119 research outputs found

    Flying heroes of Ecuador's rice fields

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    Apple snails (Pomacea spp.) have been a problem for Asian rice farmers for decades. However, the pest was first noticed in 2005, and since then, the snail has spread to most of Ecuador's major rice-growing regions. Losses to the rice sector from apple snails in 2013 alone were estimated at over US$56 million. However, Ecuadorean rice farmers have one big advantage in dealing with apple snails over their Asian counterparts -- the snail kite (Rostrhamus sociabilis), a predatory bird that specialises in eating snails. Meanwhile, Agrocalidad, Ecuador's agricultural extension service, has been working with farmers to control snail damage to rice. However, although Agrocalidad discourages the use of highly toxic insecticides, farmers overwhelmingly use these chemicals, particularly endosulfan, to kill the snails. For scientists, consequently, the events in Ecuador are an opportunity to better understand how snails invade rice and how predators and prey interact with each other

    Resilience and adaptability of rice terrace social-ecological systems: A case study of a local community’s perception in Banaue, Philippines

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    © 2016 by the author(s). The social-ecological systems of rice terraces across Southeast Asia are the result of centuries of long-term interactions between human communities and their surrounding ecosystems. Processes and structures in these systems have evolved to provide a diversity of ecosystem services and benefits to human societies. However, as Southeast Asian countries experience rapid economic growth and related land-use changes, the remaining extensive rice cultivation systems are increasingly under pressure. We investigated the long-term development of ecosystem services and the adaptive capacity of the social-ecological system of rice terrace landscapes using a case study of Banaue (Ifugao Province, Northern-Luzon, Philippines). A set of indicators was used to describe and assess changes in the social-ecological state of the study system. The resilience of the rice terraces and the human communities that maintain them was examined by comparing the current state of the system with results from the literature. Our findings indicate that, although the social-ecological system has not yet shifted to an alternative state, pressures are increasing and some cultural ecosystem services have already been lost

    Regional-scale effects override the influence of fine-scale landscape heterogeneity on rice arthropod communities

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    © 2017 The Authors Irrigated rice croplands are among the most biologically diverse agroecosystems globally; however, intensification and simplification of farmed areas into homogeneous monocultures can lead to biodiversity loss and a reduction of associated ecosystem services such as natural pest regulation. Understanding how landscape heterogeneity affects the diversity of arthropod communities is therefore crucial for the sustainable management of rice agroecosystems. Here, we examine the influence of fine-scale landscape heterogeneity and regional-scale effects on the arthropod communities of three rice-production regions in the Philippines. Our analysis of 213 arthropod morphospecies (37,339 individuals) collected using two sampling methods at 28 field sites indicated that the rice agroecosystems in each study region had unique arthropod assemblages, likely reflecting region-specific environmental and land-use conditions. For all sites together, we found no effect of fine-scale landscape context (classified as rather high or low heterogeneity sites) on assemblage structure (arthropod abundance, species richness or diversity). When assemblages were analyzed separately, significant effects of fine-scale landscape context were only detected in one region and for two functional groups (predators and detritivores). Elevation gradient, used as a proxy for regional-scale effects in the study regions, explained more than 60% of variance in assemblage structure. Total arthropod abundance and rarefied species richness were negatively related to elevation, suggesting that regional-scale effects rather than fine-scale landscape heterogeneity explained the composition of rice-arthropod communities in landscapes. To further disentangle the complex effects of broad-scale environmental drivers versus fine-scale landscape complexity on arthropod communities and biocontrol services, future research in rice agroecosystems should focus on a more detailed quantification of landscape heterogeneity and examine its effect at multiple spatial scales

    Population development of rice black bug, Scotinophara latiuscula (Breddin), under varying nitrogen in a field experiment

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    © 2017 E. The effects of nitrogenous fertilizers on black bug (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) colonization and population development in rice fields has not been studied previously. This study reports on the distribution of adults, eggs and nymphs of the black bug, Scotinophara latiuscula (Breddin) during a seasonal outbreak in a rice (Oryza sativa L.) yield experiment that varied nitrogen application rates. Plots at the edge of the experimental field had higher black bug densities. Adult distribution was only weakly affected by nitrogen level. Densities of egg-masses and nymphs increased linearly with increasing nitrogen rates. Nymph development was also more advanced under high nitrogen. Oviposition was highest on larger plants with high grain numbers (actively filling grain), but was otherwise unaffected by the varieties in the experiment. Our results indicate that the build-up of black bug populations in rice is influenced by nitrogen fertilizer rates mainly acting on egg-laying and nymph development

    Virulence adaptation in a rice leafhopper: Exposure to ineffective genes compromises pyramided resistance

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    © 2018 The Authors Pyramiding resistance genes is predicted to increase the durability of resistant rice varieties against phloem-feeding herbivores. We examined responses by the green leafhopper, Nephotettix virescens (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), to near-isogenic rice lines with zero, one and two resistance genes. The recurrent parent (T65) and monogenic lines (GRH2-NIL and GRH4-NIL) with genes for resistance to the green rice leafhopper, Nephotettix cincticeps (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), were susceptible to the green leafhopper, but the pyramided line (GRH2/GRH4-PYL) was highly resistant to the green leafhopper. We selected green leafhoppers, N. virescens, from five sites in the Philippines for over 20 generations on each of the four lines. Populations selected on GRH2/GRH4-PYL gained partial virulence (feeding and development equal to that on T65) to the pyramided line within 10 generations and complete virulence (egg-laying equal to that on T65) within 20 generations. After 20 generations of rearing on the susceptible monogenic lines, green leafhoppers were also capable of developing and laying eggs on GRH2/GRH4-PYL. Furthermore, green leafhoppers reared on the susceptible GRH4-NIL for 20 generations showed equal preferences for T65 and GRH2/GRH4-PYL in choice bioassays. Our results indicate that previous long-term exposure to ineffective genes (including unperceived resistance genes) could dramatically reduce the durability of pyramided resistance. We suggest that informed crop management and deployment strategies should be developed to accompany rice lines with pyramided resistance and avoid the build-up of virulent herbivore populations

    Effects of residue management on decomposition in irrigated rice fields are not related to changes in the decomposer community

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    Copyright: © 2015 Schmidt et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Decomposers provide an essential ecosystem service that contributes to sustainable production in rice ecosystems by driving the release of nutrients from organic crop residues. During a single rice crop cycle we examined the effects of four different crop residue management practices (rice straw or ash of burned straw scattered on the soil surface or incorporated into the soil) on rice straw decomposition and on the abundance of aquatic and soildwelling invertebrates. Mass loss of rice straw in litterbags of two different mesh sizes that either prevented or allowed access of meso- and macro-invertebrates was used as a proxy for decomposition rates. Invertebrates significantly increased total loss of litter mass by up to 30%. Initially, the contribution of invertebrates to decomposition was significantly smaller in plots with rice straw scattered on the soil surface; however, this effect disappeared later in the season. We found no significant responses in microbial decomposition rates to management practices. The abundance of aquatic fauna was higher in fields with rice straw amendment, whereas the abundance of soil fauna fluctuated considerably. There was a clear separation between the overall invertebrate community structure in response to the ash and straw treatments. However, we found no correlation between litter mass loss and abundances of various lineages of invertebrates. Our results indicate that invertebrates can contribute to soil fertility in irrigated paddy fields by decomposing rice straw, and that their abundance as well as efficiency in decomposition may be promoted by crop residue management practices

    Geographic and research center origins of rice resistance to asian planthoppers and leafhoppers: Implications for rice breeding and gene deployment

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    2017 by the authors. This study examines aspects of virulence to resistant rice varieties among planthoppers and leafhoppers. Using a series of resistant varieties, brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens, virulence was assessed in seedlings and early-tillering plants at seven research centers in South and East Asia. Virulence of the whitebacked planthopper, Sogatella furcifera, in Taiwan and the Philippines was also assessed. Phylogenetic analysis of the varieties using single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) indicated a clade of highly resistant varieties from South Asia with two further South Asian clades of moderate resistance. Greenhouse bioassays indicated that planthoppers can develop virulence against multiple resistance genes including genes introgressed from wild rice species. Nilaparvata lugens populations from Punjab (India) and the Mekong Delta (Vietnam) were highly virulent to a range of key resistance donors irrespective of variety origin. Sogatella furcifera populations were less virulent to donors than N. lugens; however, several genes for resistance to S. furcifera are now ineffective in East Asia. A clade of International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)-bred varieties and breeding lines, without identified leafhopper-resistance genes, were highly resistant to the green leafhopper, Nephotettix virescens. Routine phenotyping during breeding programs likely maintains high levels of quantitative resistance to leafhoppers. We discuss these results in the light of breeding and deploying resistant rice in Asia
