13 research outputs found

    LED-Based Solar Simulator

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    Solar simulators are great laboratory tools that help users conduct tests with solar cells indoors. Conventional solar simulators typically use xenon arc bulbs as a light source, which can have considerable disadvantages. Recent projects have sought to design and implement LED-based solar simulators, as they are more power-efficient, inexpensive, and durable. Based on these advantages, the goal of this project is to create an LED-based solar simulator that can replicate the characteristics of solar light, but also be tunable with controls. This broadens the testing capabilities of the device, allowing users to conduct tests with more narrow spectrums of light within the range of 350nm to1100nm. The device will also be able to replicate different daytime conditions by adjusting the outputted spectral irradiance. The simulator will be able to maintain a uniform spectrum over a single 6” x 6” solar cell with no major deviations in spectral content over time, such that accurate and consistent measurements can be taken during testing sessions

    Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Cobalt Ferrite (CoFe2O4) Nanoparticles Prepared by Wet Chemical Route

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    Magnetic nanoparticles of cobalt ferrite have been synthesized by wet chemical method using stable ferric and cobalt salts with oleic acid as the surfactant. X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) confirmed the formation of single phase cobalt ferrite nanoparticles in the range 15-48nm depending on the annealing temperature and time. The size of the particles increases with annealing temperature and time while the coercivity goes through a maximum, peaking at around 28nm. A very large coercivity (10.5kOe) is observed on cooling down to 77K while typical blocking effects are observed below about 260K. The high field moment is observed to be small for smaller particles and approaches the bulk value for large particles.Comment: 18 pages, accepted in JMMM, (May, 2006

    A Kristevan analysis of three selected short stories from Sitoy\u27s Mens rea and other stories

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    This paper will basically study how the male protagonists are constructed in the three selected stories by Sitoy - namely Mens Rea , Armani and Painted One -- using Kristeva\u27s theory of significance. It will try to locate the male protagonist\u27s position - as central or marginal in each story as it progresses. This will be done through an analysis of the male main character, of conflict, and of point of view in each of the stories. In the analysis of the male main character, this paper will look at how the male protagonist is constructed as masculine or feminine by looking at how others perceive him and also at how he perceives himself. In the analysis of conflict in each of the selected stories, this paper will identify the antagonist/s and how he/she/they represent/s a threat or a force of subversion to the position of the male protagonist. Once the main character\u27s position within the story is identified, this paper will then try to see, through an analysis of the dynamics of conflict between the protagonists and other characters, if the said position is subverted, threatened, or basically stays the same as the story progresses. Then when the conflict itself is identified, this paper will see how this conflict is resolved in the story by examining the levels of displacement in the position of the protagonist, basically looking into how the protagonist\u27s position changes (if indeed it does) at the end of the story. Thus this paper will attempt to show how masculinity can be viewed as a position rather than as an essence exclusive to men, and argue that men could also be constructed as feminine. Lakambini Sitoy is chosen for this study as an acknowledgement of her talent and possible contributions to Philippine literature and feminist studies as a young and emerging feminist writer

    Ethnographic evaluation: Pre-cana program in selected parishes of Manila 1995-1996, using CIPP model

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    This study evaluates the Pre-Cana program in selected parishes of the ecclesiastical District of Manila from 1995 to 1996.Stufflebeam\u27s Context-Input-Process-Product (CIPP) model was used. The context evaluation referred to (1) the objectives of the respondent parishes for the Pre-Cana program, (2) the directives of the Church, (3) the defined objectives of the Simbahayan Commission-Manila Archdiocese on Marriage and Family Life Ministry, and (4) the expectations that engaged couples had in participating in the parish marriage preparation.The respondents in the study included 18 program director priests, 31 Pre-Cana seminar facilitators, 109 individual participants engaged in Pre-Cana seminar, a Canon Lawyer, and a family woman. The descriptive-evaluative method of research was employed. It used ethnography in gathering data. The research was largely field-based. Participative observation, interviews, and analysis of extant documents available generated more data.The results showed that the parish Pre-Cana objectives were perceived as a program that: (1) assisted engaged couples and (2) made them aware of the essential teachings of the Church on the nature, purpose, and responsibilities of married and family life. According to the authorities consulted, however, the parish objectives reflected only to a limited extent the Church objectives for marriage preparation. The profile of the engaged couples showed that the participants were generally in their marrying age and were gainfully employed. They had adequate tertiary education and earlier received some instruction in religion and marriage catechesis. It was identified that they actively participated in Church sacraments and had a strong sense of belonging to the Church.The profile of the facilitators showed that not many parishes had lay facilitators in the team. There was a big gap seen in the preparation received between the priests and lay facilitators. The more progressive parishes had adequate materials and resources, the more systematic and effective was the implementation of the program.The services offered by the parish program for the engaged couples were, primarily, the canonical interviews, Pre-Cana seminar, the celebrations of the sacraments, and counseling. The most common format was the private session between the priest and the couple.The participants viewed the parish Pre-Cana they received was helpful to them. The facilitators perceived the program to be a valuable experience. The facilitators were also favorably evaluated on the relevance of the presentations and on their ability to answer questions raised during the Pre-Cana seminar. Generally, the participants expressed satisfaction in the contribution of the facilitators in the Pre-Cana program received in the parish

    Санкции США против Ирана и их последствия для Индо-Тихоокеанского региона

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    India’s relationship with the United States within the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) framework is complicated as India has a strong strategic partnership with Iran, which is an US adversary. US sanctions against Iran pose a dilemma for India. In 2019, India was the third largest buyer of Iranian oil, with 258,000 barrels per day, and in the same year, Iran was India’s third largest supplier of oil, after Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Allowing Iran to sell its oil unhindered to India would give the former additional resources to continue its activities inimical to US interests, such as missile development, funding proxy militias, and its nuclear programme. However, US sanctions on Iran have significant effects on India and its ability to be a reliable member of the Quad, with further security implications for the Indo-Pacific region.Отношения Индии с Соединенными Штатами в рамках Четырехстороннего диалога по вопросам безопасности (Quad) сложным, поскольку Индия имеет прочные стратегические партнерские отношения с Ираном, который является противником США. санкции США против Иран представляет дилемму для Индии. В 2019 году Индия была третьим по величине покупателем иранской нефти с 258 000 баррелей в день и в том же году Иран был третьим по величине поставщиком нефти в Индию после Ирака и Саудовской Аравии. Разрешить Ирану продавать свои беспрепятственная поставка нефти в Индию дала бы бывшей дополнительные ресурсы для продолжения деятельности, враждебной интересам США,такие как разработка ракет, финансирование прокси-ополченцев и его ядерная программа. Однако санкции США против Ирана иметь значительное влияние на Индию и ее способность быть надежным членом Quad, с дополнительными последствиями для безопасности для Индо-Тихоокеанского региона

    Рецензия на книгу: Salleh A., Idris A. Malaysia’s United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (1960-2010). Springer, 2021. 231 p.

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    Концепции «Шанхайского духа» и «Пути АСЕАН» как основа нового регионализма

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    Narratives are essential for organizations and states to provide a framework for their decision-making processes and organizational structure and bolster their legitimacy by appealing to shared values and worldviews. These narratives will play a greater role in a multipolar world characterized by a diversity of worldviews and values that shape the internal and external perceptions of international actors. The authors compare the critical narratives forwarded by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), namely the Shanghai Spirit and the ASEAN Way. Drawing on scientific works dedicated to explicating the worldview, values, and norms espoused by the Shanghai Spirit and the ASEAN Way, the authors use syncretic approaches to show how these concepts are applied in these narratives. The Shanghai Spirit is based on mutual trust, mutual benefit, quality, respect for the diversity of civilizations, and the pursuit of common development. Similarly, the ASEAN Way is based on non-interference, non-confrontation, non-use of force, and consensus-based decision-making. The Shanghai Spirit and the ASEAN Way have notable similarities, such as an emphasis on preserving sovereignty, a pragmatic approach to regionalism, and a flexible, non-binding application. Although they also have significant differences, such as the rationale behind them, different preferred means of cooperation, and an emphasis on state security versus human security. The article argues that the unique features of the Shanghai Spirit and the ASEAN Way, which promote loose regionalism, combined with the state-centric Westphalian features of the contemporary international system, result in a new form of regionalism that is open yet preserves and reinforces the individual sovereignty of states. In this sense, the Shanghai Spirit and the ASEAN Way may provide the intellectual basis for a new form of regionalism and international relations that can better respond to the emerging challenges of a multipolar world.Нарративы необходимы организациям и государствам, чтобы обеспечить основу для процессов принятия решений и организационной структуры, а также укрепить свою легитимность, апеллируя к общим ценностям и мировоззрению. Эти нарративы будут играть еще бóльшую роль в многополярном мире, характеризующемся разнообразием мировоззрений и ценностей, которые формируют внутреннее и внешнее восприятие международных акторов. В исследовании сравниваются критические нарративы, выдвинутые Шанхайской организацией сотрудничества (ШОС) и Ассоциацией государств Юго-Восточной Азии (АСЕАН), - «Шанхайский дух» и «Путь АСЕАН». Опираясь на научные работы, посвященные изложению мировоззрения, ценностей и норм, составляющих «Шанхайский дух» и «Путь АСЕАН», авторы используют синкретические подходы, чтобы показать, как эти понятия применяются в данных нарративах. «Шанхайский дух» строится на взаимном доверии, взаимной выгоде, качестве, уважении к разнообразию цивилизаций и стремлении к совместному развитию. Аналогичным образом, «Путь АСЕАН» основан на невмешательстве, неконфронтации, неприменении силы и принятии решений на основе консенсуса. «Шанхайский дух» и «Путь АСЕАН» имеют заметные сходства, такие как акцент на сохранении суверенитета, прагматичный подход к регионализму и гибкое, необязательное применение. Однако у них есть и существенные различия, такие как обоснование, лежащее в их основе, различные предпочтительные средства сотрудничества, а также акцент на безопасности государства в противовес безопасности человека. Утверждается, что уникальные особенности «Шанхайского духа» и «Пути АСЕАН», которые продвигают свободный регионализм, в сочетании с государственно-центричными Вестфальскими особенностями современной международной системы приводят к новой - открытой - форме регионализма, при этом сохраняющей и укрепляющей индивидуальный суверенитет государств. В этом смысле «Шанхайский дух» и «Путь АСЕАН» могут стать интеллектуальной основой для новой формы регионализма и международных отношений, которые могут более чутко реагировать на возникающие вызовы многополярного мира

    Systemic immune system alterations in early stages of Alzheimer's disease

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    Immune activation and inflammation play significant roles in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). To test whether AD patients showed systemic manifestations of inflammation, blood from 41 patients with early stages of AD and 31 aged-match elderly controls were evaluated. Cellular markers for monocyte/macrophage (MO) activation and CD8 T lymphocyte were increased in early AD patients. Expression of monocyte CCR2, the receptor for monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), was decreased; however, plasma MCP-1 levels were significantly increased and were related to the degree of MO activation in AD. These findings suggest that AD pathogenesis may be influenced by systemic immunologic dysfunction and provides potential immunologic targets for therapeutic intervention