16 research outputs found

    Sobreposição de esclerose sistêmica e artrite reumatoide: uma entidade clínica distinta?

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    ResumoIntroduçãoA esclerose sistêmica (ES) é uma enfermidade do tecido conjuntivo de caráter autoimune caracterizada pela tríade de injúria vascular, autoimunidade (celular e humoral) e fibrose tecidual. Estima‐se que a dor musculoesquelética seja uma queixa frequente dos pacientes com ES, que oscila entre 40% e 80%, e principalmente em pacientes com doença difusa precoce. A artrite, clinicamente observada, pode ser uma característica observada na apresentação da ES, frequentemente leva a erros diagnósticos iniciais com artrite reumatoide (AR). No curso da enfermidade, a artrite é observada em 24% a 97% dos pacientes com ES.ObjetivosCorrelacionar a ocorrência ou não de artrite em pacientes com ES da região Centro‐Oeste do Brasil com possíveis manifestações clínicas e laboratoriais distintas observadas em três grupos de pacientes. Relatar a frequência de verdadeira associação entre esclerose sistêmica e artrite reumatoide em pacientes com sinovite clínica e radiologicamente observada.MétodosForam avaliados 61 pacientes portadores de ES subsequentemente a cada três meses durante um ano, para fins de se constatar clinicamente a ocorrência de sinovite e padrões de evolução. Os pacientes foram divididos em três grupos: 41 com ES sem artrite, 16 com ES com artrite e quatro com sobreposição entre ES e AR. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a exame radiológicos das mãos no fim do estudo.ResultadosDentre todos os pacientes avaliados, encontrou‐se predomínio feminino (98,7%), idade média de 50,94 anos, cor branca (49,2%), forma limitada da doença (47,6%), tempo de diagnóstico entre cinco e 10 anos (47,6%) e tempo de evolução da doença de 8,30 anos. Entre todos os pacientes, 14 (22,9%) apresentavam fator reumatoide (FR) positivo, embora entre aqueles com FR positivo apenas 10 apresentaram artrite durante o seguimento de um ano. O anticorpo anticitrulina (anti‐ CCP) foi feito em 24 pacientes, com positividade em quatro deles (16,7%), observada somente nos pacientes com sobreposição ES/AR. Na comparação das manifestações clínicas entre os grupos de pacientes, observou‐se a maior ocorrência de gastrite e valvulopatia cardíaca em pacientes com ES e artrite, mas não nos demais grupos. No grupo de pacientes com overlap ES/AR e nos pacientes com ES e artrite observou‐se redução importante de qualidade de vida, medida pelo índice HAQ, sobretudo nos pacientes com artrite presente no momento da avaliação clínica. Encontramos alterações radiográficas em 42,6% dos pacientes com ES. Contudo, nos pacientes com sinovite, encontraram‐se alterações radiológicas compatíveis com artrite reumatoide em 50%.ConclusõesEnquanto a frequência de artrite clínica observada em pacientes com esclerose sistêmica foi de 32,8%, a verdadeira sobreposição entre ES e AR foi de 6,6% neste estudo. Observou‐se ainda a frequência de anti‐CCP positivo em 20% dos pacientes com artrite contra nenhum paciente com ES sem artrite.AbstractIntroductionSystemic sclerosis (SSc) is an autoimmune disease of the connective tissue characterized by the triad of vascular injury, autoimmunity (cellular and humoral) and tissue fibrosis. It is estimated that musculoskeletal pain is a common complaint of patients with SSc, ranging from 40 to 80%, and mainly in patients with early diffuse disease. Arthritis, clinically observed, may be a feature seen in the presentation of SSc, often leading to early diagnostic errors with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In the course of the disease, arthritis is observed in 24 to 97% of patients with SSc.ObjectivesTo correlate the occurrence or nonoccurrence of arthritis in patients with SSc of the Midwest region of Brazil with possible distinct clinical and laboratory manifestations observed in three groups of patients. To report the frequency of true association between systemic sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis in patients with clinically and radiologically observed synovitis.MethodsSixty‐one SSc patients were subsequently assessed every 3 months within 1 year, in order to clinically observe the occurrence of synovitis and its patterns of progression. Patients were divided into 3 groups: 41 patients with SSc without arthritis, 16 SSc patients with arthritis and 4 patients with overlap of SSc and RA. All patients underwent a radiological examination of the hands at the end of the study.ResultsAmong all patients evaluated, we found a female predominance (98.7%), mean age of 50.94 years, white color (49.2%), limited form of the disease (47.6%), time of diagnosis between 5 to 10 years (47.6%) and duration of the disease of 8.30 years. Among all patients, 14 (22.9%) had positive rheumatoid factor (RF), while among those with positive RF, only 10 patients had arthritis during one‐year follow‐up. The antibody anticitrulline (anti‐CCP) test was performed in 24 patients, being positive in 4 of them (16.7%), with positivity being observed only in patients with SSc/RA overlap. Comparing the clinical manifestations among the groups of patients, there was a higher incidence of gastritis and cardiac valvulopathy in patients with SSc and arthritis, but not in the others. In the group of patients with SSc/RA overlap and in patients with SSc and arthritis a significant reduction in quality of life was observed, measured by HAQ index, especially in patients with arthritis present during clinical evaluation. We found radiographic changes in 42.6% of patients with SSc. However, in patients with synovitis, radiological changes consistent with rheumatoid arthritis were found in 50% of patients.ConclusionsWhile the frequency of clinical arthritis observed in patients with systemic sclerosis was 32.8%, the true overlap between of SSc and RA was 6.6% in this study. We also observed the frequency of positive anti‐CCP in 20% of patients with arthritis versus no patients with SSc without arthritis

    Autoanticorpos em esclerose sistêmica e sua correlação com as manifestações clínicas da doença em pacientes do Centro-Oeste do Brasil

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    Introdução: a esclerose sistêmica (ES) é uma enfermidade do tecido conjuntivo de caráter autoimune caracterizada pela tríade de injúria vascular, autoimunidade (celular e humoral) e fibrose tecidual. Os autoanticorpos não parecem ser simplesmente epifenômenos, mas sim estarem envolvidos na patogênese da doença. Acredita-se que os autoanticorpos específicos da ES são responsáveis tanto pela amplificação da resposta imune quanto por alvejar os tipos celulares que são relevantes na fisiopatologia da ES. Objetivos: correlacionar o perfil de autoanticorpos específicos (anti-SCL70, ACA, anti-POL3) com as manifestações clínicas e laboratoriais observadas em 46 pacientes com ES da região Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Métodos: pesquisou-se a ocorrência de autoanticorpos específicos em 46 pacientes com diagnóstico de ES e correlacionou-se o tipo de autoanticorpo com as manifestações clínicas e laboratoriais encontradas. Resultados: dentre todos os pacientes avaliados, encontrou-se predomínio feminino (97,8%), idade média de 50,21 anos, cor branca (50%), forma limitada da doença (47,8%), tempo de diagnóstico entre cinco e 10 anos (50%) e tempo de evolução da doença de 9,38 anos. De acordo com o autoanticorpo específico, 24 pacientes apresentavam ACA positivo (52,2%), 15 apresentavam positividade para anti-SCL70 (32,6%) e sete apresentavam anti-POL3 positivo (15,2%). O autoanticorpo anti-SCL70 se correlacionou com a forma difusa da doença, com maior gravidade e atividade da doença, com pior qualidade de vida medida pelo índice HAQ, com maior prevalência de fenômeno de Raynaud objetivo e microcicatrizes de polpas digitais. O ACA se correlacionou com a forma limitada da doença, com o início mais precoce da enfermidade, bem como com maior prevalência de telangiectasias nos pacientes. Já o anti-POL3 se correlacionou com a forma difusa da doença, com maior ocorrência de fenômeno de Raynaud subjetivo e de atrofia muscular. Para as demais variáveis relacionadas às alterações laboratoriais, bem como em relação ao escore cutâneo de Rodnan e às manifestações cutâneas, vasculares, musculoesqueléticas, gastrintestinais, cardiopulmonares e renais, não houve associação entre elas e a positividade para os anticorpos anti-SCL70, ACA e anti-POL3. Conclusões: a forma clínica da doença e algumas manifestações clínicas na ES podem se correlacionar positivamente com a presença de autoanticorpos específicos

    Frequência de autoanticorpos e dosagem de complemento sérico em pacientes com diagnóstico de leishmaniose cutânea ou visceral Frequency of autoantibodies and serum complement levels in patients with visceral or cutaneous leishmaniasis

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A leishmaniose é uma doença infecciosa crônica que pode variar de um espectro que inclui o acometimento cutâneo isolado com manifestação oligossintomática até o acometimento sistêmico com manifestações clínicas importantes. O desenvolvimento de infecção em cada tipo de leishmaniose (visceral ou tegumentar) depende da interação complexa e intrigante entre os fatores de virulência do patógeno e a resposta imunológica do hospedeiro. Análises de soros de pacientes infectados por Leishmania demonstraram a existência de autoanticorpos contra componentes celulares e humorais, além de imunocomplexos circulantes e anticorpos contra a imunoglobulina G (fator reumatoide). Pacientes com leishmaniose visceral podem apresentar sintomas que mimetizam o quadro clínico encontrado em pacientes com diagnóstico de Lúpus Eritematoso Sistêmico (LES), dificultando o diagnóstico precoce e tratamento. OBJETIVOS: Identificar o perfil de autoanticorpos e a dosagem de complemento em pacientes com diagnóstico de leishmaniose visceral ou tegumentar e correlacionar o quadro clínico destes pacientes com o de pacientes com diagnóstico de LES. MÉTODOS: Pesquisou-se a ocorrência de autoanticorpos e dosagem de complemento no soro de 90 pacientes, sendo 45 deles com leishmaniose visceral e 45 com a forma tegumentar. RESULTADOS: Os autoanticorpos estatisticamente significativos presentes nos pacientes com leishmaniose visceral foram: Fator Antinuclear (FAN) positivo (4,4%) ou em baixa titulação (8,9%) e anticorpo anticardiolipina do tipo IgG positivo (17,8%) ou indeterminado (8,9%). Encontrou-se, ainda, diminuição do complemento sérico C3 em 17,8% dos pacientes e anticorpo anti-Leishmania positivo > 1/80 em todos os pacientes com leishmaniose visceral. CONCLUSÕES: A forma visceral da leishmaniose pode correlacionar-se positivamente com a presença de autoanticorpos, possivelmente pelo desencadeamento de uma resposta sistêmica predominantemente humoral do tipo Th2, constituindo-se em diagnóstico diferencial obrigatório com LES, principalmente nas áreas endêmicas.<br>INTRODUCTION: Leishmaniasis is a chronic infectious disease whose spectrum can vary from isolate cutaneous involvement with oligosymptomatic manifestations to systemic involvement with clinically important manifestations. The development of the infection of each type of leishmaniasis (visceral or cutaneous) depends on a complex and intriguing interaction between virulence factors of the pathogen and the immune response of the host. Analysis of sera of with Leishmania infection demonstrates the presence of autoantibodies against cellular and humoral components, besides circulating immune complexes and anti-IgG antibodies (rheumatoid factor). Patients with visceral leishmaniasis can present symptoms that mimic Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), hindering early diagnosis and treatment. OBJECTIVES: To identify the profile of autoantibodies and complement levels of patients with visceral or cutaneous leishmaniasis and to correlate their clinical presentation to those of patients with SLE. METHODS: The presence of autoantibodies and complement levels of 90 patients, 45 with visceral leishmaniasis and 45 with cutaneous leishmaniasis, was determined. Results: The presence of statistically significant autoantibodies in patients with visceral leishmaniasis included: antinuclear antibody (ANA), positive (4.4%) or in low titers (8.9%), and IgG anticardiolipin antibody, positive (17.8%) or undetermined (8.9%). A reduction in C3 levels was also seen in 17.8% of the patients and anti-Leishmania antibodies > 1/80 in all patients with visceral leishmaniasis. CONCLUSIONS: Visceral leishmaniasis can have a positive correlation with the presence of autoantibodies, possibly by triggering a predominantly humoral, systemic, type Th2 response, representing an obligatory differential diagnosis with SLE, especially in endemic areas

    Overlap between systemic sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis: a distinct clinical entity?

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    ABSTRACT Introduction: Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is an autoimmune disease of the connective tissue characterized by the triad of vascular injury, autoimmunity (cellular and humoral) and tissue fibrosis. It is estimated that musculoskeletal pain is a common complaint of patients with SSc, ranging from 40 to 80%, and mainly in patients with early diffuse disease. Arthritis, clinically observed, may be a feature seen in the presentation of SSc, often leading to early diagnostic errors with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In the course of the disease, arthritis is observed in 24–97% of patients with SSc. Objectives: To correlate the occurrence or nonoccurrence of arthritis in patients with SSc of the Midwest region of Brazil with possible distinct clinical and laboratory manifestations observed in three groups of patients. To report the frequency of true association between systemic sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis in patients with clinically and radiologically observed synovitis. Methods: Sixty-one SSc patients were subsequently assessed every 3 months within 1 year, in order to clinically observe the occurrence of synovitis and its patterns of progression. Patients were divided into 3 groups: 41 patients with SSc without arthritis, 16 SSc patients with arthritis and 4 patients with overlap of SSc and RA. All patients underwent a radiological examination of the hands at the end of the study. Results: Among all patients evaluated, we found a female predominance (98.7%), mean age of 50.94 years, white color (49.2%), limited form of the disease (47.6%), time of diagnosis between 5 and 10 years (47.6%) and duration of the disease of 8.30 years. Among all patients, 14 (22.9%) had positive rheumatoid factor (RF), while among those with positive RF, only 10 patients had arthritis during one-year follow-up. The antibody anticitrulline (anti-CCP) test was performed in 24 patients, being positive in 4 of them (16.7%), with positivity being observed only in patients with SSc/RA overlap. Comparing the clinical manifestations among the groups of patients, there was a higher incidence of gastritis and cardiac valvulopathy in patients with SSc and arthritis, but not in the others. In the group of patients with SSc/RA overlap and in patients with SSc and arthritis a significant reduction in quality of life was observed, measured by HAQ index, especially in patients with arthritis present during clinical evaluation. We found radiographic changes in 42.6% of patients with SSc. However, in patients with synovitis, radiological changes consistent with rheumatoid arthritis were found in 50% of patients. Conclusions: While the frequency of clinical arthritis observed in patients with systemic sclerosis was 32.8%, the true overlap between of SSc and RA was 6.6% in this study. We also observed the frequency of positive anti-CCP in 20% of patients with arthritis versus no patients with SSc without arthritis

    Familial autoimmunity and polyautoimmunity in 60 Brazilian Midwest patients with systemic sclerosis

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    ABSTRACT Introduction: Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a connective tissue disease of unknown etiology, characterized by a triad of vascular injury, autoimmunity and tissue fibrosis. It is known that a positive family history is the greatest risk factor already identified for the development of SSc in a given individual. Preliminary observation of a high prevalence of polyautoimmunity and of familial autoimmunity in SSc patients support the idea that different autoimmune phenotypes may share common susceptibility variants. Objectives: To describe the frequency of familial autoimmunity and polyautoimmunity in 60 SSc patients in the Midwest region of Brazil, as well as to report the main autoimmune diseases observed in this association of comorbidities. Methods: A cross-sectional study with recruitment of 60 consecutive patients selected at the Rheumatology Department, University Hospital, Medicine School, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (FMUFMS), as well as interviews of their relatives during the period from February 2013 to March 2014. Results: A frequency of 43.3% of polyautoimmunity and of 51.7% of familial autoimmunity in SSc patients was found. Patients with the presence of polyautoimmunity and familial autoimmunity presented primarily the diffuse form of SSc, but this indicator did not reach statistical significance. The autoimmune diseases most frequently observed in polyautoimmunity patients were: Hashimoto's thyroiditis (53.8%), Sjögren's syndrome (38.5%), and inflammatory myopathy (11.5%). The main autoimmune diseases observed in SSc patients' relatives were: Hashimoto's thyroiditis (32.3%), rheumatoid arthritis (22.6%), and SLE (22.6%). The presence of more than one autoimmune disease in SSc patients did not correlate with disease severity or activity. Conclusions: From the high prevalence of coexisting autoimmune diseases found in SSc patients, we stress the importance of the concept of shared autoimmunity, in order to promote a continued vigilance and promptly diagnose other possible autoimmune disease in patients, or in their kin

    Associação entre poliarterite nodosa e síndrome antifosfolípide: relato de caso e revisão de literatura

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    Descrevemos aqui o caso de um homem de 37 anos com poliarterite nodosa (PAN) associada à síndrome antifosfolípide (SAF), que evoluiu com disfunção endotelial intensa, diversos aneurismas e oclusões arteriais, incluindo pseudo-aneurisma da artéria gastroduodenal. Realizamos uma revisão da literatura desta rara associação entre PAN e SAF