2,134 research outputs found

    Using virtual worlds for online role-play

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    The paper explores the use of virtual worlds to support online role-play as a collaborative activity. This paper describes some of the challenges involved in building online role-play environments in a virtual world and presents some of the ideas being explored by the project in the role-play applications being developed. Finally we explore how this can be used within the context of immersive education and 3D collaborative environments

    Reflections on the use of Project Wonderland as a mixed-reality environment for teaching and learning

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    This paper reflects on the lessons learnt from MiRTLE?a collaborative research project to create a ?mixed reality teaching and learning environment? that enables teachers and students participating in real-time mixed and online classes to interact with avatar representations of each other. The key hypothesis of the project is that avatar representations of teachers and students can help create a sense of shared presence, engendering a greater sense of community and improving student engagement in online lessons. This paper explores the technology that underpins such environments by presenting work on the use of a massively multi-user game server, based on Sun?s Project Darkstar and Project Wonderland tools, to create a shared teaching environment, illustrating the process by describing the creation of a virtual classroom. It is planned that the MiRTLE platform will be used in several trial applications ? which are described in the paper. These example applications are then used to explore some of the research issues arising from the use of virtual environments within an education environment. The research discussion initially focuses on the plans to assess this within the MiRTLE project. This includes some of the issues of designing virtual environments for teaching and learning, and how supporting pedagogical and social theories can inform this process

    Using the psychrometric chart in building measurements

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    This paper centres around the presentation of multiple measured results on a psychrometric chart. The psychrometric chart was programmed in Microsoft Office Excel to accommodate measured results. It was written because existing programs appear not to cater for the researcher wishing to enter results electronically onto the chart. Furthermore, many existing charts are complex and cluttered displaying up to ten attributes, being intended for engineering design, whereas presenting the behaviour of living and working environments is focused on wet and dry bulb temperature and relative humidity. As well as results, users would also like to specify and adjust the &lsquo;comfort zone&rsquo; (a shaded area on the chart) for different &lsquo;adaptive&rsquo; or &lsquo;seasonal&rsquo; conditions. The comfort zone is bounded by lines of constant heat loss from the skin, relative humidity and wet-bulb temperature. The paper presents various applications of the psychrometric chart for the analysis and reporting of research and discusses the programming of Microsoft Office Excel to generate the chart and display user data.<br /

    Preliminary tools assisting collected building performance measurements

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    Investigating on-site building performance in architectural science is increasing. However, the simplest forms of measurement often lack any analytical support other than presentation on a time-series plot. Here, we present instrumentation and analytical tools to assist in reporting building performance. The intention is to explore formats for observing performance of buildings based on collected data. Sometimes data are presented directly, but more often, information is revealed by calculation. We introduce examples of tools pertaining to interior-exterior climatic comparisons, occupant comfort and thermal performance, such as weather data plotted against a neutral temperature so that adaptive model comfort tolerances can be illustrated. We plot the interior and exterior air condition on the ASHRAE psychrometric chart to understand conditioning requirements. Other tools calculate the ISO 7730 (Fanger) comfort model, and an adaptive model of comfort is provided for the interior measurements alongside an 80 &ndash; 90% comfort band. These tools add value to reporting data by displaying in several formats, so the researcher can observe and report quickly and clearly on the potential of various conditioning periods within a building.A case study is presented for a house in Darwin during the wet-season

    Simultaneous presentation of measured and calculated environmental results

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    Continuous measurement of internal and external environmental parameters is critical to our understanding of how buildings perform. Yet, the quantity and variety of time-series data can be quite overwhelming as well as onerous to decipher and present. In addition to this, is the fact that several of the collected data are useless in their raw format unless processed through algorithms to obtain identifiable and meaningful results.These circumstances challenge the conventional way we present accumulated data and their processed outputs in order to get a better understanding of how and why the environmental performance occurred. It would be ideal if all of the collected and processed data could be presented in a simultaneous, yet, useful format. It is exactly the intention of this paper to suggest and present such a process as well as its format.An example case study is provided where several parameters (air velocity, mean radiant temperature, humidity and air temperature) are measured periodically to calculate a time-series of internal comfort performance. However, external conditions of solar radiation and solar position as well as air temperature drive the interior building surface temperatures and help to explain the end result of internal comfort.A program has been written to present the various sets of data graphically, in an integrated manner, animated as a function of time. The animation shows solar position, a cursor scanning weather data, the changing infra-red image and a representation of the resulting internal comfort performance throughout themonitored period.<br /

    Asymptotic Dynamics in Quantum Field Theory

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    A crucial element of scattering theory and the LSZ reduction formula is the assumption that the coupling vanishes at large times. This is known not to hold for the theories of the Standard Model and in general such asymptotic dynamics is not well understood. We give a description of asymptotic dynamics in field theories which incorporates the important features of weak convergence and physical boundary conditions. Applications to theories with three and four point interactions are presented and the results are shown to be completely consistent with the results of perturbation theory.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Exploiting ungrounded tactile haptic displays for mobile robotic teleoperation

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    Teleoperated mobile robotics offer potential use in a variety of different real-world applications including hazardous materials handling, urban search and rescue and explosive ordnance handling and disposal. Recent research discusses the use of Haptic technology in increasing task immersion and teleoperator performance. This work investigates the utility of low-cost, ungrounded tactile haptic interfaces in mobile robotic teleoperation. In order to achieve the desired implementation using only tactile sensation presents distinct challenges. Innovative haptic control methodologies providing the teleoperator with intuitive motion control and task-relevant haptic augmentation are presented within this paper.<br /

    Five Years Under the Veterans Judicial Review Act: The VA is Brought Kicking and Screaming into the World of Meaningful Due Process

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    I have been asked to give you the “veterans\u27 perspective” on whether the Court of Veterans Appeals has served the purpose for which it was created by Congress and also to describe what additional steps the court might take to further the ends desired by veterans. This is no easy task. It is difficult not because I do not have a lot to say. It is difficult because it is a charge to speak, in a sense, for all veterans. In order to understand what I mean, I think it may be helpful to give you a little background on the view of the veterans community regarding judicial review. There are forty veterans service organizations recognized by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). These organizations range from the smallest, the Congressional Medal of Honor Society, to the largest, the American Legion, which boasts 3.2 million members. The Paralyzed Veterans of America, of which I am the General Counsel, fits somewhere in the middle. In addition, there are other small organizations of veterans which do not have official VA recognition. In all, these organizations speak for some twenty-seven million veterans of the United States Armed Forces. The number of veterans organizations gives you an idea of the diversity of interests of veterans. There is complete unanimity of opinion on few issues affecting the veterans community. Judicial review is an example

    8-PSK Signaling over non-linear satellite channels

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    Space agencies are under pressure to utilize better bandwidth-efficient communication methods due to the actual allocated frequency bands becoming more congested. Also budget reductions is another problem that the space agencies must deal with. This budget constraint results in simpler spacecraft carrying less communication capabilities and also the reduction in staff to capture data in the earth stations. It is then imperative that the most bandwidth efficient communication methods be utilized. This thesis presents a study of 8-ary Phase Shift Keying (8PSK) modulation with respect to bandwidth, power efficiency, spurious emissions and interference susceptibility over a non-linear satellite channel

    Haptic control methodologies for telerobotic stair traversal

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    Teleoperated mobile robots provide the ability for a human operator to safely explore and evaluate hazardous environments. This ability represents an important progression towards the preservation of human safety in the inevitable response to situations such as terrorist activities and urban search and rescue. The benefits of removing physical human presence from such environments are obvious, however challenges inhibiting task performance when remotely operating a mobile robotic system need to be addressed. The removal of physical human presence from the target environment introduces telepresence as a vital consideration in achieving the desired objective. Introducing haptic human-robotic interaction represents one approach towards improving operator performance in such a scenario. Teleoperative stair traversal proves to be a challenging task when undertaking threat response in an urban environment. This article investigates the teleoperation of an articulated track mobile robot designed for traversing stairs in a threat response scenario. Utilising a haptic medium for bilateral human-robotic interaction, the haptic cone methodology is introduced with the aim of providing the operator with a vision-independent, intuitive indication of the current commanded robot velocity. The haptic cone methodology operates synergistically with the introduced fuzzy-haptic augmentation for improving teleoperator performance in the stair traversal scenario.<br /