628 research outputs found

    Causes and Predictors of Thematic Intrusion on Human Similarity Judgments

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    Most theoretical accounts of psychological similarity maintain that similarity judgments are based on shared features (and shared relations among those features, e.g., the commonalities between spatula and ladle). Accounts rarely include associations between targets of comparison (e.g., the association between egg and spatula) as a contributor to similarity judgments. This position is taken despite the fact that people will often choose associates over things with shared features and relations in similarity judgment tasks. So-called dual-process models - where thematic integration and feature (and relation) based comparison are component processes of perceived human similarity - have been proposed to handle this apparent failure to account for human similarity judgments. The present experiments were designed to further explore the thematic association effect on similarity with the goal to test the hypothesis that confusion about similarity and association (rather than a radical theoretical redirection, e.g., the dual-process model) is the cause of the reported thematic association influence on similarity judgments. Experiment 1 introduces a novel task for collecting similarity judgments of real world concepts - the Anti-Thematic Intrusion (ATI) task - and tests alternative task instructions as a possible driver of thematic intrusion on similarity. Experiment 2 examines the effect of the isolated components of the ATI task as compared to the classic two-alternative, forced choice similarity judgment task to determine what changes from the classic task are most influential for reducing thematic intrusion. Experiment 3 was conducted to confirm that the concept sets used in Experiments 1 and 2 did not produce biased responding. Having explored task, instruction and concept-based effects, Experiment 4 investigated behavioral and electrophysiological differences among individuals to attempt to clarify how differences between individuals correspond to similarity judgment behavior. The results were not expected in that the strength of the thematic association effect on similarity was weaker than predicted; Experiments 1, 2, and 4 show that overall association-based preferences were only present in situations strongly biased toward producing that response type. It was also found that taxonomic pair matching reliably increased across the time course of the task. Changes in the properties of the task and the instructions attenuate the effect, suggesting that the intrusion of thematic relationships on similarity judgments is not an unyielding feature of the similarity judgment process (as dual-process accounts propose) but instead (at least in part) due to interpretation of the task goal and confusion about similarity and association-based relatedness. Finally, this confusion is identifiable by less differentiation in the EEG signal elicited by these competing semantic relations, where people who produce more similarity-based responding also produce more distinctive ERP waveforms for taxonomic and thematic category members

    The metallic sphere in a uniform ac magnetic field: A simple and precise experiment for exploring eddy currents and non-destructive testing

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    We describe a very simple experiment that utilizes standard laboratory equipment to measure the electromagnetic response of a metallic sphere exposed to a uniform ac magnetic field. Measurements were made for a variety of non-magnetic and magnetic metals, and in all cases the results fit very well with theory over the four orders of frequency (25?Hz to 102?kHz) explored here. Precise values of magnetic permeability and electrical conductivity can be extracted from fits to the data given the sphere radius only. The same apparatus is also used to explore the effects of geometry on eddy current generation as well as to demonstrate non-destructive testing through measurements on coins of different composition."The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, especially the Undergraduate Student Research Award for MLH."https://aapt.scitation.org/doi/10.1119/1.503435

    Desktop application development for the machine tool

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    Cílem bakalářské práce je navrhnout a realizovat vybrané dílčí aplikace informačního systému pro nově vyvinutý obráběcí stroj společnosti TOS VARNSDORF a.s. Jedná se o aplikaci pro správu a zobrazení dokumentů, aplikaci pro správu a plánování událostí a aplikaci pro zobrazení obrazu z IP kamery a její ovládání. Součástí práce je také vytvoření hlavní obrazovky, která bude sloužit jako rozhraní mezi dílčími aplikacemi. Je kladen důraz na jednoduchost a intuitivnost ovládání.The goal of this thesis is to design and implement selected component applications for information system for new machine tool developed by company TOS VARNSDORF a.s.. Following applications are required: application for managing and displaying documents, application for managing and scheduling events and application for rendering video from IP camera and controlling its movement. Part of the thesis is focused on creation of main screen, which will be used as an interface between component applications. Emphasis is placed on making the user interface simple and intuitive

    Simulation of the Ferrofluid Interface

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    Ferrofluids were initially invented as an additive for rocket fuels. The commercial applications of ferrofluids have since expanded, and have become popularized as desktop toys as well as an art form. Since 1987, ferrofluid simulations have been developed for engineering and physics applications. The Rosensweig instability, a visually appealing behaviour of ferrofluids, has been one of the focuses for ferrofluid simulation. While some simulations were successful, they have either placed restrictive assumptions on the problem, used non-physical models, or failed to reproduce this phenomenon due to high computational expense. One recent exception was a concurrent work from 2019 by Huang et al. that used a particle based fluid simulation method. They successfully reproduced this phenomenon without these issues, but adopted a different computational approach. We present a methodology for simulating ferrofluid with its accompanying Rosensweig instability using finite difference schemes within a grid based simulation. This is the first simulator to use a grid based methodology to approximately reproduce the Rosensweig instability. After Huang et al., our simulator is the second to approximately reproduce the Rosensweig instability with a nonrestrictive physically faithful model. The simulator accommodates any magnetic field and initial configuration of the fluid. Due to the high level of interface detail required by the Rosensweig instability we developed improved curvature estimation and surface tracking methods. We use a normal-aligned height function curvature stencil paired with a modified version of the particle level set. Instead of using particles for error detection, they are directly seeded on the interface to track it. These particles can then be used directly to determine the interface location for curvature estimation. The new particle level set is also able run on a GPU for a twenty to thirty times performance improvement compared to its CPU counterpart. This coupling of methods produces curvature estimates that are two to five times more accurate than when operating independently of each other. After verifying the curvature and surface tracking methods, the ferrofluid simulator is demonstrated by inducing motion into a ferrofluid droplet using an applied magnetic field. Lastly, the Rosensweig instability is produced for a pool of ferrofluid sitting in a dish above a dipole magnet


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    Twenty six patients with bronchial asthma was classified by clinical symptoms and singns (clinical diagnosis), and the classification by clinical diagnosis was compared with the classification by a score calculated from clinical findings and examinations (score diagnosis). 1. Of 12 subjects with type Ia classified by clinical diagnosis, 8 cases with 0 to 49 ml/day of expectoration were evaluated as type Ia by score diagnosis. While four type Ia cases with 50 to 99ml/day of expectoration were calssified as type Ib by score diagnosis. The increased incidence of eosinophils in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of these four cases was similar to the incidence in type Ib cases with hypersecretion. 2. All of 6 subjects with type Ib by clinical diagnosis were estimated as type Ib by score diagnosis. 3. Of 8 cases with type II by clinical diagnosis, 7 cases were assessed as type II by score diagnosis. One case with type II by clinical diagnosis and with the score of 10 points was evaluated as questionable type II by score diagnosis.気管支喘息36例を対象に,臨床病態による喘息の分類(臨床診断)を試み,この分類と臨床所見および臨床検査より求めたスコアーによる分類(スコアー分類)との比較検討を行った。1.臨床分類でIa.単純性気管支攣縮型と診断された12症例のうち,1日喀痰量0-49mlの8症例は,スコアー分類では同様にIa.型と分類された。一方,1日喀痰量50-99mlの4症例はスコアー分類ではIb.型(気管支攣縮+過分泌型)と分類された。これら4症例のBALF中好酸球増多はIb.型に類似した病態であった。2.臨床診断によりIb.型に分類された6症例はいずれもスコアー診断でもIb.型と分類された。3.臨床診断によりII.型(細気管支閉塞型)と分類された8症例のうち,7症例はスコアー診断でもII.型と分類されたが,1症例はスコアー10でII.型の診断基準に合わず,questionable II.型と診断された