38 research outputs found

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penerimaan Calon Mahasiswa Baru Jalur Prestasi Di Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto Menggunakan Simple Multi Attributerating Technique

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    In the era of globalization, educational institutions are required to follow the development of information technology. Information technology required and can be applied as a decision support tool managerial activities at the college. This research aims to develop a decision support system for the Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto (STTA), namely the acceptance of new students, especially the path of achievement, using the Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique of Web based, where in the method is choosing alternative criteria that have value and weight has been determined, getting the new students he deserves. Based on the results of testing the system, it was concluded that the method is Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique is effective enough to be applied in determining the admission of new students in STTA

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan untuk Menentukan Lokasi Peternakan Ayam Broiler dengan Metode Perbandingan Eksponensial dan Naive Bayes

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    Location is an important role in the success of building a broiler chicken farm. Fault location can be fatal in business continuity. Decision support system is very useful to help help determine the location of broiler chicken farms right. By using the decision support system will give results in the form of value that can be used as a comparison to any alternative location. The method used is Metode Perbandingan Eksponensial (MPE) and Naive Bayes. By using both methods can provide clearer results. Metode Perbandingan Eksponensial is better than the Naive Bayes method, this is because the value generated by the Metode Perbandingan Eksponensial has a contrasting difference in each outcome so as to reduce the refraction that may occur

    Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit Bayi dan Balita Berbasis Android dengan Menggunakan Algoritma Depth First Search

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    It is a must for children (infants and toddlers) to get more attention due to their health because their body\u27s protections are not yet strong. This makes them susceptible for germs, bacteria, and viruses attacks. Those attacks cause disease. This disease symptom could appear all of sudden to the children. It makes their parents afraid, especially for those who have less sensitiveness for the symptom. For this reason, I make an application based on android smartphone expert system to provide information on type of disease, treatment, and prevention based on the symptoms given. This application uses forward chaining and backward chaining inference engine to make conclusion, and Depth First Search algorithms for searching the method. The result shows that this application could help parents in giving some information about common diseases attacked to infants and toddlers. This application facilitates them in delivering information which can be accessed anywhere as first aid for infants and toddlers who indicated disease

    Penerapan Grabber Pada Optical Flow Untuk Menggerakkan Cursor Mouse Menggunakan Bolpoin

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    Technological developments in the field of computers getting faster requires the ability of each person to be able to follow the progress of computer development. Computer vision applications is an application that allows the computer to have the ability to be able to capture and understand the data, such as image and make decisions based on the data from the real object movement that was in front of the webcam and then the data obtained is processed in accordance with user needs. Digital image of a real object is captured by a webcam can be done in various ways making objects. In this research, object retrieval by utilizing activity in this object is that caught on webcam pen is through the form and motion of objects. Once an object is detected then the object is to move the cursor on a computer. To be able to perform image processing, this application uses OpenCV components. Meanwhile, to be able to perform tracking of the cursor object using optical flow method. Cursor moves when the pen has a rectangular sides and parallel to the pen position frame of grabber

    Algoritma Random Pada Computer Based Test Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Stta YOGYAKARTA

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    The Admissions in the College of Technology Adisutjipto Yogyakarta, the committee has had PMB Computer Based Test (CBT) to test new students since 2010. However, CBT is owned by STTA not support randomization and answer questions about each exam so issued, the order of questions and answers will remain the same. Of the many random algorithm, algorithm Congruential Linear Generators (LCG) is an algorithm suitable for use in scrambling about in CBT because of the rapid process of generating random numbers and the algorithm is easy to learn and implement. By giving feedback LCG a current value of the length of time it will produce a different value in each random from the first randomization. With randomness about the cheating in the exam PMB can be resolved

    Perancangan Aplikasi Manajemen Peralatan Jaringan Komputer

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    Nowadays computer not only as a device, but also it needs to data access in order to more efficient and to do tasks that involve the other computers, so network administrator needs some ease and efficiency when configure and network troubleshoot. Therefore, with router a protocol can be share to the other network devices, beside that switch can also filters and flows the packet that exist in a LAN (Local Area Network), so it can work for anything protocol packet. This network equipment management application is to configure utility with input several data that available so that more efficient for user. The result o f this application is can help administrator and newborn administrator to ease in configure router

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Kota Tujuan Wisata Wilayah Jawa Bali Menggunakan Metode Aksidental Sampling (Studi Kasus di Gras Tour And Travel YOGYAKARTA)

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    Tourist attraction in Indonesia is one of the natural resources to be proud. That we need an alternative build Decision Support System Application. This application shows can assist determine the potential tourist travel destination, make memorable and accordance with the characteristics potential tourists addition this application saves the time and effort find a tourist destination because it can be accessed anywhere. The final result steps by steps, the best obtained from two respondents are Afriani 105 for the city o f Yogyakarta and Damar 84 for the city o f Sukabumi. Based on these results, system is able to determine built the city as desired tourist destination and tourist characteristics