54 research outputs found

    Kruunatut voittajat : Legenda Aurea -teoksen kuvaukset kristityistä marttyyreista

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    Tutkielmassani tarkastellaan, kuinka varhaiskristillisiä marttyyreja on kuvattu 1260-luvulla dominikaaveli Jacobus de Voraginen kokoamassa hagiografiakokoelma Legenda Aureassa. Dominikaanina Jacobus de Voragine osoitti kiinnostusta kristinuskon traditiota sekä kirkon virallisen opin saarnaamista kohtaan. Teos on laadittu tukemaan kirkkovuoden juhlia ja sen kohdeyleisönä ovat olleet papit, saarnaajat sekä muut kirkolliset toimijat. Teoksen hagiografisista elämäkerroista valtaosa kuvaa varhaisten kristittyjen elämää, ja tästä syystä tarkastelun keskiössä ovat yhtenäisenä pyhimysryhmänä marttyyrit. Rajauksesta johtuen pro gradu -tutkielmassani tutkitaan, millaisen kuvan teos on välittänyt marttyyreista ja mistä syystä ja millaisia pyhimyksiä koskevia paradigmoja se on välittänyt yleisölleen. Hagiografioiden opettavan luonteen vuoksi tarkastelussa on myös se, millaisia toimintamalleja tekstit ovat välittäneet yleisölleen. Hagiografiat sijoittuvat lähdetyyppinä metahistoriallisiin lähteisiin, joten niitä ei voi pitää autenttisina dokumentteina kuvaamastaan ajasta. Ne kuitenkin välittävät laatijoidensa maailmankuvaa ja avaavat tarkastelumahdollisuuden keskiajan uskonelämään. Tutkielmassani Legenda Aurean elämäkertoja lähestytään vertailevan rinnakkainluvun kautta, jolloin on mahdollista tunnistaa toistuvia teksteissä esiintyviä pyhyyden paradigmoja. Elämäkerrat kuvaavat marttyyrit voittajina, joille kuolema ei ollut loppu vaan uuden elämän alku. Kuvauksissa ennen kuolemaa toistuvat myös painotukset neitsyyden vaalimisesta sekä ehdottomasta kieltäytymisestä uhrata Rooman valtakunnan pakanajumalille. Elämäkerrat myös painottavat, että kuolemansa jälkeen pyhimysmarttyyrit toimivat välittäjinä Jumalan ja ihmisten välillä ja ihmiset saattoivat rukoilla apua marttyyreilta. Huomionarvoista elämäkerroissa ovat viittaukset varhaiskristillisiin kirjoittajiin, joiden näkemyksiä tekstit myötäilevät. Marttyyrit on teoksessa kuvattu samankaltaisesti kuin aiemmat kirjoittajat ovat heitä kuvanneet ja tämä havainto tukee näkemystä Jacobus de Voraginen halusta saarnata kirkon virallista oppia sekä vaalia kirkon traditiota

    Tubular cell damage may be the earliest sign of renal extrahepatic manifestation caused by Hepatitis C

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 Kaartinen et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the most well-known extrahepatic manifestations caused by hepatitis C infection (HCV). CKD is typically discovered at a late stage. HCVnephropathy may show different histopathologic patterns, as both glomerular and tubulointerstitial damage have been described. Identification of patients with early renal manifestations would be beneficial to provide treatment and avoid progression to CKD. The observational prospective single-center HCVKID study assessed the prevalence of early renal manifestations in patients with chronic HCV and compared these patients with HCVnegative healthy controls cross-sectionally. HCV-positive patients with and without renal manifestations were also compared to define biomarkers suitable for identifying early manifestations in standard clinical practice. Tubular proteinuria as judged by urine α 1-microglobulin was the most common early renal manifestation found in 11% in HCV-positive patients, followed by hematuria in 8%. Kidney filtration was statistically significantly lower among HCV-positive patients with renal manifestation according to any calculation method. There were no significant differences in duration of infection or stage of liver fibrosis between patients with or without renal manifestations. Tubular cell damage may be the earliest sign of renal dysfunction caused by HCV. Complement activation also correlates with the dysfunction, indicating of contribution to HCV-induced renal manifestations even in their early phase.Peer reviewe

    Similar survival on home haemodialysis and automated peritoneal dialysis : an inception cohort study

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    Background Several studies have shown superior survival of patients on home haemodialysis (HD) compared with peritoneal dialysis (PD), but patients on automated PD (APD) and continuous ambulatory PD (CAPD) have not been considered separately. As APD allows larger fluid volumes and may be more efficient than CAPD, we primarily compared patient survival between APD and home HD. Methods All adult patients who started kidney replacement therapy (KRT) between 2004 and 2017 in the district of Helsinki-Uusimaa in Finland and who were on one of the home dialysis modalities at 90 days from starting KRT were included. We used intention-to-treat analysis. Survival of home HD, APD and CAPD patients was studied using Kaplan-Meier curves and Cox regression with adjustment for propensity scores that were based on extensive data on possible confounding factors. Results The probability of surviving 5 years was 90% for home HD, 88% for APD and 56% for CAPD patients. After adjustment for propensity scores, the hazard ratio of death was 1.1 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.52-2.4] for APD and 1.6 (95% CI 0.74-3.6) for CAPD compared with home HD. Censoring at the time of kidney transplantation (KTx) or at transfer to in-centre HD did not change the results. Characteristics of home HD and APD patients at the start of dialysis were similar, whereas patients on CAPD had higher median age and more comorbidities and received KTx less frequently. Conclusions Home HD and APD patients had comparable characteristics and their survival appeared similar.Peer reviewe

    Vascular Occlusion in Kidney Biopsy Is Characteristic of Clinically Manifesting Thrombotic Microangiopathy

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    Thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) can sometimes manifest only histologically. Our aim was to retrospectively compare biopsy-proven adult TMA patients showing only histological (h-TMA) or both histological and clinical (c-TMA) TMA in 2006-2017. All native kidney biopsies with TMA were included. Biopsies were re-evaluated by light and electron microscopy, and immunofluorescence. Clinical characteristics, laboratory variables, and treatments were recorded from the electronic medical database. Patients were categorized into h-TMA and c-TMA and these groups were compared. In total, 30 biopsy-proven cases among 7943 kidney biopsies were identified and, of these, 15 had h-TMA and 15 c-TMA. Mean follow-up was 6.3 y, and 73.3% had secondary hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) and the rest were atypical HUS. Patient characteristics, treatments, and kidney, and patient survival in the groups were similar. Statistically significant differences were found in histological variables. Vascular myxoid swelling and vascular onion-skinning were almost exclusively detected in c-TMA and, thus, vascular occlusive changes indicate clinically apparent rather than merely histological TMA. In addition, regardless of clinical presentation, kidney and patient survival times were similar in the patient groups highlighting the importance of a kidney biopsy in the case of any kidney-related symptoms.Peer reviewe

    Diagnostic and Prognostic Comparison of Immune-Complex-Mediated Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis and C3 Glomerulopathy

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    Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN) is subdivided into immune-complex-mediated glomerulonephritis (IC-MPGN) and C3 glomerulopathy (C3G). Classically, MPGN has a membranoproliferative-type pattern, but other morphologies have also been described depending on the time course and phase of the disease. Our aim was to explore whether the two diseases are truly different, or merely represent the same disease process. All 60 eligible adult MPGN patients diagnosed between 2006 and 2017 in the Helsinki University Hospital district, Finland, were reviewed retrospectively and asked for a follow-up outpatient visit for extensive laboratory analyses. Thirty-seven (62%) had IC-MPGN and 23 (38%) C3G (including one patient with dense deposit disease, DDD). EGFR was below normal (≤60 mL/min/1.73 m2) in 67% of the entire study population, 58% had nephrotic range proteinuria, and a significant proportion had paraproteins in their serum or urine. A classical MPGN-type pattern was seen in only 34% of the whole study population and histological features were similarly distributed. Treatments at baseline or during follow-up did not differ between the groups, nor were there significant differences observed in complement activity or component levels at the follow-up visit. The risk of end-stage kidney disease and survival probability were similar in the groups. IC-MPGN and C3G have surprisingly similar characteristics, kidney and overall survival, which suggests that the current subdivision of MPGN does not add substantial clinical value to the assessment of renal prognosis. The high proportion of paraproteins in patient sera or in urine suggests their involvement in disease development

    Vascular Occlusion in Kidney Biopsy Is Characteristic of Clinically Manifesting Thrombotic Microangiopathy

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    Thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) can sometimes manifest only histologically. Our aim was to retrospectively compare biopsy-proven adult TMA patients showing only histological (h-TMA) or both histological and clinical (c-TMA) TMA in 2006–2017. All native kidney biopsies with TMA were included. Biopsies were re-evaluated by light and electron microscopy, and immunofluorescence. Clinical characteristics, laboratory variables, and treatments were recorded from the electronic medical database. Patients were categorized into h-TMA and c-TMA and these groups were compared. In total, 30 biopsy-proven cases among 7943 kidney biopsies were identified and, of these, 15 had h-TMA and 15 c-TMA. Mean follow-up was 6.3 y, and 73.3% had secondary hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) and the rest were atypical HUS. Patient characteristics, treatments, and kidney, and patient survival in the groups were similar. Statistically significant differences were found in histological variables. Vascular myxoid swelling and vascular onion-skinning were almost exclusively detected in c-TMA and, thus, vascular occlusive changes indicate clinically apparent rather than merely histological TMA. In addition, regardless of clinical presentation, kidney and patient survival times were similar in the patient groups highlighting the importance of a kidney biopsy in the case of any kidney-related symptoms

    Changes in Bone Histomorphometry after Kidney Transplantation

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    Background and objectives Over the past decade, the management of CKD-mineral and bone disorder has changed substantially, altering the pattern of bone disease in CKD. We aimed to evaluate the natural history of kidney bone disease in contemporary kidney transplant recipients and patients on dialysis. Design, settings, participants, & measurements Sixty one patients on dialysis who were referred to kidney transplantation participated in this prospective cohort study during November 2009 and December 2010. We performedbaseline bone biopsieswhile thepatientswere ondialysis andrepeatedthe procedure in 56 patients at 2 years after kidney transplantation or 2 years after baseline if transplantationwas not performed. Measurements of mineral metabolism and bone turnover, as well as dual energy x-ray absorptiometry scans, were obtained concurrently. Results A total of 37 out of 56 participants received a kidney transplant, of which 27 underwent successful repeat bone biopsy. The proportion of patients with high bone turnover declined from 63% at baseline to 19% at 2 years after kidney transplantation, whereas the proportion of thosewith lowbone turnover increased from26% to 52%. Of 19 participants remaining on dialysis after 2 years, 13 underwent successful repeat biopsy. The proportion of patients remaining on dialysis with high bone turnover decreased from 69% to 31%, and low bone turnover increased from8% to 38%. Abnormal bonemineralization increased in transplant recipients from33% to 44%, but decreased in patients remaining on dialysis from 46% to 15%. Trabecular bone volume showed little change after transplantation, but low bone volume increased in patients remaining on dialysis. Bone mineral density did not correlate with histomorphometric findings. Conclusions Bone turnover decreased over time both in patients remaining on dialysis and in kidney transplant recipients. Bone mineral density and bone biomarkers were not associated with bone metabolism changes detected in bone biopsy specimens.Peer reviewe

    Vascular Occlusion in Kidney Biopsy Is Characteristic of Clinically Manifesting Thrombotic Microangiopathy

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    Thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) can sometimes manifest only histologically. Our aim was to retrospectively compare biopsy-proven adult TMA patients showing only histological (h-TMA) or both histological and clinical (c-TMA) TMA in 2006–2017. All native kidney biopsies with TMA were included. Biopsies were re-evaluated by light and electron microscopy, and immunofluorescence. Clinical characteristics, laboratory variables, and treatments were recorded from the electronic medical database. Patients were categorized into h-TMA and c-TMA and these groups were compared. In total, 30 biopsy-proven cases among 7943 kidney biopsies were identified and, of these, 15 had h-TMA and 15 c-TMA. Mean follow-up was 6.3 y, and 73.3% had secondary hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) and the rest were atypical HUS. Patient characteristics, treatments, and kidney, and patient survival in the groups were similar. Statistically significant differences were found in histological variables. Vascular myxoid swelling and vascular onion-skinning were almost exclusively detected in c-TMA and, thus, vascular occlusive changes indicate clinically apparent rather than merely histological TMA. In addition, regardless of clinical presentation, kidney and patient survival times were similar in the patient groups highlighting the importance of a kidney biopsy in the case of any kidney-related symptoms