44 research outputs found

    Food Insecurity in Bangladesh: Causes and Effects

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    This article delineates the theoretical parts of food insecurity and its idea causes and effects with some potential solutions at the national and global levels Food security can be handily characterized as sufficient food accessible at the local area or family level public and worldwide level Food security depends on four support points accessibility availability utilization and stability Availability implies the supply-side of food security not entirely set in stone by the degree of food production stock levels and net exchange Accessibility indicates that worries about lacking food access have brought about a more noteworthy strategy centered around earnings use markets and costs in accomplishing food security targets Use is regularly perceived as the manner in which the body takes advantage of the different supplements in the food Stability is commonly connected to the vulnerable context and perilous factors with variables can adversely affect food availability or access to food Essentially food insecurity is considered as when an individual can t get an adequate measure of good food on a daily basis Food insecurity go about as both cause and logical results due to low-income and access food insecurity wins and in another way because of food insecurity viciousness and precariousness happen in a country The main cause of food insecurity is neediness expanding populace natural disasters and so on These causes in food insecurity influence the populace as hunger weakness and stunted children The author has tried to trigger some solutions to remove food insecurity problems And these potential solutions can be utilized as alertnes

    From Hybridity to Singularity: The Distillation of a Unique Buddhist Identity on the Borderlands of South and Southeast Asia

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    The thesis is an exploration of identity on the borderlands between South and Southeast Asia. Specifically, it establishes the nature of the cultural distinctness of one of the largest ethnic groups in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) in Bangladesh. The thesis presents the historical processes behind the hybridity of this ethnic group and how it eventually came to be under one self-identifying label - the Marma. The study employs various approaches to understanding the creation and reproduction of identity. From the maintenance of the boundaries of culture to the processes at work within culture through concepts such as creolization, syncretism, and entanglement. These latter theories point towards a fluid process of reconfiguring and recasting of structure or creating order from chaos, in response to changes in the environment. The research also explores other essentially different approaches that have similar conceptual outcomes, such as the theories that stress that traditional practice and ethnic identity are invented afresh according to present historical contexts and in response to both internal and/or external pressures. These different approaches help to piece together the various components of Marma cultural identity. The ethnographic data is presented in three parts with each section drawing upon the relevant theories to examine the field data on the Marma group. The thesis contributes a detailed monograph on the study of borderland cultures and demonstrates the value of applying several lenses to the study of identity in complex areas of the world

    Combined allelopathic effect of buckwheat and marsh pepper residues on weed management and crop performance of transplant aman rice

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    The experiment was conducted at the Agronomy Field Laboratory, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh during the period from June to December 2016 to evaluate the suppression of weed growth through combined application of buckwheat and marsh pepper residues in transplant aman rice. The experiment consisted of three cultivars i.e. BRRI dhan56, Binadhan-12 and Nizershail, and five different crop residues with their combination such as no residues, 2.0 t ha-1 buckwheat residues, 2.0 t ha-1 marsh pepper residues, combined 0.5 t ha-1 buckwheat and 1.0 t ha-1 marsh pepper residues, combined 1.0 t ha-1 buckwheat and 0.5 t ha-1 marsh pepper residues. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Weed population and weed dry weight were significantly affected by cultivars and crop residues treatment. The maximum weed growth was noticed with no residues treatment and the minimum was found in combined 0.5 t ha-1 buckwheat and 1.0 t ha-1 marsh pepper residues. The grain yield as well as the yield contributing characters produced at BRRI dhan 56 was the highest among the studied varieties. The highest reduction of grain yield was obtained in no residues) treatment and the lowest was obtained when combined 0.5 t ha-1 buckwheat and 1.0 t ha-1 marsh pepper residues were applied. The highest numbers of effective tillers hill-1, number of grains panicle-1, 1000-grain weight, and grain and straw yields were observed in W3 treatment. BRRI dhan56 under 0.5 t ha-1 buckwheat and 1.0 t ha-1 marsh pepper residues treatment produced the highest grain yield. Results of this study indicates that combination of 0.5 t ha-1 buckwheat and 1.0 t ha-1 marsh pepper residues showed potentiality to suppress weed growth. Therefore, crop residues could be used as an alternative tool for sustainable weed management

    Strategies to control invasion of Sailfin Armoured Catfish, Pterygoplichthys spp. in wastewater-fed aquaculture bheries of East Kolkata Wetland, India with suggestion of a modified barrier based on the biological and behavioural characteristics

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    Sailfin armoured catfish (Pterygoplichthys spp.), an alien invasive species of family Loricariidae has invaded extensively in wastewater-fed large aquaculture ponds (locally called ‘bheries’) of East Kolkata Wetlands (EKW), West Bengal, India. As there is no viable controlling method at present, commonly these fishes are removed by different physical methods and discarded. In the present study, we investigated the effectiveness and suitability of different in-practice Pterygoplichthys spp. control methods, based on on-field sampling, biological and behavioural study of the fish and also response analysis of the stakeholder’s of EKW. The results indicate that in-practice eradication efforts, like ‘repeated seine netting’ with or without removal of Eichhornia sheath of the pond periphery and ‘dewatering of pond’ aiming to reduce or eradicate Pterygoplichthys spp., are not fully effective, because of the capture avoidance ability and burrowing habit of these fishes. We found deep and branching burrows of Pterygoplichthys spp. in aquaculture ponds of EKW, with maximum burrow depth of 58 cm, and water in that burrows even after 12 days of dewatering. Hence, it is suggested stakeholders to keep dewatered pond exposed to sunlight for at least four weeks or above to ensure complete water-out from the burrows in which Pterygoplichthys spp. take shelter or lay their eggs. ‘Multilayer bamboo fencing’ or ‘combination of bamboo fencing and net barrier’ use by the stakeholders of EKW to prevent intrusion or re-intrusion of Pterygoplichthys spp. were found only partially effective, because of the capability of these fishes to damage net-blocking through their hard dorsal and pectoral spines or entry through the holes dug across the barrier in beneath or banks of the sewage intake channel. Based on learning on the biological and behavioural characteristics of Pterygoplichthys spp., we then suggested a modified version of barrier to the stakeholder’s of EKW, incorporating a sewage feeder pipeline, a concrete collection chamber with size separation arrangement made of hard materials like wire mesh and a dam of specific dimensions across the channel, for effective prevention of intrusion of these fishes in their aquaculture bheries

    Acute kidney injury due to star fruit ingestion: A case report

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    Star fruit (Avarrhoa carambola) is a fruit from oxalidace family. lt is found in many countries of the world including Bangladesh. But its ingestion or drinking star fruit juice may lead to intoxication especially in patients with chronic kidney disease and manifestations might be neurological or nephrological. lt may also cause acute kidney injury in patients with previously normal renal function. Here we are presenting a case who presented with acute kidney injury after star fruit ingestion with previously unknown renal function impairment. The etiology was confirmed by histopathological exami­nation after doing renal biopsy. This renal function impairment is mainly due to oxalate crystal induce nephropathy which is richly abundant in star fruit. His renal function was improved ·with conservative management. Physicians should be alert to consider the ingestion of star fruit as a cause of acute kidney injury in a patient even in the absence of previous renal function impairment


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    The present study depicts the disease incidences in the aqua farms of Moyna, West Bengal, India, during 2018- 2020 and aqua-drugs used by farmers to combat diseases. A total of 132 fish disease incidences were reported, among which parasitic diseases were the most common (53.03%) followed by bacterial diseases (27.27%), diseases due to poor nutrition and environmental fluctuations (10.61%), and fungal diseases (9.09%), respectively. Out of the 53.03% parasitic disease incidences reported, Argulus (22.86%), Dactylogyrus (17.14%), Gyrodactylus (10.00%), Myxospores (10.00%), Lernaea (8.57%), Ichthyophthirius (5.71%) and Trichodina (4.29%) were the major disease-causing parasites. Among bacteria, Pseudomonas spp. and Aeromonas spp. were the most dominant genera encountered in diseased fish. Labeo catla was the most susceptible fish species followed by Labeo rohita, and Cirrhinus mrigala. Seasonal influence in disease occurrence was noticed. Monsoon and winter were favorable seasons for disease outbreaks. The influence of water quality parameters like hardness, pH, ammonia, total dissolved solids of water, and total organic carbon of sediment had a significant correlation with parasite abundance. Farmers of Moyna were observed to use a wide range of chemicals and aqua-drugs to control diseases and related problems. The majority of the fish farms of Moyna were found using feed additives and supplements (32.00%) followed by sanitizers and disinfectants (24.00%), probiotics (17.00%), anti-parasitic drugs (11.00%), antibiotics (8.00%), and other chemicals (20.00%). Lime (calcium carbonate) and zeolite along with sodium chloride, potassium permanganate, formalin, and calcium hypochlorite were extensively used as disinfectants in Moyna. Farmers being unaware of the adverse consequences of using chemicals and aqua-medicines are fully dependent on private aquaculture consultants for time-to-time advice, which may have augmented their indiscriminate use. Initiative for the implementation of better management practices by creating awareness among farmers and adopting strict aquaculture policy guidelines might improve the scenario

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    Not AvailableAquaculture is moving at a rapid pace and is the great hope to fulfill the protein requirement of future world population. However, with the increased stocking densities disease has almost become an integral part of aquaculture bringing huge mortalities and economic losses. An effective health management practice is therefore required to tackle this problem and avoid major losses. More efforts should be made in preventing the disease occurrence through the use of vaccines and immuno-stimulants. Similarly, plant based natural substances and biological control strategies should be adopted for treatment purpose. Wherever necessary, antibiotic use should be restricted. Indiscriminate use of other chemicals should also be avoided to prevent the adverse effect on host immune system. Modern technologies like CRISP-R based methods, RNAi and development of vaccines through Virus like particles (VLPs) should be effectively used to develop aquatic animal health management strategies. Climate change is predicted to generate worst effect through creation of more virulent pathogens and therefore effective better management practices can be developed to tackle the problem.Not Availabl

    Evaluation of biological activity of some dioxouranium complexes of some Schiff base and dithiocarbamate ligands

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    A number of dioxouranium(VI), UO22+ complexes of Schiff base and monodithiocarbamate ligands have been synthesized and characterized. Antimicrobial activities of these complexes have been studied. The results of inhibition zones of the selected microorganisms showed that all complexes exhibited mild to prominent activities against the pathogens tested herein.</p