8 research outputs found

    Using a participatory approach to develop a sustainability framework for carbon capture and storage systems in The Netherlands

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    Sustainability considerations guide political decisions concerning energy supply options. In this article a start has been made for the development of a sustainability framework for carbon capture and storage (CCS) systems in the Netherlands. Using a participatory approach (which includes an exploratory workshop, two interactive meetings, an international survey and in-depth interviews), nine sustainability criteria for CCS based energy systems were defined and 36 main concerns about the sustainability of carbon, capture and storage systems (by criterion) were identified. Analysis shows that concerns related to the following criteria are most relevant: clean, flexible, just, competitive and publicly acceptable. Furthermore, via stakeholder consultations and through interviews, a list of actions to tackle the concerns was developed. These actions can be clustered into three groups: (i) increasing research and development, (ii) including CCS in a policy portfolio, and (iii) raising public awareness. Finally, actions that should take place in the next 2 years were identified

    Михайло Сергійович Яременко: до 80-річчя від дня народження

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    Виповнилось 80 років з дня народження видатного українського вченого в галузях водно-сольового обміну та бальнеології, засновника і багаторічного керівника відділу по вивченню механізмів фізіологічної дії мінеральних вод Інституту фізіології ім. О.О. Богомольця НАН України, фундатора трускавецької наукової школи бальнеології, лауреата Премії ім. О.О. Богомольця НАН України та Премії ім. Т. Торосєвича ЗАТ "Трускавецькурорт", доктора біологічних наук, професора Михайла Сергійовича ЯРЕМЕНКА

    Assessment of bottom-up sectoral and regional mitigation potentials

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    The greenhouse gas mitigation potential of different economic sectors in three world regions are estimated using a bottom-up approach. These estimates provide updates of the numbers reported in the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR4). This study is part of a larger project aimed at comparing greenhouse gas mitigation potentials from bottom-up and top-down approaches. The sectors included in the analysis are energy supply, transport, industry and the residential and service sector. The mitigation potentials range from 11 to 15 GtCO2eq. This is 26–38% of the baseline in 2030 and 47–68% relative to the year 2000. Potential savings are estimated for different cost levels. The total potential at negative costs is estimated at 5–8% relative to the baseline, with the largest share in the residential and service sector and the highest reduction percentage for the transport and industry sectors. These (negative) costs include investment, operation and maintenance and fuel costs and revenues at moderate discount rates of 3–10%. At costs below 100 US$/tCO2, the largest potential reductions in absolute terms are estimated in the energy supply sector, while the transport sector has the lowest reduction potential