2,764 research outputs found

    The potential for slug control with ferric phosphate

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    Slug and snail damage, especially on young plants can mean serious economic loss for growers. Organic growers have in the past had few, if any, effective products to use for their control. Now ferric phosphate has recently gained organic status from the Organic Farmers and Growers organisation. Its unique mode of action, environmental profile and effectiveness against a range of slug and snail species will make this a first choice for all organic growers. The eventual breakdown components iron and phosphate, will contribute to the crop’s nutrient supply

    The development and potential of the biological insecticide granulovirus on codling moth

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    Cydia pomonella granulovirus is being developed for the UK market and offers opportunities for orchard growers to develop reduced pesticide residue programmes when targeting codling moth control

    Male Breast Cancer Presenting as Nipple Discharge

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    Male breast cancer (MBC) is a rare disease and constitutes less than 1% of all breast carcinoma cases. Although MBC most often presents with a palpable mass, failure to recognise the significance of other symptoms may lead to a delay in diagnosis. Nipple discharge (ND) is a rare symptom in men, but it may herald an underlying malignancy. We present two cases of (MBC) presenting with ND and emphasise the importance of this clinical sign in suspecting underlying malignancy and an opportunity for early diagnosis. We also discuss the clinical significance of ND in men in relation to current literature

    S_3 and the L=1 Baryons in the Quark Model and the Chiral Quark Model

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    The S_3 symmetry corresponding to permuting the positions of the quarks within a baryon allows us to study the 70-plet of L=1 baryons without an explicit choice for the spatial part of the quark wave functions: given a set of operators with definite transformation properties under the spin-flavor group SU(3) x SU(2) and under this S_3, the masses of the baryons can be expressed in terms of a small number of unknown parameters which are fit to the observed L=1 baryon mass spectrum. This approach is applied to study both the quark model and chiral constituent quark model. The latter theory leads to a set of mass perturbations which more satisfactorily fits the observed L=1 baryon mass spectrum (though we can say nothing, within our approach, about the physical reasonableness of the parameters in the fit). Predictions for the mixing angles and the unobserved baryon masses are given for both models as well as a discussion of specific baryons.Comment: 24 pages, requires picte

    Radiative corrections to the lattice gluon action for highly improved staggered quarks (HISQ) and the effect of such corrections on the static potential

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    We perform a perturbative calculation of the influence of dynamical HISQ fermions on the perturbative improvement of the gluonic action in the same way as we have previously done for asqtad fermions. We find the fermionic contributions to the radiative corrections in the Luescher-Weisz gauge action to be somewhat larger for HISQ fermions than for asqtad. Using one-loop perturbation theory as a test, we estimate that omission of the fermion-induced radiative corrections in dynamical asqtad simulations will give a measurable effect. The one-loop result gives a systematic shift of about -0.6% in (r_1/a) on the coarsest asqtad improved staggered ensembles. This is the correct sign and magnitude to explain the scaling violations seen in Phi_B on dynamical lattice ensembles.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Minor corrections suggested by refere

    Freeze-Thaw Cycling as a Chemical Weathering Agent on a Cold and Icy Mars

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    Liquid water was abundant on early Mars, but whether the climate was warm and wet or cold and icy with punctuated periods of melting is still poorly understood. Modern climate models for Mars tend to predict a colder, icier early climate than previously imagined. In addition, ice and glaciation have been major geologic agents throughout the later Hesperian and Amazonian eras. One process that can act in such climates is repeated freezing and thawing of water on the surface and in the subsurface, and is significant because it can occur anywhere with an active layer and could have persisted for a time after liquid water was no longer stable on Mars surface. As freeze-thaw is the dominant mechanical weathering process in most glacial/periglacial terrains, it was likely a significant geomorphologic driver at local to regional scales during past climates, and would potentially have been most active when day-average surface temperatures exceeded 0 C for part of the year. Indeed, freeze-thaw involving liquid water in the Amazonian is evidenced by abundant geomorphic features including polygonal ground and solifluction lobes requiring seasonal thawing. In addition to physical modification, freezing can drive solutions towards supersaturation and force dissolved solutes out as precipitates. In Mars-like terrains, dissolved solutes are typically dominated by silica. In polar regions on Earth, freeze-thaw cycles have been shown to promote deposition of silica, and freeze-thaw experiments on synthetic solutions found stable amorphous silica that built up over multiple cycles. Freeze-thaw may therefore be an important but overlooked chemical weathering process on Mars. However, our ability to assess its impact on alteration of martian terrains is majorly limited by the current lack of understanding of the alteration phases produced (and formation rates) under controlled freeze-thaw weathering of Mars-relevant materials. To address this knowledge gap, we report results from (1) freeze-thaw weathering products found at a glacial Mars analog site at the Three Sisters, Oregon, and (2) new controlled freeze-thaw experiments on basaltic material

    QCD Pressure and the Trace Anomaly

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    Exact relations between the QCD thermal pressure and the trace anomaly are derived. These are used, first, to prove the equivalence of the thermodynamic and the hydrodynamic pressure in equilibrium in the presence of the trace anomaly, closing a gap in previous arguments. Second, in the temporal axial gauge a formula is derived which expresses the thermal pressure in terms of a Dyson-resummed two-point function. This overcomes the infrared problems encountered in the conventional perturbation-theory approach.Comment: 9 pages plain te