32 research outputs found

    Welding high-strength aluminum alloys

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    Handbook has been published which integrates results of 19 research programs involving welding of high-strength aluminum alloys. Book introduces metallurgy and properties of aluminum alloys by discussing commercial alloys and heat treatments. Several current welding processes are reviewed such as gas tungsten-arc welding and gas metal-arc welding

    18. In the fall of 1956, following Reines and

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    [Univ. Calif. Radiat. Lab. Rep. UCRL-328 (1949)] suggested a radiochemical method using a fission reactor based on the reaction v + 37C1 -37Ar + e-. They did not pursue the method. Alvarez was dissuaded by his estimates of the background to be anticipated from cosmic rays; these estimates later proved to be correct for the reactors then available. As we know now, the neutrino produced in fission is be and the neutrino required for the 37C1 reaction is Ve, so the reactor result would have been negative even though the neutrino exists. Clyde Cowan left a legacy that will live in the annals of physics. In the search for that polsearch for that poltergeist, the neutrino, he exhibited the courage to tackle a problem that had defied experimentalists for 20 years and the creative imagination to contribute in a fundamental way to its solution. this comparison more precise. (Our initial analysis grossly overestimated the detection efficiency with the result that the measured cross section was at first thought to be in good agreement with prediction.) As commented on later in this account, the effect of parity nonconservation is to increase the predicted cross section by a factor of 2. In the two-component theory the electron neutrino has only two states-one, ve, with its spin angular momentum parallel, and one, Pe, with its spin angular momentum antiparallel to its linear momentum. Clyde Cowan left a legacy that will live in the annals of physics. In the search for that polsearch for that poltergeist, the neutrino, he exhibited the courage to tackle a problem that had defied experimentalists for 20 years and the creative imagination to contribute in a fundamental way to its solution. Of the 700 living species of echolocating bats in the mammalian order Chiroptera (1), about 600 actively pursue prey, probably with partial or complete guidance by sonar. The great majority of these bats are insectivorous and chase airborne insects or glean resting insects Modern portable electronic equipment for recording and analyzing the ultrasonic orientation signals used by bats (4, 6) has broadened the range of species of bats that have been studied while they hunt. The number of species about which something is known is now large enough for a comparative analysis of some aspects of hunting strategies as they are related to echolocation. In this article we discuss the relationships found among feeding behavior, echolocation, and the acoustic environment within which bats seek their prey. SCIENCE, VOL. 203, 5 JANUARY 1979 that have been observed hunting, echolocation serves as an important perceptual modality for finding prey (3, 4). In laboratory studies on their pursuit of airborne targets, bats use echolocation for detecting, locating, identifying, and tracking prey to a successful capture (5). Modern portable electronic equipment for recording and analyzing the ultrasonic orientation signals used by bats (4, 6) has broadened the range of species of bats that have been studied while they hunt. The number of species about which something is known is now large enough for a comparative analysis of some aspects of hunting strategies as they are related to echolocation. In this article we discuss the relationships found among feeding behavior, echolocation, and the acoustic environment within which bats seek their prey