rates vary from approximately 3x10-6 W·kg-1 to 2x10-4 W·kg-1 at peak ebb, agreeing on average to within 7% of the in situ velocimeter results. Infrared-based PIV provides detailed measurements of previously inaccessible surface flow and turbulence statistics