3,898 research outputs found

    The second order nonlinear conductance of a two-dimensional mesoscopic conductor

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    We have investigated the weakly non-linear quantum transport properties of a two-dimensional quantum conductor. We have developed a numerical scheme which is very general for this purpose. The nonlinear conductance is computed by explicitly evaluating the various partial density of states, the sensitivity and the characteristic potential. Interesting spatial structure of these quantities are revealed. We present detailed results concerning the crossover behavior of the second order nonlinear conductance when the conductor changes from geometrically symmetrical to asymmetrical. Other issues of interests such as the gauge invariance are also discussed.Comment: LaTe

    Face recognition using nonparametric-weighted Fisherfaces

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    This study presents an appearance-based face recognition scheme called the nonparametric-weighted Fisherfaces (NW-Fisherfaces). Pixels in a facial image are considered as coordinates in a high-dimensional space and are transformed into a face subspace for analysis by using nonparametric-weighted feature extraction (NWFE). According to previous studies of hyperspectral image classification, NWFE is a powerful tool for extracting hyperspectral image features. The Fisherfaces method maximizes the ratio of between-class scatter to that of within-class scatter. In this study, the proposed NW-Fisherfaces weighted the between-class scatter to emphasize the boundary structure of the transformed face subspace and, therefore, enhances the separability for different persons' face. The proposed NW-Fisherfaces was compared with Orthogonal Laplacianfaces, Eigenfaces, Fisherfaces, direct linear discriminant analysis, and null space linear discriminant analysis methods for tests on five facial databases. Experimental results showed that the proposed approach outperforms other feature extraction methods for most databases. © 2012 Li et al

    Chaotic Phase-Coded Waveforms with Space-Time Complementary Coding for MIMO Radar Applications

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    A framework for designing orthogonal chaotic phase-coded waveforms with space-time complementary coding (STCC) is proposed for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar applications. The phase-coded waveform set to be transmitted is generated with an arbitrary family size and an arbitrary code length by using chaotic sequences. Due to the properties of chaos, this chaotic waveform set has many advantages in performance, such as anti-interference and low probability of intercept. However, it cannot be directly exploited due to the high range sidelobes, mutual interferences, and Doppler intolerance. In order to widely implement it in practice, we optimize the chaotic phase-coded waveform set from two aspects. Firstly, the autocorrelation property of the waveform is improved by transmitting complementary chaotic phase-coded waveforms, and an adaptive clonal selection algorithm is utilized to optimize a pair of complementary chaotic phase-coded pulses. Secondly, the crosscorrelation among different waveforms is eliminated by implementing space-time coding into the complementary pulses. Moreover, to enhance the detection ability for moving targets in MIMO radars, a method of weighting different pulses by a null space vector is utilized at the receiver to compensate the interpulse Doppler phase shift and accumulate different pulses coherently. Simulation results demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed method

    Chaotic Phase-Coded Waveforms with Space-Time Complementary Coding for MIMO Radar Applications

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    A framework for designing orthogonal chaotic phase-coded waveforms with space-time complementary coding (STCC) is proposed for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar applications. The phase-coded waveform set to be transmitted is generated with an arbitrary family size and an arbitrary code length by using chaotic sequences. Due to the properties of chaos, this chaotic waveform set has many advantages in performance, such as anti-interference and low probability of intercept. However, it cannot be directly exploited due to the high range sidelobes, mutual interferences, and Doppler intolerance. In order to widely implement it in practice, we optimize the chaotic phase-coded waveform set from two aspects. Firstly, the autocorrelation property of the waveform is improved by transmitting complementary chaotic phase-coded waveforms, and an adaptive clonal selection algorithm is utilized to optimize a pair of complementary chaotic phase-coded pulses. Secondly, the crosscorrelation among different waveforms is eliminated by implementing space-time coding into the complementary pulses. Moreover, to enhance the detection ability for moving targets in MIMO radars, a method of weighting different pulses by a null space vector is utilized at the receiver to compensate the interpulse Doppler phase shift and accumulate different pulses coherently. Simulation results demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed method

    Submerzni uzgoj gljiva u bioreaktorima – izazovi, dostignuća i budućnost proizvodnje

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    Medicinal mushrooms have profound health-promoting benefits. Recently, a number of substances of mushroom origin have been isolated, identified and shown to have physiological activities, such as antitumor, immunomodulating, cardiovascular, antihypercholesterolemia, antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic, hepatoprotective, and antidiabetic activities. Currently, commercial products from medicinal mushrooms are mostly obtained through the field-cultivation of the fruiting body. However, in this case it is difficult to control the quality of the final product. Submerged fermentation of the mycelial form of mushroom-producing fungi has received much attention as a promising alternative for efficient production of the biomass of medicinal mushrooms and their active metabolites. However, in order for the production to be successful at industrial scale, various technical problems need to be solved, including characterization of the variations that occur during the submerged cultivation of mushrooms in bioreactors and their effects on growth and product formation. This review outlines the major factors that affect the submerged cultivation of mushrooms in bioreactors, including oxygen supply, shear and mixing, morphology and rheology, as well as two-stage cultivation strategies and high-cell-density cultivation strategies such as fed-batch fermentation.Medicinske gljive pozitivno djeluju na ljudsko zdravlje. U novije vrijeme izolirane su brojne tvari iz gljiva koje utječu na fiziološke procese i imaju antitumorski, imunomodulacijski i kardiovaskularni učinak, snizuju kolesterol, imaju antibakterijski, antivirusni, antiparazitski i hepatoprotektivni učinak i sprečavaju pojavu dijabetesa. Komercijalni proizvodi dobivaju se uzgojem medicinskih gljiva na polju. Međutim, tim se postupkom teško kontrolira kakvoća gotovog proizvoda. Submerzna fermentacija micelija gljiva moguća je alternativa za uspješnu proizvodnju biomase medicinskih gljiva i njihovih aktivnih metabolita. Međutim, da bi se postigla uspješna industrijska proizvodnja, treba riješiti razne tehničke probleme, između ostalog odrediti odstupanja pri submerznom uzgoju gljiva u bioreaktorima i njihov utjecaj na rast i formiranje gotovog proizvoda. U ovom se revijalnom prikazu razmatraju glavni faktori utjecaja na submerzni uzgoj gljiva u bioreaktorima, a to su opskrba kisikom, posmično naprezanje i miješanje, te morfologija i reologija, opisuje strategija uzgoja gljiva u dvije faze te proizvodnja stanica velike gustoće šaržnom fermentacijom

    Characterizing the Effects of Intermittent Faults on a Processor for Dependability Enhancement Strategy

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    As semiconductor technology scales into the nanometer regime, intermittent faults have become an increasing threat. This paper focuses on the effects of intermittent faults on NET versus REG on one hand and the implications for dependability strategy on the other. First, the vulnerability characteristics of representative units in OpenSPARC T2 are revealed, and in particular, the highly sensitive modules are identified. Second, an arch-level dependability enhancement strategy is proposed, showing that events such as core/strand running status and core-memory interface events can be candidates of detectable symptoms. A simple watchdog can be deployed to detect application running status (IEXE event). Then SDC (silent data corruption) rate is evaluated demonstrating its potential. Third and last, the effects of traditional protection schemes in the target CMT to intermittent faults are quantitatively studied on behalf of the contribution of each trap type, demonstrating the necessity of taking this factor into account for the strategy

    Association of erythrocyte n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids with incident type 2 diabetes in a Chinese population

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    Summary Background & aims The association between circulating n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) biomarkers and incident type 2 diabetes in Asian populations remains unclear. We aimed to examine the association of erythrocyte n-3 PUFA with incident type 2 diabetes in a Chinese population. Methods A total of 2671 participants, aged 40–75 y, free of type 2 diabetes at baseline, were included in the present analysis. Incident type 2 diabetes cases (n = 213) were ascertained during median follow-up of 5.6 years. Baseline erythrocyte fatty acids were measured by gas chromatography. We used multivariable Cox regression models to estimate the hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of type 2 diabetes across quartiles of erythrocyte n-3 PUFA. Results After adjustment for potential confounders, HRs (95% CIs) of type 2 diabetes were 0.68 (0.47, 1.00), 0.77 (0.52, 1.15), and 0.63 (0.41, 0.95) in quartiles 2–4 of docosapentaenoic acid (C22:5n-3) (P-trend = 0.07), compared with quartile 1; and 1.08 (0.74, 1.60), 1.03 (0.70, 1.51), and 0.57 (0.38, 0.86) for eicosapentaenoic acid (C20:5n-3) (P-trend = 0.007). No association was found for docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6n-3) or alpha-linolenic acid (C18:3n-3). Conclusions Erythrocyte n-3 PUFA from marine sources (C22:5n-3 and C20:5n-3), as biomarkers of dietary marine n-3 PUFA, were inversely associated with incident type 2 diabetes in this Chinese population. Future prospective investigations in other Asian populations are necessary to confirm our findings