371 research outputs found
Turbulent mixing at a stable density interface : the variation of the buoyancy flux–gradient relation
Experiments conducted on mixing across a stable density interface in a turbulent Taylor–Couette flow show, for the first time, experimental evidence of an increase in mixing efficiency at large Richardson numbers. With increasing buoyancy gradient the buoyancy flux first passes a maximum, then decreases and at large values of the buoyancy gradient the flux increases again. Thus, the curve of buoyancy flux versus buoyancy gradient tends to be N-shaped (rather than simply bell shaped), a behaviour suggested by the model of Balmforth et al. (J. Fluid Mech. vol. 428, 1998, p. 349). The increase in mixing efficiency at large Richardson numbers is attributed to a scale separation of the eddies active in mixing at the interface; when the buoyancy gradient is large mean kinetic energy is injected at scales much smaller than the eddy size fixed by the gap width, thus decreasing the eddy turnover time. Observations show that there is no noticeable change in interface thickness when the mixing efficiency increases; it is the mixing mechanism that changes. The curves of buoyancy flux versus buoyancy gradient also show a large variability for identical experimental conditions. These variations occur at time scales one to two orders of magnitude larger than the eddy turnover time scale
Near-field flow structure of a confined wall jet on flat and concave rough walls
Experimental results are presented of the mean flow and turbulence characteristics in the near field of a plane wall jet issuing from a nozzle onto flat and concave walls consisting of fixed sand beds. This is a flow configuration of interest for sediment erosion, also referred to as scouring. The measurements were made with an acoustic profiler that gives access to the three components of the instantaneous velocities. For the flat-wall flow, it is shown that the outer-layer spatial growth rate and the maxima of the Reynolds stresses approach the values accepted for the far field of a wall jet at a downstream distance x/b0 ≈ 8. These maxima are only about half the values of a plane free jet. This reduction in Reynolds stresses is also observed in the shear-layer region, x/b0 11, the maximum Reynolds shear stress approaches the value of a plane free jet. This change in Reynolds stresses is related to the mean vertical velocity that is negative for x/b0 < 8 and positive further downstream. The evolution of the inner region of the wall jet is found to be in good agreement with a previous model that explicitly includes the roughness length. On the concave wall, the mean flow and the Reynolds stresses are drastically changed by the adverse pressure gradient and especially by the development of Görtler vortices. On the downslope side of the scour hole, the flow is nearly separating with the wall shear stress tending to zero, whereas on the upslope side, the wall-friction coefficient is increased by a factor of about two by Görtler vortices. These vortices extend well into the outer layer and, just above the wall, cause a substantial increase in Reynolds shear stres
Parametrically forced, breaking gravity waves in a circular cylinder
Nous présentons des résultats sur des ondes de gravité créées par instabilité paramétrique dans un réservoir cylindrique et dans la limite d'eau profonde. Le diagramme de phase établi pour des fréquences proches du premier mode axisymétrique montre le seuil d'instabilité ainsi que le seuil d'existence d'ondes stables. L'amplitude des ondes en fonction de la fréquence d'excitation, déterminée pour une amplitude d'excitation en dessous du seuil d'instabilité des ondes, montre des modulations de l'amplitude des ondes ainsi que des bifurcations vers des modes asymétriques. Dans le régime des ondes instables une singularité en temps fini se produit, donnant naissance à des jets à grande vitesse, un phénomène démontré par Zeff et al. (2000) dans des fluides visqueux. Ici une telle singularité est montrée dans des fluides de faible viscosité et faible tension de surface
Inertial oscillations in a confined monopolar vortex subjected to background rotation
We study the axisymmetric inertial oscillations in a confined monopolar vortex under the influence of background rotation. By first focusing on the inviscid linear dynamics, and later studying the effects of viscosity and of a no-slip bottom, we characterize the effects of rotation and confinement. It was found that background rotation allows for oscillations outside the vortex core even with frequencies larger than 2O, with O the background rotation rate. However, confinement is necessary for the system to sustain oscillations with frequencies smaller than 2O. Through the analytical solution for a small perturbation of a Rankine vortex, we obtain five regimes where the oscillations are qualitatively different, depending on their frequency. Numerical results for the linear inviscid waves sustained by a Lamb–Oseen vortex show a similar behavior. The effects of viscosity are twofold: the oscillations are damped and the vortex sustaining the oscillations is modified. When a no-slip bottom is considered, a boundary layer drives a secondary motion superimposed on the inertial oscillations. In this case, the vortex is quickly damped, but the oscillations persist due to the background rotation
Numbers in the Blind's “Eye”
Background: Although lacking visual experience with numerosities, recent evidence shows that the blind perform similarly to sighted persons on numerical comparison or parity judgement tasks. In particular, on tasks presented in the auditory modality, the blind surprisingly show the same effect that appears in sighted persons, demonstrating that numbers are represented through a spatial code, i.e. the Spatial-Numerical Association of Response Codes (SNARC) effect. But, if this is the case, how is this numerical spatial representation processed in the brain of the blind? Principal Findings: Here we report that, although blind and sighted people have similarly organized numerical representations, the attentional shifts generated by numbers have different electrophysiological correlates (sensorial N100 in the sighted and cognitive P300 in the blind). Conclusions: These results highlight possible differences in the use of spatial representations acquired through modalities other than vision in the blind population
Infant Cognitive Scores Prediction With Multi-stream Attention-based Temporal Path Signature Features
There is stunning rapid development of human brains in the first year of life. Some studies have revealed the tight connection between cognition skills and cortical morphology in this period. Nonetheless, it is still a great challenge to predict cognitive scores using brain morphological features, given issues like small sample size and missing data in longitudinal studies. In this work, for the first time, we introduce the path signature method to explore hidden analytical and geometric properties of longitudinal cortical morphology features. A novel BrainPSNet is proposed with a differentiable temporal path signature layer to produce informative representations of different time points and various temporal granules. Further, a two-stream neural network is included to combine groups of raw features and path signature features for predicting the cognitive score. More importantly, considering different influences of each brain region on the cognitive function, we design a learning-based attention mask generator to automatically weight regions correspondingly. Experiments are conducted on an in-house longitudinal dataset. By comparing with several recent algorithms, the proposed method achieves the state-of-the-art performance. The relationship between morphological features and cognitive abilities is also analyzed
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