186 research outputs found


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    We report on blood coagulation factor XⅢ(F13)activity in upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB)due to peptic ulcer(PU). 【Methods】From January 2011 to December 2016, 42 patients who had UGIB with PU, performed endoscopic hemostasis(EH), and measured F13 activity (normal range:70‐140%), were retrospectively studied. The clinical signs, peripheral blood, biochemistry, coagulation, F13 activity, and endoscopic findings were examined by logistic regression analysis(LRA)in32patients with successful hemostasis and10patients with rebleeding. 【Results】There were25elderly patients aged70 and over. The average F13 activity was 65.7±22.5%, 68.3±22.1% in the case of successful hemostasis, below the lower limit of normal, and further decreased to 57.5±18.1% in the case of rebleeding. LRA showed association with rebleeding in Forrest classification and F13activity. 【Conclusion】F13activity decreased in many cases of UGIB due to PU, and associated with rebleeding after EH


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    Expiratory muscle training(EMT) for improving cough function and prevention of aspiration pneumonia in healthy elderly individuals as well as patients with neurological disorders has received recent attention. Although 2 studies elucidated its effects on swallowing function in a small population of patients with Parkinson’s disease, its overall efficacy remains uncertain. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of EMT on respiratory indices and swallowing function in elderly individuals receiving home care. The subjects were 22 community-dwelling elderly individuals receiving home care. An EMT training device(Threthold IMT) was applied with reversed use and the training period was 4 weeks. The loading pressure was 30% of baseline MEP and the training sessions were performed for 15 minutes twice a day. Each training session was monitored by a family member and recorded. Respiratory function[forced-vital capacity(FVC) and %FVC] and respiratory muscle strength [maximal expiratory pressure (MEP) and maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP)] were measured at baseline and after 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks of EMT, while swallowing function [repetitive saliva swallowing test (RSST)] was measured at baseline and after 4 weeks. Two-way ANOVA was performed with the factors of ADL score and measurement week. Statistical analysis showed that both factors had effects, though there was no correlation between them. MEP was significantly improved at 3 and 4 weeks after EMT as compared to the baseline, whereas other respiratory indices and RSST were unchanged after EMT. Our findings indicate that EMT can strengthen expiratory muscles and suggest the need for higher expiratory loading pressure. Further research should define the target population more clearly and establish an effective EMT protocol to improve swallowing function

    Cherenkov detector

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    Colour imaging with single-pixel detectors

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    Nanoscale quantum-dot junctions

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    Photonics news from Japan

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    Active tractor beams

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    Two-colour emission

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    Undetected imaging

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