42 research outputs found


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    プロテアソーム阻害剤のエポキソマイシンとMG262が、HSC-3細胞におけるウロキナーゼ型プラスミノーゲンアクチベータ(uPA)のmRNA発現とuPA産生に及ぼす影響について検討した。エポキソマイシンとMG262はuPA mRNA発現とuPA産生を用量依存性に抑制した。経時変化の検討では、エポキソマイシンまたはMG262への曝露から6時間程度で、uPA mRNA発現に顕著な減少が認められ、抑制効果は12および24時間後と同等またはやや強かった。エポキソマイシンとMG262は核性因子(NF)-κB-依存性プロモーターの転写活性を弱めた。uPA遺伝子の転写はNF-κB活性に依存することが知られており、これらのプロテアソーム阻害剤によるuPA遺伝子発現の抑制は、構成的NF-κB活性阻害の影響と考えられる。またエポキソマイシンとPG262はHSC-3細胞の浸潤活性を低下させた。プロテアソーム阻害剤による浸潤活性の減少はuPA産生抑制の影響を一部に受けていると考えられた


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    The enhancement in the bonding strength of advanced dental cements has enabled long-lasting dental restorations. However, the high bonding strength can cause difficulty in removing these restorations. Therefore, “smart” dental cements with simultaneous strong bonding and easy on-demand debonding ability are required. A resin-modified glass-ionomer-cement (RMGIC) with an ionic liquid (IL) has demonstrated significant reduction in the bonding strength with current application (CA). This research investigates the effects of immersion in distilled water on the electric conductivity and bonding strength of RMGIC with and without an IL and CA. The RMGIC without the IL exhibited significant electric conductivity after immersion, and a significant decrease in bonding strength with CA. In comparison, the electric conductivity after immersion and the decrease in bonding strength with CA were greater for RMGIC with the IL. Thus, the feasibility of smart dental cements capable of electrically debonding-on-demand is indicated


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    Advancements in dental cements have considerably improved their bond strengths. However, high bond strength often makes the removal of restorations difficult. Thus, smart dental cements that show controllable bond strength are required. A conventional resin-modified glass-ionomer-cement demonstrated a significant reduction in the bond strength after current application. However, for this system, the ions in the cement are released into the oral cavity, resulting in a reduction of the electrical conductivity and in losses of the expected on-demand debonding property. Herein, the effects of immersion in 0.9 and 15% NaCl solutions on the electrical conductivity and debonding properties were investigated. The cement immersed in 0.9% NaCl solution from 1 to 28 days maintained similar bond strength reductions after current application, whereas that in 15% NaCl solution initially showed no bond strength reduction after 1 day but exhibited an increase in the bond strength reduction after immersion for 28 days

    Preliminary Design Study of the TMT Telescope Structure System: Overview

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    We present an overview of the preliminary design of the Telescope Structure System (STR) of Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT). NAOJ was given responsibility for the TMT STR in early 2012 and engaged Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (MELCO) to take over the preliminary design work. MELCO performed a comprehensive preliminary design study in 2012 and 2013 and the design successfully passed its Preliminary Design Review (PDR) in November 2013 and April 2014. Design optimizations were pursued to better meet the design requirements and improvements were made in the designs of many of the telescope subsystems as follows: 1. 6-legged Top End configuration to support secondary mirror (M2) in order to reduce deformation of the Top End and to keep the same 4% blockage of the full aperture as the previous STR design. 2. “Double Lower Tube” of the elevation (EL) structure to reduce the required stroke of the primary mirror (M1) actuators to compensate the primary mirror cell (M1 Cell) deformation caused during the EL angle change in accordance with the requirements. 3. M1 Segment Handling System (SHS) to be able to make removing and installing 10 Mirror Segment Assemblies per day safely and with ease over M1 area where access of personnel is extremely difficult. This requires semi-automatic sequence operation and a robotic Segment Lifting Fixture (SLF) designed based on the Compliance Control System, developed for controlling industrial robots, with a mechanism to enable precise control within the six degrees of freedom of position control. 4. CO2 snow cleaning system to clean M1 every few weeks that is similar to the mechanical system that has been used at Subaru Telescope. 5. Seismic isolation and restraint systems with respect to safety; the maximum acceleration allowed for M1, M2, tertiary mirror (M3), LGSF, and science instruments in 1,000 year return period earthquakes are defined in the requirements. The Seismic requirements apply to any EL angle, regardless of the operational status of Hydro Static Bearing (HSB) system and stow lock pins. In order to find a practical solution, design optimization study for seismic risk mitigation was carried out extensively, including the performing of dynamic response analyses of the STR system under the time dependent acceleration profile of seven major earthquakes. The work is now moving to the final design phase from April 2014 for two years

    ケッセイ シンキン マーカー ソクテイ セイド ト ユウヨウセイ

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    当院臨床検査部では,依頼された検査が診療に役立つように精度管理を徹底し,検査方法の改善や測定の迅速化などを検討している.今回,心筋トロポニンIとT(cTnIとcTnT),ミオグロビン(Mb),CK-MB蛋白(CK-MB mass),CK-MB活性測定(CK-MB),心房ナトリウム利尿ペプチド(ANP),脳性ナトリウム利尿ペプチド(BNP)の検査方法,精度,特性について急性及び慢性心疾患患者の依頼検体265試料を用いて検討した.その結果,cTnIはcTnTと良好な相関関係を示し,測定値はcTnTに比べ約8倍の高値を認めた.急性心筋梗塞(AMI)患者検体のcTnI,Mb,CK-MB massおよびCK-MBは良好な変動を示した.cTnTはcTnIに比べると上昇率が小さく変動も少なかったが,Cut off値と比較するとほぼ同様な変化を認めた.AMI以外の慢性心疾患でもcTnI,CK-MB mass,ANP,BNPは基準値を超える測定値を示した.今回の結果から,心疾患の潜在的な進行や悪化が疑われた場合はcTnIとBNPの測定が他の心筋マーカーと同様に有意義であり,今後も検査部では優れた測定精度と迅速な検査法の検討を続ける必要があることが示唆された.Our goals are to maintain the accuracy of various medical tests, to improve test methods, and to reduce the measurement time. In this study we examined the method, accuracy and time required for measurement of cardiac troponins (cTnT and cTnI), myoglobin (Mb), CK- MB protein mass (CK-MB mass), atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) using 265 samples of patients with acute and chronic heart disease. The coefficient of variation (C.V%) was measured of cTnI (1.9%, 2.2%), cTnT (2.4%, 2.5%), Mb (1.2%, 1.7%), CK-MBmass (1.6%, 2.6%), ANP (5.6%, 7.6%) and BNP (7.1%, 9.4%), and CK-MB (2.1%). cTnI had a good correlation with cTnT (r=0.845, P<0.001 ; n=120) and showed approximately 8-fold high concentrations compared with cTnT. In patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI), changes in cTnI, Mb and CK-MB mass showed good sensitivity in the early stage, whereas cTnT showed little change. cTnI, CK-MB mass, ANP and BNP were also mostly positive in patients with chronic heart disease, excluding AMI. The results of this study considered that measurement of cardiac markers is useful in patients with heart disease. The sensitivity, accuracy and measurement time for such assays should be further improved, and the utility of the assay items should be evaluated

    Automated Software Analysis of Fetal Movement Recorded during a Pregnant Woman's Sleep at Home.

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    Fetal movement is an important biological index of fetal well-being. Since 2008, we have been developing an original capacitive acceleration sensor and device that a pregnant woman can easily use to record fetal movement by herself at home during sleep. In this study, we report a newly developed automated software system for analyzing recorded fetal movement. This study will introduce the system and compare its results to those of a manual analysis of the same fetal movement signals (Experiment I). We will also demonstrate an appropriate way to use the system (Experiment II). In Experiment I, fetal movement data reported previously for six pregnant women at 28-38 gestational weeks were used. We evaluated the agreement of the manual and automated analyses for the same 10-sec epochs using prevalence-adjusted bias-adjusted kappa (PABAK) including quantitative indicators for prevalence and bias. The mean PABAK value was 0.83, which can be considered almost perfect. In Experiment II, twelve pregnant women at 24-36 gestational weeks recorded fetal movement at night once every four weeks. Overall, mean fetal movement counts per hour during maternal sleep significantly decreased along with gestational weeks, though individual differences in fetal development were noted. This newly developed automated analysis system can provide important data throughout late pregnancy