12 research outputs found

    Steroid degradation genes in Comamonas testosteroni TA441: Isolation of genes encoding a Delta4(5)-isomerase and 3alpha- and 3beta-dehydrogenases and evidence for a 100kb steroid degradation gene hot spot.

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    In previous studies, we identified two major Comamonas testosteroni TA441 gene clusters involved in steroid degradation. Because most of the genes included in these clusters were revealed to be involved in degradation of basic steroidal structures and a few were suggested to be involved in the degradation of modified steroid compounds, we investigated the spectrum of steroid compounds degradable for TA441 to better identify the genes involved in steroid degradation. TA441 degraded testosterone, progesterone, epiandrosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, cholic acid, deoxycholic acid, chenodeoxycholic acid, and lithocholic acid. The results suggested TA441 having 3alpha-dehydrogenase and Delta4(5)-isomerase, and 3beta-,17beta-dehydrogenase gene, we isolated these genes, all of which had high homology to the corresponding genes of C. testosteroni ATCC11996. Results of gene-disruption experiments indicated that 3beta,17beta-dehydrogenase is a unique 3beta-dehydrogenase which also acts as a 17beta-dehydrogenase in TA441, and there will be at least one more enzyme with 17beta-dehydrogenating activity. The 3alpha-dehydrogenase and Delta4(5)-isomerase genes were found adjacent in the DNA region between the two main steroid degradation gene clusters together with a number of other genes that may be involved in steroid degradation, suggesting the presence of a steroid degradation gene hot spot over 100kb in size in TA441

    A New Bacterial Steroid Degradation Gene Cluster in Comamonas testosteroni TA441 Which Consists of Aromatic-Compound Degradation Genes for Seco-Steroids and 3-Ketosteroid Dehydrogenase Genes

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    In Comamonas testosteroni TA441, testosterone is degraded via aromatization of the A ring, which is cleaved by the meta-cleavage enzyme TesB, and further degraded by TesD, the hydrolase for the product of TesB. TesEFG, encoded downstream of TesD, are probably hydratase, aldolase, and dehydrogenase for degradation of 2-oxohex-4-enoicacid, one of the products of TesD. Here we present a new and unique steroid degradation gene cluster in TA441, which consists of ORF18, ORF17, tesI, tesH, ORF11, ORF12, and tesDEFG. TesH and TesI are 3-ketosteroid-Δ(1)-dehydrogenase and 3-ketosteroid-Δ(4)(5α)-dehydrogenase, respectively, which work in the early steps of steroid degradation. ORF17 probably encodes the reductase component of 9α-hydroxylase for 1,4-androstadiene-3,17-dione, which is the product of TesH in testosterone degradation. Gene disruption experiments showed that these genes are necessary for steroid degradation and do not have any isozymes in TA441. By Northern blot analysis, these genes were shown to be induced when TA441 was incubated with steroids (testosterone and cholic acid) but not with aromatic compounds [phenol, biphenyl, and 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid], indicating that these genes function exclusively in steroid degradation

    Steroid degradation genes in Comamonas testosteroni TA441: Isolation of genes encoding a Delta4(5)-isomerase and 3alpha- and 3beta-dehydrogenases and evidence for a 100kb steroid degradation gene hot spot.

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    In previous studies, we identified two major Comamonas testosteroni TA441 gene clusters involved in steroid degradation. Because most of the genes included in these clusters were revealed to be involved in degradation of basic steroidal structures and a few were suggested to be involved in the degradation of modified steroid compounds, we investigated the spectrum of steroid compounds degradable for TA441 to better identify the genes involved in steroid degradation. TA441 degraded testosterone, progesterone, epiandrosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, cholic acid, deoxycholic acid, chenodeoxycholic acid, and lithocholic acid. The results suggested TA441 having 3alpha-dehydrogenase and Delta4(5)-isomerase, and 3beta-,17beta-dehydrogenase gene, we isolated these genes, all of which had high homology to the corresponding genes of C. testosteroni ATCC11996. Results of gene-disruption experiments indicated that 3beta,17beta-dehydrogenase is a unique 3beta-dehydrogenase which also acts as a 17beta-dehydrogenase in TA441, and there will be at least one more enzyme with 17beta-dehydrogenating activity. The 3alpha-dehydrogenase and Delta4(5)-isomerase genes were found adjacent in the DNA region between the two main steroid degradation gene clusters together with a number of other genes that may be involved in steroid degradation, suggesting the presence of a steroid degradation gene hot spot over 100kb in size in TA441

    Gene Encoding the Hydrolase for the Product of the meta-Cleavage Reaction in Testosterone Degradation by Comamonas testosteroni

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    In a previous study we isolated the meta-cleavage enzyme gene, tesB, that encodes an enzyme that carries out a meta-cleavage reaction in the breakdown of testosterone by Comamonas testeroni TA441 (M. Horinouchi et al., Microbiology 147:3367-3375, 2001). Here we report the isolation of a gene, tesD, that encodes a hydrolase which acts on the product of the meta-cleavage reaction. We isolated tesD by using a Tn5 mutant of TA441 that showed limited growth on testosterone. TesD exhibited ca. 40% identity in amino acid sequence with BphDs, known hydrolases of biphenyl degradation in Pseudomonas spp. The TesD-disrupted mutant showed limited growth on testosterone, and the culture shows an intense yellow color. High-pressure liquid chromatography analysis of the culture of TesD-disrupted mutant incubated with testosterone detected five major intermediate compounds, one of which, showing yellow color under neutral conditions, was considered to be the product of the meta-cleavage reaction. The methylation product was analyzed and identified as methyl-4,5-9,10-diseco-3-methoxy-5,9,17-trioxoandrosta-1(10),2-dien-4-oate, indicating that the substrate of TesD in testosterone degradation is 4,5-9,10-diseco-3-hydroxy-5,9,17-trioxoandrosta-1(10),2-dien-4-oic acid. 4,5-9,10-Diseco-3-hydroxy-5,9,17-trioxoandrosta-1(10),2-dien-4-oic acid was transformed by Escherichia coli-expressed TesD. Downstream of tesD, we identified tesE, F, and G, which encode for enzymes that degrade one of the products of 4,5-9,10-diseco-3-hydroxy-5,9,17-trioxoandrosta-1(10),2-dien-4-oic acid converted by TesD