2 research outputs found
Potential of Compost with Some Added Supplementary Materials on the Development of Agaricus blazei Murill
Potential of compost on the development of Agaricus blazei Murill was evaluated on various compost concentrations with two kinds of supplementary materials. Sugarcane compost as well as cattle compost added with sawdust and rice bran was influential substrates on mycelial growth and fruit body development. The fast spawn running was realized on cattle compost concentrations, but primordial formation and fruit body development took a short period on sugarcane compost concentrations. All cattle compost concentrations produced the highest biological efficiency, which ranged from 92.29% to 77.37%, followed by new sugarcane compost concentrations (ranged from 76.78% to 58.55%) and old sugarcane compost concentrations (ranged from 71.81% to 51.95%). On cattle compost as well as on sugarcane compost, compost with 50% and 60% were the highest potential substrates of the other compost concentrations to produce yield, BE, and mushroom size. The yield was the greatest on 50% and 60% cattle compost concentrations, with BE of 92.29% and 81.04%. New sugarcane compost with 50% and 60% concentrations also gave a higher yield and bigger mushroom size, with BE of 72.26% and 76.78%. Similarly, old sugarcane compost with 50% and 60% yielded greatly with BE of 71.81% and 62.77%, respectively. Out results indicated that compost concentrations was a potential substrate in A. blazei cultivation; nevertheless, increasing the compost ratio did not result in increased mushroom yields with bigger mushroom sizes