53 research outputs found

    Floristic inventories and distribution maps of vascular plants in Germany from the period between 1945 and 2005

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    In den letzten sechs Jahrzehnten wurden in Deutschland rund 200 nationale, regionale und lokale Florenwerke publiziert. Die vorliegende Arbeit gibt einen Überblick über die in diesen Publikationen enthaltenen Daten und stellt eine Karte mit den Bearbeitungsgebieten regionaler Florenwerke vor. Ein bibliografischer Teil zeigt die wichtigsten Daten für jede Publikation. Oft durch qualifizierte Amateurbotaniker erarbeitet, bilden solche Florenwerke eine wichtige Datenbasis insbesondere für Programme zum Artenschutz sowie für die Erstellung von Roten Listen.Within the last six decades about 200 national, regional, and local floristic inventories, often including distribution maps, for vascular plants in Germany have been published. An overview about the data provided by these publications is given together with a map displaying the coverage of regional and local inventories. A bibliography lists the key data for each publication. Often compiled by skilled volunteer botanists, such floristic inventories constitute an essential database for the compilation of Red Data Books and for species conservation

    Multivector and multivector matrix inverses in real Clifford algebras

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    We show how to compute the inverse of multivectors in finite dimensional real Clifford algebras Cl(p, q). For algebras over vector spaces of fewer than six dimensions, we provide explicit formulae for discriminating between divisors of zero and invertible multivectors, and for the computation of the inverse of a general invertible multivector. For algebras over vector spaces of dimension six or higher, we use isomorphisms between algebras, and between multivectors and matrix representations with multivector elements in Clifford algebras of lower dimension. Towards this end we provide explicit details of how to compute several forms of isomorphism that are essential to invert multivectors in arbitrarily chosen algebras. We also discuss briefly the computation of the inverses of matrices of multivectors by adapting an existing textbook algorithm for matrices to the multivector setting, using the previous results to compute the required inverses of individual multivectors

    Natürliche und anthropogene Bodenverdichtungen in Schleswig-Holstein: Nachweis von schädlichen Bodenveränderungen

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    Viele Bodentypen Schleswig-Holsteins weisen durch pedo-/geogenetische Prozesse bereits natürliche Verdichtungen im Unterboden auf. Der flächenhafte Anteil dieser natürlichen Verdichtungen liegt auf Basis der BÜK S.-H. 250 unter Berücksichtigung von Leit- und Begleitböden in Schleswig-Holstein bei 43%. Durch anthropogene Bodenverdichtungen kann der Anteil, auch bei Böden ohne natürliche Verdichtungserscheinungen, entsprechend höher liegen. Zur Erfassung des Verdichtungszustandes wurden bei 1115 Bodenleitprofilen der Datenbank des LLUR S.-H. u.a. die Luftkapazität (LK) und gesättigte Wasserleitfähigkeit (kf) ausgewertet und im Hinblick auf kritische Grenzwerte (LK = <5 Vol.% und kf =<10 cm/d) bewertet. Es zeigte sich, dass der Verdichtungsstatus in deutlicher Abhängigkeit vom Bodentyp steht. Podsole und sandige Braunerden sind nicht bzw. kaum betroffen, während beispielsweise Pararendzinen (als Resultat starker Erosion in Kuppen- und Oberhanglage) aufgrund des anstehenden Geschiebemergels einen hohen natürlichen Verdichtungsstatus aufweisen. Eine anthropogene Bodenverdichtung konnte bei Pseudogleyen und Pseudogley-Parabraunerden nachgewiesen werden. Über ein Drittel der kf- (und ein Viertel der LK-Werte) sind in den primär wasserleitenden Sw- bzw. Sw-Al-Horizonten geringer als in den wasserstauenden Sd- bzw. Sd-Bt-Horizonten, was der Pedogenese der Bodentypen widerspricht

    Potent Tau Aggregation Inhibitor D-Peptides Selected against Tau-Repeat 2 Using Mirror Image Phage Display

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    Alzheimer's disease and other Tauopathies are associated with neurofibrillary tangles composed of Tau protein, as well as toxic Tau oligomers. Therefore, inhibitors of pathological Tau aggregation are potentially useful candidates for future therapies targeting Tauopathies. Two hexapeptides within Tau, designated PHF6* (275-VQIINK-280) and PHF6 (306-VQIVYK-311), are known to promote Tau aggregation. Recently, the PHF6* segment has been described as the more potent driver of Tau aggregation. We therefore employed mirror-image phage display with a large peptide library to identify PHF6* fibril binding peptides consisting of D-enantiomeric amino acids. The suitability of D-enantiomeric peptides for in vivo applications, which are protease stable and less immunogenic than L-peptides, has already been demonstrated. The identified D-enantiomeric peptide MMD3 and its retro-inverso form, designated MMD3rev, inhibited in vitro fibrillization of the PHF6* peptide, the repeat domain of Tau as well as full-length Tau. Dynamic light scattering, pelleting assays and atomic force microscopy demonstrated that MMD3 prevents the formation of tau β-sheet-rich fibrils by diverting Tau into large amorphous aggregates. NMR data suggest that the D-enantiomeric peptides bound to Tau monomers with rather low affinity, but ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) data demonstrated binding to PHF6* and full length Tau fibrils. In addition, molecular insight into the binding mode of MMD3 to PHF6* fibrils were gained by in silico modelling. The identified PHF6*-targeting peptides were able to penetrate cells. The study establishes PHF6* fibril binding peptides consisting of D-enantiomeric amino acids as potential molecules for therapeutic and diagnostic applications in AD research

    A novel D-amino acid peptide with therapeutic potential (ISAD1) inhibits aggregation of neurotoxic disease-relevant mutant Tau and prevents Tau toxicity in vitro

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    Background: Alzheimer's disease (AD), the most common form of dementia, is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that mainly affects older adults. One of the pathological hallmarks of AD is abnormally aggregated Tau protein that forms fibrillar deposits in the brain. In AD, Tau pathology correlates strongly with clinical symptoms, cognitive dysfunction, and neuronal death. Methods: We aimed to develop novel therapeutic D-amino acid peptides as Tau fibrillization inhibitors. It has been previously demonstrated that D-amino acid peptides are protease stable and less immunogenic than L-peptides, and these characteristics may render them suitable for in vivo applications. Using a phage display procedure against wild type full-length Tau (TauFL), we selected a novel Tau binding L-peptide and synthesized its D-amino acid version ISAD1 and its retro inversed form, ISAD1rev, respectively. Results: While ISAD1rev inhibited Tau aggregation only moderately, ISAD1 bound to Tau in the aggregation-prone PHF6 region and inhibited fibrillization of TauFL, disease-associated mutant full-length Tau (TauFLΔK, TauFL-A152T, TauFL-P301L), and pro-aggregant repeat domain Tau mutant (TauRDΔK). ISAD1 and ISAD1rev induced the formation of large high molecular weight TauFL and TauRDΔK oligomers that lack proper Thioflavin-positive β-sheet conformation even at lower concentrations. In silico modeling of ISAD1 Tau interaction at the PHF6 site revealed a binding mode similar to those known for other PHF6 binding peptides. Cell culture experiments demonstrated that ISAD1 and its inverse form are taken up by N2a-TauRDΔK cells efficiently and prevent cytotoxicity of externally added Tau fibrils as well as of internally expressed TauRDΔK. Conclusions: ISAD1 and related peptides may be suitable for therapy development of AD by promoting off-pathway assembly of Tau, thus preventing its toxicity. Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease; D-amino acid peptides; Phage display; Tau aggregation inhibitors; Therap