195 research outputs found

    Krankheiten der SchilddrĂŒse

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    Path Integral Approach to Two-Dimensional QCD in the Light-Front

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    Two-dimensional quantum cromodynamics in the light-front frame is studied following hamiltonian methods. The theory is quantized using the path integral formalism and an effective theory similar to the Nambu-Jona Lasinio model is obtained. Confinement in two dimensions is derived analyzing directly the constraints in the path integral.Comment: 13pp, Plain-TeX, Si-93-10, IF-UFRJ-93-13, USM-TH-6

    Perturbative matching of staggered four-fermion operators with hypercubic fat links

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    We calculate the one-loop matching coefficients between continuum and lattice four-fermion operators for lattice operators constructed using staggered fermions and improved by the use of fattened links. In particular, we consider hypercubic fat links and SU(3) projected Fat-7 links, and their mean-field improved versions. We calculate only current-current diagrams, so that our results apply for operators whose flavor structure does not allow ``eye-diagrams''. We present general formulae, based on two independent approaches, and give numerical results for the cases in which the operators have the taste (staggered flavor) of the pseudo-Goldstone pion. We find that the one-loop corrections are reduced down to the 10-20% level, resolving the problem of large perturbative corrections for staggered fermion calculations of matrix elements.Comment: 37 pages, no figure, 20 table

    Parity Invariance and Effective Light-Front Hamiltonians

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    In the light-front form of field theory, boost invariance is a manifest symmetry. On the downside, parity and rotational invariance are not manifest, leaving the possibility that approximations or incorrect renormalization might lead to violations of these symmetries for physical observables. In this paper, it is discussed how one can turn this deficiency into an advantage and utilize parity violations (or the absence thereof) in practice for constraining effective light-front Hamiltonians. More precisely, we will identify observables that are both sensitive to parity violations and easily calculable numerically in a non-perturbative framework and we will use these observables to constrain the finite part of non-covariant counter-terms in effective light-front Hamiltonians.Comment: REVTEX, 9 page

    Electromagnetic duality and light-front coordinates

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    We review the light-front Hamiltonian approach for the Abelian gauge theory in 3+1 dimensions, and then study electromagnetic duality in this framework.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX, 2 references and a typo in an eqn. (19) corrected, minor revisions in response to referee's repor

    One loop matching coefficients for a variant overlap action--and some of its simpler relatives

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    I present one-loop perturbative calculations of matching coefficients between matrix elements in continuum regulated QCD and lattice QCD with overlap fermions, with emphasis a recently-proposed variant discretization of the overlap. These fermions have extended (``fat link'') gauge connections. The scale for evaluation of the running coupling constant (in the context of the Lepage-Mackenzie fixing scheme) is also given. A variety of results (for additive mass renormalization, local currents, and some non-penguin four-fermion operators) for naive, Wilson, clover, and overlap actions are shown.Comment: 17 pages, Revtex, 11 postscript figures. COLO-HEP-48

    Quantum Mechanics of Dynamical Zero Mode in QCD1+1QCD_{1+1} on the Light-Cone

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    Motivated by the work of Kalloniatis, Pauli and Pinsky, we consider the theory of light-cone quantized QCD1+1QCD_{1+1} on a spatial circle with periodic and anti-periodic boundary conditions on the gluon and quark fields respectively. This approach is based on Discretized Light-Cone Quantization (DLCQ). We investigate the canonical structures of the theory. We show that the traditional light-cone gauge A−=0A_- = 0 is not available and the zero mode (ZM) is a dynamical field, which might contribute to the vacuum structure nontrivially. We construct the full ground state of the system and obtain the Schr\"{o}dinger equation for ZM in a certain approximation. The results obtained here are compared to those of Kalloniatis et al. in a specific coupling region.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX file, no figure

    The Influence of Higher Fock States in Light-Cone Gauge Theories

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    In the light-cone Fock state expansion of gauge theories, the influence of non-valence states may be significant in precision non-perturbative calculations. In two-dimensional gauge theories, it is shown how these states modify the behaviour of the light-cone wavefunction in significant ways relative to endemic choices of variational ansatz. Similar effects in four-dimensional gauge theories are briefly discussed.Comment: 4 pages, REVTE
