6,030 research outputs found

    Cementation scenarios for New Zealand Cenozoic nontropical limestones

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    Cenozoic limestones are widely distributed in New Zealand, especially in the Oligocene-earliest Miocene in both islands, and the Pliocene-Pleistocene in North Island. A spectrum of limestone types exists, but all are skeletal-dominated (>70%), with usually <20% interparticle cement-matrix and <10% siliciclasts, and they have facies attributes typical of nontropical carbonates. The range of diagenetic features identified within the limestones is the basis for assigning them to a small number of “end-member” cementation classes that are inferred to be associated with four, broad, diagenetic settings

    Discriminating cool-water from warm-water carbonates and their diagenetic environments using element geochemistry: the Oligocene Tikorangi Formation (Taranaki Basin) and the dolomite effect

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    Fields portrayed within bivariate element plots have been used to distinguish between carbonates formed in warm- (tropical) water and cool- (temperate) water depositional settings. Here, element concentrations (Ca, Mg, Sr, Na, Fe, and Mn) have been determined for the carbonate fraction of bulk samples from the late Oligocene Tikorangi Formation, a subsurface, mixed dolomite-calcite, cool-water limestone sequence in Taranaki Basin, New Zealand. While the occurrence of dolomite is rare in New Zealand Cenozoic carbonates, and in cool-water carbonates more generally, the dolomite in the Tikorangi carbonates is shown to have a dramatic effect on the "traditional" positioning of cool-water limestone fields within bivariate element plots. Rare undolomitised, wholly calcitic carbonate samples in the Tikorangi Formation have the following average composition: Mg 2800 ppm; Ca 319 100 ppm; Na 800 ppm; Fe 6300 ppm; Sr 2400 ppm; and Mn 300 ppm. Tikorangi Formation dolomite-rich samples (>15% dolomite) have average values of: Mg 53 400 ppm; Ca 290 400 ppm; Na 4700 ppm; Fe 28 100 ppm; Sr 5400 ppm; and Mn 500 ppm. Element-element plots for dolomite-bearing samples show elevated Mg, Na, and Sr values compared with most other low-Mg calcite New Zealand Cenozoic limestones. The increased trace element contents are directly attributable to the trace element-enriched nature of the burial-derived dolomites, termed here the "dolomite effect". Fe levels in the Tikorangi Formation carbonates far exceed both modern and ancient cool-water and warm-water analogues, while Sr values are also higher than those in modern Tasmanian cool-water carbonates, and approach modern Bahaman warm-water carbonate values. Trace element data used in conjunction with more traditional petrographic data have aided in the diagenetic interpretation of the carbonate-dominated Tikorangi sequence. The geochemical results have been particularly useful for providing more definitive evidence for deep burial dolomitisation of the deposits under the influence of marine-modified pore fluids

    Lithostratigraphy and depositional episodes of the Oligocene carbonate-rich Tikorangi Formation, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand

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    The subsurface Oligocene Tikorangi Formation is a unique and important oil producer in the onshore Waihapa-Ngaere Field, Taranaki Basin, being the only carbonate and fracture-producing reservoir within the basin. Core sample data from seven onshore wells (foredeep megafacies) and a single offshore well (basinal megafacies) are correlated with a suite of sonic and gamma-ray geophysical well log data to derive interpretative carbonate facies for the Tikorangi Formation. Four mixed siliciclastic-carbonate to carbonate facies have been defined: facies A-calcareous siliciclastite (75% carbonate). Single or interbedded combinations of these facies form the basis for identifying nine major lithostratigraphic units in the Tikorangi Formation that are correlatable between the eight wells in this study.The Tikorangi Formation accumulated across a shelf-slope-basin margin within a tectonically diversified basin setting, notably involving considerable off-shelf redeposition of sediment into a bounding foredeep. Analysis of gamma, sonic, and resistivity well logs identifies five major episodes of sedimentary evolution. Episode I comprises retrogradational siliciclastic-dominated redeposited units associated with foredeep subsidence. Episode II is a continuation of episode I retrogradation, but with increased mass-redeposited carbonate influx during accelerated foredeep subsidence and relative sea-level rise, the top marking the maximum flooding surface. Episode III involves a progradational sequence comprising relatively pure redeposited carbonate units associated with declining subsidence rates and minimal siliciclastic input, with movement of facies belts basinward. Episode IV consists of prograding aggradation involving essentially static facies belts dominated by often thick, periodically mass-emplaced, carbonate-rich units separated by thin background siliciclastic shale-like units. Episode V is a retrogradational sequence marking the reintroduction of siliciclastic material into the basin following uplift of Mesozoic basement associated with accelerated compressional tectonics along the Australia-Pacific plate boundary, initially diluting and ultimately extinguishing carbonate production factories and terminating deposition of the Tikorangi Formation

    Petrogenesis of the Tikorangi Formation fracture reservoir, Waihapa-Ngaere Field, Taranaki Basin

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    The subsurface mid-Tertiary Tikorangi Formation is the sole limestone and the only fracture-producing hydrocarbon reservoir within Taranaki Basin. This study, based on core material from seven wells in the onshore Waihapa/Ngaere Field, uses a range of petrographic (standard, CL, UV, SEM) and geochemical techniques (stable isotope, trace element data, XRD) to unravel a complex diagenetic history for the Tikorangi Formation. A series of eight major geological-diagenetic events for the host rock and fracture systems have been established, ranging from burial cementation through to hydrocarbon emplacement within mineralized fractures. For each diagenetic event a probable temperature field has been identified which, combined with a geohistory plot, has enabled the timing of events to be determined. This study has shown that the Tikorangi Formation comprises a complex mixed siliciclastic-carbonate-rich sequence of rocks that exhibit generally tight, pressure-dissolved, and well cemented fabrics with negligible porosity and permeability other than in fractures. Burial cementation of the host rocks occurred at temperatures of 27-37°C from about 0.5-1.0 km burial depths. Partial replacement dolomitisation occurred during late burial diagenesis at temperatures of 36-50°C and at burial depths of about 1.0 km, without any secondary porosity development. Fracturing occurred after dolomitisation and was associated with compression and thrusting on the Taranaki Fault. The location of more carbonate/dolomite-rich units may have implications for the location of better-developed fracture network systems and for hydrocarbon prospectivity and production. Hydrocarbon productivity has been ultimately determined by original depositional facies, diagenesis, and deformation. Within the fracture systems, a complex suite of vein calcite, dolomite, quartzine, and celestite minerals has been precipitated prior to hydrocarbon emplacement, which have substantially healed and reduced fracture porosities and permeabilities. The occurrence of multiple vein mineral phases, collectively forming a calcite/dolomite-celestite-quartzine mineral assemblage, points to fluid compositions varying both spatially and temporally. The fluids responsible for vein mineralisation in the Tikorangi Formation probably involved waters of diverse origins and compositions. Vein mineralisation records a history of changing pore fluid chemistry and heating during burial, punctuated by changes in the relative input and mixing of downward circulating meteoric and upwelling basinal fluids. A sequence of mineralisation events and their probable burial depth/temperature fields have been defined, ranging from temperatures of 50-80°C and burial depths of 1.0-2.3 km. Hydrocarbon emplacement has occurred over the last 6 m.y. following the vein mineralization events. The Tikorangi Formation must continue to be viewed as a potential fracture reservoir play within Taranaki Basin

    Lithostratigraphy and depositional episodes of the Oligocene carbonate-rich Tikorangi Formation, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand

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    The subsurface Oligocene Tikorangi Formation is a unique and important oil producer in the onshore Waihapa-Ngaere Field, Taranaki Basin, being the only carbonate and fracture-producing reservoir within the basin. Core sample data from seven onshore wells (foredeep megafacies) and a single offshore well (basinal megafacies) are correlated with a suite of sonic and gamma-ray geophysical well log data to derive interpretative carbonate facies for the Tikorangi Formation. Four mixed siliciclastic-carbonate to carbonate facies have been defined: facies A-calcareous siliciclastite (75% carbonate). Single or interbedded combinations of these facies form the basis for identifying nine major lithostratigraphic units in the Tikorangi Formation that are correlatable between the eight wells in this study.The Tikorangi Formation accumulated across a shelf-slope-basin margin within a tectonically diversified basin setting, notably involving considerable off-shelf redeposition of sediment into a bounding foredeep. Analysis of gamma, sonic, and resistivity well logs identifies five major episodes of sedimentary evolution. Episode I comprises retrogradational siliciclastic-dominated redeposited units associated with foredeep subsidence. Episode II is a continuation of episode I retrogradation, but with increased mass-redeposited carbonate influx during accelerated foredeep subsidence and relative sea-level rise, the top marking the maximum flooding surface. Episode III involves a progradational sequence comprising relatively pure redeposited carbonate units associated with declining subsidence rates and minimal siliciclastic input, with movement of facies belts basinward. Episode IV consists of prograding aggradation involving essentially static facies belts dominated by often thick, periodically mass-emplaced, carbonate-rich units separated by thin background siliciclastic shale-like units. Episode V is a retrogradational sequence marking the reintroduction of siliciclastic material into the basin following uplift of Mesozoic basement associated with accelerated compressional tectonics along the Australia-Pacific plate boundary, initially diluting and ultimately extinguishing carbonate production factories and terminating deposition of the Tikorangi Formation

    Studies of extended planetary atmospheres

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    There was a theoretical study of physical and chemical processes in the stratosphere, later broadened to include the mesosphere. Particular emphasis was laid on testing of proposed height profiles of the eddy diffusion coefficient against observed tracer data. Eventually the effort shifted to study of ozone time series in satellite data, and interpretation in terms of aeronomical processes. Since all this work is computer-intensive, the first year of funding also contributed to the acquisition of a powerful minicomputer system, in collaboration with several other faculty members. This proved to be highly successful and cost effective

    Petrologic evidence for earliest Miocene tectonic mobility on eastern Taranaki Basin margin

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    At Gibsons Beach on the west coast of central North Island, the earliest Miocene (Waitakian) Otorohanga Limestone, the top-most formation in the Te Kuiti Group, is unconformably overlain on an undulating, locally channelised erosion surface by the Early Miocene (Otaian) Papakura Limestone at the base of the Waitemata Group. The basal facies of the Papakura Limestone is a conglomerate composed exclusively of tightly packed pebble- to cobble-sized clasts of skeletal limestone sourced from the underlying Otorohanga Limestone. This petrographic and geochemical study demonstrates that the Otorohanga Limestone was partially lithified during marine and shallow-burial cementation at subsurface depths down to a few tens of metres prior to uplift, erosion and cannibalisation of the limestone clasts into the Papakura Limestone. Strontium isotope dating of fossils from both the Otorohanga and Papakura Limestones at Gibsons Beach yield comparable ages of about 22 Ma, close to the Waitakian/Otaian boundary, indicating very rapid tectonic inversion and erosion of the section occurred in the earliest Miocene. We envisage the clasts of Otorohanga Limestone were sourced from a proximal shoreline position and redeposited westwards by episodic debris flows onto a shallow-shelf accumulating mixed siliciclastic-skeletal carbonate deposits of the Papakura Limestone. Subsequent burial of both limestones by rapidly accumulating Waitemata Group sandstone and flysch instigated precipitation of widespread burial cements from pressure dissolution of carbonate material at subsurface depths from about 100 m to 1.0 km. The vertical tectonic movements registered at Gibsons Beach can be related to the oblique compression associated with the development of the Australian-Pacific plate boundary through New Zealand at about this time and coincide with overthrusting of basement into Taranaki Basin between mid-Waitakian (earliest Miocene) and Altonian (late Early Miocene) times

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome patients exhibit depressive and anxiety scores in the subsyndromal range

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    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients frequently experience affective disorders and psychiatric outpatients frequently meet criteria for IBS. The exact nature of this co-morbidity is not clear. 34 patients with Rome-II diagnosed IBS were recruited from a Gastroenterology clinic. Patients with social anxiety disorder (10 SSRI-remitted and 7 untreated subjects) were used as a psychiatric comparison, 28 normal subjects from our register were included as a fourth group (Volunteers). Depressive and anxiety symptoms were measured by the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Spielberger Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), respectively. Personality traits were measured with the Swedish universities Scales of Personality (SSP). IBS subjects had BDI and STAI scores intermediate between those of volunteers and patients, despite their lack of a co-morbid psychiatric diagnosis. A principle component factor analysis of the SSP dataset corresponded closely to the solution published with other samples. ANOVA revealed significant between-group differences for 7 of the 13 SSP variables

    Superradiance for atoms trapped along a photonic crystal waveguide

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    We report observations of superradiance for atoms trapped in the near field of a photonic crystal waveguide (PCW). By fabricating the PCW with a band edge near the D1_1 transition of atomic cesium, strong interaction is achieved between trapped atoms and guided-mode photons. Following short-pulse excitation, we record the decay of guided-mode emission and find a superradiant emission rate scaling as ΓˉSR∝Nˉ⋅Γ1D\bar{\Gamma}_{\rm SR}\propto\bar{N}\cdot\Gamma_{\rm 1D} for average atom number 0.19â‰ČNˉâ‰Č2.60.19 \lesssim \bar{N} \lesssim 2.6 atoms, where Γ1D/Γ0=1.1±0.1\Gamma_{\rm 1D}/\Gamma_0 =1.1\pm0.1 is the peak single-atom radiative decay rate into the PCW guided mode and Γ0\Gamma_{0} is the Einstein-AA coefficient for free space. These advances provide new tools for investigations of photon-mediated atom-atom interactions in the many-body regime.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure
