197 research outputs found

    NNQS-Transformer: an Efficient and Scalable Neural Network Quantum States Approach for Ab initio Quantum Chemistry

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    Neural network quantum state (NNQS) has emerged as a promising candidate for quantum many-body problems, but its practical applications are often hindered by the high cost of sampling and local energy calculation. We develop a high-performance NNQS method for \textit{ab initio} electronic structure calculations. The major innovations include: (1) A transformer based architecture as the quantum wave function ansatz; (2) A data-centric parallelization scheme for the variational Monte Carlo (VMC) algorithm which preserves data locality and well adapts for different computing architectures; (3) A parallel batch sampling strategy which reduces the sampling cost and achieves good load balance; (4) A parallel local energy evaluation scheme which is both memory and computationally efficient; (5) Study of real chemical systems demonstrates both the superior accuracy of our method compared to state-of-the-art and the strong and weak scalability for large molecular systems with up to 120120 spin orbitals.Comment: Accepted by SC'2

    Ponder: Point Cloud Pre-training via Neural Rendering

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    We propose a novel approach to self-supervised learning of point cloud representations by differentiable neural rendering. Motivated by the fact that informative point cloud features should be able to encode rich geometry and appearance cues and render realistic images, we train a point-cloud encoder within a devised point-based neural renderer by comparing the rendered images with real images on massive RGB-D data. The learned point-cloud encoder can be easily integrated into various downstream tasks, including not only high-level tasks like 3D detection and segmentation, but low-level tasks like 3D reconstruction and image synthesis. Extensive experiments on various tasks demonstrate the superiority of our approach compared to existing pre-training methods.Comment: Project page: https://dihuang.me/ponder

    Testing General Relativity with Black Hole X-Ray Data and ABHModels

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    The past 10 years have seen tremendous progress in our capability of testing General Relativity in the strong field regime with black hole observations. 10 years ago, the theory of General Relativity was almost completely unexplored in the strong field regime. Today, we have gravitational wave data of the coalescence of stellar-mass black holes, radio images of the supermassive black holes SgrA∗^* and M87∗^*, and high-quality X-ray data of stellar-mass black holes in X-ray binaries and supermassive black holes in active galactic nuclei. In this manuscript, we will review current efforts to test General Relativity with black hole X-ray data and we will provide a detailed description of the public codes available on ABHModels.Comment: 31 pages, 5 figures. Talk given at the Frascati Workshop 2023 "Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources - XIV" (Palermo, Italy, 12-17 June 2023

    Horizontal Pyramid Matching for Person Re-identification

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    Despite the remarkable recent progress, person re-identification (Re-ID) approaches are still suffering from the failure cases where the discriminative body parts are missing. To mitigate such cases, we propose a simple yet effective Horizontal Pyramid Matching (HPM) approach to fully exploit various partial information of a given person, so that correct person candidates can be still identified even even some key parts are missing. Within the HPM, we make the following contributions to produce a more robust feature representation for the Re-ID task: 1) we learn to classify using partial feature representations at different horizontal pyramid scales, which successfully enhance the discriminative capabilities of various person parts; 2) we exploit average and max pooling strategies to account for person-specific discriminative information in a global-local manner. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed HPM, extensive experiments are conducted on three popular benchmarks, including Market-1501, DukeMTMC-ReID and CUHK03. In particular, we achieve mAP scores of 83.1%, 74.5% and 59.7% on these benchmarks, which are the new state-of-the-arts. Our code is available on GithubComment: Accepted by AAAI 201

    Testing General Relativity with NuSTAR Data of Galactic Black Holes

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    Einstein's theory of General Relativity predicts that the spacetime metric around astrophysical black holes is described by the Kerr solution. In this work, we employ state-of-the-art in relativistic reflection modeling to analyze a selected set of NuSTAR spectra of Galactic black holes to obtain the most robust and precise constraints on the Kerr black hole hypothesis possible today. Our constraints are much more stringent than those from other electromagnetic techniques, and with some sources we get stronger constraints than those currently available from gravitational waves.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures. v2: refereed versio
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