11 research outputs found

    Chlamydia trachomatis infections in neonates and infants

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    Abstract Around 3% of pregnant women in Finland have genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection, which can be transmitted from mother to newborn at birth. The risk of transmission has been reported to be 10–70% in vaginal deliveries resulting in conjunctivitis in 10–30% of cases and lower respiratory tract infection in 0–20% of cases. Although usually benign, Chlamydia trachomatis infections in infancy may result in long-term consequences, including conjunctival and corneal scarring, chronic cough and abnormal lung function. Based on the transmission rates published in prior studies, chlamydial conjunctivitis should occur in approximately 200 infants and chlamydial lower respiratory tract infection in 100 infants each year in our country, but in clinical practice we rarely encounter or diagnose infants with Chlamydia trachomatis infections. To investigate the reason for this discrepancy and to improve the recognition of Chlamydia trachomatis-infected infants, we set out to study the risk of vertical transmission of Chlamydia trachomatis in a population-based setting, to describe the typical features of Chlamydia trachomatis infections in infants and to evaluate the occurrence of Chlamydia trachomatis in both neonatal conjunctivitis and lower respiratory tract infections in infants. When studying the probability of vertical transmission of Chlamydia trachomatis a search through two national health registers for 1996–2011 yielded 206 children aged less than four years with a possible Chlamydia trachomatis infection. In a cohort of 933 823 births this represented an occurrence of 0.22 per 1000 live births (95% confidence interval 0.19–0.25). The risk of vertical transmission of Chlamydia trachomatis leading to a symptomatic infection in infancy was 0.8–1.8%. A review of patient charts to evaluate the typical features of Chlamydia trachomatis infections in infants (124/206) revealed that one-third of the infants with chlamydial conjunctivitis (33/124) had spontaneous bloody discharge from the infected eyes. Almost half of the infants with chlamydial lower respiratory tract infection (15/32) had wheezing, but the characteristic staccato cough was not recorded in any of them. The median diagnostic delay from the onset of symptoms was 13 (range 4–374) days for conjunctivitis and 25 (range 10–149) days for lower respiratory tract infection. One neglected child developed bilateral corneal scars due to untreated chlamydial conjunctivitis. To investigate the occurrence of Chlamydia trachomatis in neonatal conjunctivitis, 173 neonates with clinical conjunctivitis at child health clinics were examined prospectively during 2010–2015 and none of the 163 cases tested had chlamydial or gonococcal conjunctivitis (0%; 95% confidence interval 0%–2.2%). Viral conjunctivitis was diagnosed in 8/167 cases (4.8%; 95% confidence interval 2.1%–9.2%) and non-chlamydial bacterial conjunctivitis in 58/160 (36%; 95% confidence interval 29%–44%). To investigate the occurrence of Chlamydia trachomatis in lower respiratory tract infections, 228 infants aged less than six months with lower respiratory tract infection presenting at the paediatric emergency department of Oulu University Hospital were examined prospectively over a period of a complete epidemiological year. One infant (0.4%; 95% confidence interval 0.01%–2.4%) had lower respiratory tract infection caused by Chlamydia trachomatis and another was diagnosed with whooping cough (0.4%; 95% confidence interval 0.01%–2.4%). The majority of the infants with lower respiratory tract infection (203/228) had a respiratory viral infection. It may be concluded that the risk of mother-to-child transmission of Chlamydia trachomatis leading to a clinical illness in the infant in this era of nucleic acid-based diagnostics was less than 2%, which is significantly lower than in earlier studies. The population-based prevalence of neonatal chlamydial conjunctivitis in primary care was less than 2% and that of chlamydial lower respiratory tract infection in a hospital setting less than 2.5%. The long-term prognosis for Chlamydia trachomatis infections in infancy was good. Common respiratory viruses were detected in 5% of the neonatal conjunctivitis cases.TiivistelmĂ€ Noin 3 %:lla suomalaisista raskaana olevista naisista on klamydian (Chlamydia trachomatis) aiheuttama sukupuolitauti, joka voi tarttua Ă€idistĂ€ lapseen synnytyksessĂ€. Tartuntariskin on raportoitu olevan alatiesynnytyksessĂ€ noin 10–70 %. Noin 10–30 % tartunnan saaneista lapsista sairastuu silmĂ€tulehdukseen ja 0–20 % keuhkokuumeeseen. Vaikka imevĂ€isten klamydiainfektiot ovat useimmiten lieviĂ€ tauteja, imevĂ€isiĂ€llĂ€ sairastettu klamydiainfektio voi aiheuttaa silmĂ€n side- ja sarveiskalvon arpeutumista, pitkittynyttĂ€ yskÀÀ ja keuhkofunktion alenemaa. Aiempien tutkimusten perusteella arvioimme, ettĂ€ Suomessa sairastuu vuosittain noin 200 imevĂ€istĂ€ klamydian aiheuttamaan silmĂ€tulehdukseen ja noin 100 imevĂ€istĂ€ klamydiakeuhkokuumeeseen. Kliininen kokemuksemme on kuitenkin, ettĂ€ kohtaamme klamydiaa sairastavia imevĂ€isiĂ€ varsin harvoin. TĂ€mĂ€n ongelman ratkaisemiseksi ja klamydiaa sairastavien imevĂ€isten paremmaksi tunnistamiseksi suunnittelimme tutkimuksen, jonka tarkoituksena on selvittÀÀ vĂ€estöpohjainen riski klamydian tarttumiselle Ă€idistĂ€ vastasyntyneeseen, kuvata imevĂ€isten klamydiainfektioiden tyypilliset piirteet sekĂ€ selvittÀÀ klamydian osuus imevĂ€isten silmĂ€tulehduksissa ja alle kuuden kuukauden ikĂ€isten imevĂ€isten alahengitystieinfektioissa. Klamydian sairastaneet lapset poimittiin kahdesta suomalaisesta terveydenhuoltorekisteristĂ€ vuosina 1996–2011. Tuona aikana 206 lasta oli sairastanut mahdollisen klamydiainfektion, joten klamydian ilmaantuvuus oli 0,22/1000:tta elĂ€vĂ€nĂ€ syntynyttĂ€ kohti (95 % luottamusvĂ€li 0,19–0,25). VĂ€estöpohjainen riski Ă€idin sukupuoliklamydian tarttumiselle vastasyntyneeseen niin ettĂ€ lapselle aiheutuu oireinen infektio oli 0,8–1,8 %. Saatavilla olevien potilasasiakirjojen (124/206) perusteella kolmasosalla (33/124) imevĂ€isistĂ€, jotka sairastivat klamydian aiheuttamaa silmĂ€tulehdusta, oli oireena spontaani verinen kyynel- tai rĂ€hmĂ€erite. Klamydiakeuhkokuumetta sairastavista puolella (15/32) esiintyi hengityksen vinkumista, mutta klamydiakeuhkokuumeelle tyypillistĂ€ hakkaavaa yskÀÀ (”staccato-yskĂ€â€) ei todettu yhdellĂ€kÀÀn imevĂ€isellĂ€. Diagnostinen viive oli verrattain pitkĂ€: 13 pĂ€ivÀÀ (vaihteluvĂ€li 4–374) silmĂ€tulehduksessa ja 25 pĂ€ivÀÀ (vaihteluvĂ€li 10–149) keuhkokuumeessa. Yhdelle laiminlyödylle lapselle kehittyi molemminpuoliset sarveiskalvoarvet hoitamattoman klamydiainfektion seurauksena. Vastasyntyneen silmĂ€tulehdustutkimukseen rekrytoitiin 173 alle 30 pĂ€ivĂ€n ikĂ€istĂ€ lasta Oulun kaupungin lastenneuvoloissa vuosina 2010–2015. Klamydian tai tippurin aiheuttamaa silmĂ€tulehdusta ei todettu yhdellĂ€kÀÀn 163:sta tutkitusta vauvasta (0 %; 95 % luottamusvĂ€li 0 %–2,2 %). Viruksen aiheuttama silmĂ€tulehdus todettiin kahdeksalla vauvalla (4,8 %; 95 % luottamusvĂ€li 2,1 %–9,2 %) ja jonkin muun bakteerin kuin klamydian aiheuttama silmĂ€tulehdus 58:lla vauvalla (36 %; 95 % luottamusvĂ€li 29 %–44 %). ImevĂ€isten alahengitystieinfektiotutkimukseen rekrytoitiin 228 alle kuuden kuukauden ikĂ€istĂ€ imevĂ€istĂ€ yliopistosairaalan lastenpĂ€ivystyksessĂ€ yhden epidemiologisen vuoden aikana. Klamydian aiheuttama hengitystieinfektio diagnosoitiin yhdellĂ€ imevĂ€isellĂ€ (0,4 %; 95 % luottamusvĂ€li 0,01 %–2,4 %) ja hinkuyskĂ€ niin ikÀÀn yhdellĂ€ (0,4 %; 95 % luottamusvĂ€li 0,01 %–2,4 %). Valtaosalla (203/228) alahengitystieinfektio-oireisista imevĂ€isistĂ€ oli viruksen aiheuttama infektio. Yhteenvetona voimme todeta, ettĂ€ klamydia tarttui Ă€idistĂ€ lapseen alle 2 %:ssa synnytyksistĂ€, mikĂ€ on huomattavasti harvinaisempaa kuin aiemmin on luultu. Klamydian aiheuttamien silmĂ€tulehdusten esiintyvyys oli alle 2 % ja alahengitystieinfektioiden alle 2,5 % alueemme lapsivĂ€estössĂ€. Klamydian aiheuttamat pitkĂ€aikaishaitat olivat harvinaisia. Tavallisten hengitystievirusten osuus vastasyntyneiden silmĂ€tulehduksissa oli 5 %

    NĂ€in diagnosoin ja hoidan lasten virtsatieinfektiot

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    TiivistelmÀ Virtsatieinfektio on pienillÀ lapsilla yleisin sairaalahoitoon johtava bakteeritulehdus. VirtsankerÀystyynyllÀ tai -pussilla saatu positiivinen tulos kannattaa yleensÀ varmistaa luotettavammalla menetelmÀllÀ. Lentovirtsan saamista imevÀiseltÀ voi nopeuttaa sivelemÀllÀ alavatsaa kylmillÀ nestelapuilla. HyvÀvointinen lapsi voidaan hoitaa suun kautta annosteltavilla lÀÀkkeillÀ avoterveydenhuollossa. Virtsaelinten kaikututkimus on aiheellinen ainakin imevÀisillÀ sekÀ ensimmÀisen munuaistason tulehduksen jÀlkeen

    Effect of point-of-care testing for respiratory pathogens on antibiotic use in children:a randomized clinical trial

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    Abstract Importance: Limited data are available on the clinical impact of multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) point-of-care testing for respiratory pathogens in acutely ill children. Objective: To evaluate the effect of multiplex PCR point-of-care testing for respiratory pathogens on antibiotic use in acutely ill children. Design, Setting, and Participants: This unblinded, randomized clinical trial was conducted from May 6, 2019, through March 12, 2020. The participants were followed up until hospitalization or discharge from the emergency department (ED) for primary outcome. The study was conducted at the pediatric ED of Oulu University Hospital, Finland. Eligible study participants were children aged 0 to 17 years with fever and/or any respiratory signs or symptoms. Children with underlying medical conditions were included. The statistical analyses were performed between August 11, 2020, and September 14, 2021. Interventions: The participants were randomly assigned in a 2:1 ratio either to undergo multiplex PCR point-of-care testing (18 respiratory viruses and 3 bacteria with results ready within 70 minutes) upon arrival at the ED or to receive routine care. Main Outcomes and Measures: The primary outcome was the proportion of children receiving antibiotic therapy. The secondary outcomes were the numbers of diagnostic tests and radiographic imaging procedures performed and costs. Results: A total of 1417 children were assessed for eligibility. After exclusions, 1243 children (692 boys [56%]) were randomly allocated to either the intervention (829 children) or control (414 children) group. The mean (SD) age of the participants was 3.0 (3.6) years in the intervention group (median [IQR], 1.7 [0.4–4.1] years) and 3.0 (3.5) years (median [IQR], 1.9 [0.4–4.1] years) in the control group. Multiplex PCR point-of-care testing for respiratory pathogens did not reduce the overall prescribing of antibiotics in the emergency department (226 children [27.3%] in the intervention group vs 118 children [28.5%] in the control group; risk ratio, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.79–1.16). Targeted antibiotic therapy was started in 12 children (1.4%) tested with point-of-care multiplex PCR and 2 children (0.5%) in the control group (risk ratio, 3.0; 95% CI, 0.76–11.9). The numbers of diagnostic tests did not differ between the groups, nor did the costs. Conclusions and Relevance: In this randomized clinical trial, point-of-care testing for respiratory pathogens did not reduce the use of antibiotics at the pediatric ED. Testing for respiratory pathogens appears to have a limited impact on clinical decision-making for acutely ill children. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT0393294

    Epidemiology of Kawasaki disease before and after universal Bacille Calmette‐GuĂ©rin vaccination program was discontinued

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    Abstract Aim: Bacille Calmette‐GuĂ©rin (BCG) vaccine (BCG) has been suggested to induce the primary immunity needed for the subsequent Kawasaki disease (KD). We studied the epidemiology of KD before and after the universal BCG vaccination ended in Finland in September 2006. Methods: Kawasaki disease cases were retrieved from national health registries from 1996 to 2016 for annual incidence rates. We then compared 612 433 children born in the BCG vaccination era, from 1 January 1996 to 30 August 2006, to 604 163 born after BCG era, from 1 September 2006 to 31 December 2016. Results: The annual incidence rates did not change after the BCG vaccination stopped. We found 370 first visits for KD by children born in the BCG era and 341 after universal BCG vaccination ended. The mean age at diagnosis increased from 2.6 years to 3.0 years (95% CI−0.64 to −0.012, P = .04) and the proportion of children with Kawasaki disease under 5 years decreased from 87% to 81% (95% CI 1%‐12%, P = .02). Conclusions: Discontinuing the universal BCG vaccination programme did not change the incidence rates of KD. The increased age at diagnosis could suggest that the pathogenesis of KD may be associated with the immunological pathways primed by BCG immunisation

    The incidence, hospitalisations and deaths in acutely ill children with dysnatraemias

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    Abstract Aim: The aim was to evaluate the incidence, hospitalisations and deaths in acutely ill children with dysnatraemias. Methods: This was a register-based cohort study of 46 518 acutely ill children aged <16 years who visited a paediatric emergency department. Risk factors were assessed using two nested case–control studies. Results: Moderate to severe hypernatraemia occurred in 92 children (0.20%; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.16%–0.24%) and moderate to severe hyponatraemia in 131 children (0.28%; 95% CI: 0.24%–0.33%). Underlying medical conditions increased the risk of both moderate to severe hypernatraemia (odds ratio [OR]: 17; 95% 5.5–51) and moderate to severe hyponatraemia (OR: 3.5; 95% CI: 2.0–5.9). The use of a feeding tube (OR: 14; 95% CI: 3.2–66) and intellectual disability (OR: 7.3; 95% CI: 3.0–18) was associated with moderate to severe hypernatraemia. The risk of death was associated with moderate to severe hypernatraemia (OR: 19; 95% CI: 2.0–2564) and moderate to severe hyponatraemia (OR: 33; 95% CI: 3.7–4311). Conclusions: Severe dysnatraemias were more prevalent in acutely ill children with underlying medical conditions and were markedly associated with the risk for death

    Perinnöllinen hemofagosyyttinen oireyhtymÀ:harvinainen imevÀisen kuumeen syy

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    TiivistelmÀ Hemofagosyyttinen lymfohistiosytoosi (HLH) on henkeÀ uhkaava tulehdusreaktio, jonka syntymekanismina on T-imusolujen ja makrofagien keskinÀinen sytokiinivÀlitteinen aktivaatio. Taudin tunnusmerkkejÀ ovat epÀselvÀ ja pitkittynyt kuume, maksan ja pernan suurentuminen sekÀ verenkuvan solupuutokset. Perinnöllinen HLH (FHL) on ryhmÀ geneettisiÀ sairauksia, joissa tauti kehittyy ensimmÀisten elinkuukausien aikana muutoin terveelle lapselle. FHL johtuu sytotoksisten imusolujen kyvyttömyydestÀ tuhota tulehdusvasteen herÀttÀneet antigeeniÀ esittelevÀt solut, mistÀ seuraa sytokiinivÀlitteinen itseÀÀn voimistava tulehdusreaktio. FHL:n hoito perustuu T-solujen tukahduttamiseen ja allogeeniseen kantasolusiirtoon. FHL on harvinainen mutta merkittÀvÀ erotusdiagnostinen vaihtoehto, kun kuumeisen imevÀisen verenkuvassa havaitaan solupuutoksia. Taudin nopea tunnistaminen on tÀrkeÀÀ, jotta tehokas hoito pÀÀstÀÀn aloittamaan ennen monielinvauriota

    Etiology of infectious diseases in acutely Ill children at a pediatric hospital in Finland

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    Abstract This is a brief report of the etiology of infectious diseases in a pediatric emergency department. Our cohort study of 4647 children demonstrated rhinovirus as the most common etiology in a pediatric emergency department (23%) and intensive care (48%). The population-based incidence of rhinovirus-related visits was 1796/100,000/yr in children <5 years. The most common bacterial pathogen was Escherichia coli (5%)