22 research outputs found

    Multidetector row CT for imaging the paediatric tracheobronchial tree

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    The introduction of multidetector row computed tomography (MDCT) scanners has altered the approach to imaging the paediatric thorax. In an environment where the rapid acquisition of CT data allows general hospitals to image children instead of referring them to specialist paediatric centres, it is vital that general radiologists have access to protocols appropriate for paediatric applications. Thus a dramatic reduction in the delivered radiation dose is ensured with optimal contrast bolus delivery and timing, and inappropriate repetition of the scans is avoided. This article focuses on the main principles of volumetric CT imaging that apply generically to all MDCT scanners. We describe the reconstruction techniques for imaging the paediatric thorax and the low-dose protocols used in our institution on a 16-slice detector CT scanner. Examples of the commonest clinical applications are also given

    Newborn Screening for SCD in the USA and Canada

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    Sickle cell disease (SCD) encompasses a group of inherited red cell disorders characterized by an abnormal hemoglobin, Hb S. The most common forms of SCD in the United States and Canada are identified through universal newborn screening (NBS) programs. Now carried out in all fifty U.S. states and 8 Canadian provinces, NBS for SCD represents one of the major public health advances in North America. The current status of NBS programs for hemoglobinopathies and the screening techniques employed in many regions worldwide reflect in large part the U.S. and Canadian experiences. Although the structure, screening algorithms and laboratory procedures, as well as reporting and follow up, vary between NBS programs, the overall workflow is similar. The current review summarized the historical background, current approaches, and methods used to screen newborns for SCD in the United States and Canada

    Beyond the Definitions of the Phenotypic Complications of Sickle Cell Disease: An Update on Management

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    The sickle hemoglobin is an abnormal hemoglobin due to point mutation (GAG → GTG) in exon 1 of the β globin gene resulting in the substitution of glutamic acid by valine at position 6 of the β globin polypeptide chain. Although the molecular lesion is a single-point mutation, the sickle gene is pleiotropic in nature causing multiple phenotypic expressions that constitute the various complications of sickle cell disease in general and sickle cell anemia in particular. The disease itself is chronic in nature but many of its complications are acute such as the recurrent acute painful crises (its hallmark), acute chest syndrome, and priapism. These complications vary considerably among patients, in the same patient with time, among countries and with age and sex. To date, there is no well-established consensus among providers on the management of the complications of sickle cell disease due in part to lack of evidence and in part to differences in the experience of providers. It is the aim of this paper to review available current approaches to manage the major complications of sickle cell disease. We hope that this will establish another preliminary forum among providers that may eventually lead the way to better outcomes

    Geographic Differences in Phenotype and Treatment of Children with Sickle Cell Anemia from the Multinational DOVE Study

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    Background: DOVE (Determining Effects of Platelet Inhibition on Vaso-Occlusive Events) was a Phase 3, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study conducted in children with sickle cell anemia at 51 sites in 13 countries across four continents. Procedure: Data from DOVE were assessed for regional differences in subject phenotype and treatment. Demographics, baseline clinical and laboratory data, hydroxyurea (HU) use, vaso-occlusive crisis (VOCs; composite endpoint of painful crisis or acute chest syndrome (ACS)), serious adverse events (SAEs), hospitalization, and treatments were compared across the Americas, Europe, North Africa/Middle East, and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Results: Race, body mass index, and blood pressures differed by region. Pre-enrollment VOCs were highest in the Americas. For subjects not on HU, baseline hemoglobin was lowest in SSA; reticulocyte count was lowest in the Americas. Within SSA, Kenya subjects presented higher baseline hemolysis. Painful crisis was the most common SAE, followed by ACS in the Americas and infections in other regions. VOC rate and percentage of VOC hospitalizations were highest in Europe. Regardless of region, most VOCs were treated with analgesics; approximately half were treated with intravenous fluids. The proportion of VOC-related transfusions was greatest in Europe. Lengths of hospital stay were similar across regions. Conclusions: Overall differences in SAEs and hospitalization for VOCs may be due to cultural diversities, resource utilization, disease severity, or a combination of factors. These data are of importance for the planning of future trials in SCA in a multinational setting