12,307 research outputs found

    Universal quantized spin-Hall conductance fluctuation in graphene

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    We report a theoretical investigation of quantized spin-Hall conductance fluctuation of graphene devices in the diffusive regime. Two graphene models that exhibit quantized spin-Hall effect (QSHE) are analyzed. Model-I is with unitary symmetry under an external magnetic field B≠0B\ne 0 but with zero spin-orbit interaction, tSO=0t_{SO}=0. Model-II is with symplectic symmetry where B=0 but tSO≠0t_{SO} \ne 0. Extensive numerical calculations indicate that the two models have exactly the same universal QSHE conductance fluctuation value 0.285e/4π0.285 e/4\pi regardless of the symmetry. Qualitatively different from the conventional charge and spin universal conductance distributions, in the presence of edge states the spin-Hall conductance shows an one-sided log-normal distribution rather than a Gaussian distribution. Our results strongly suggest that the quantized spin-Hall conductance fluctuation belongs to a new universality class

    Generation of spiral bevel gears with conjugate tooth surfaces and tooth contact analysis

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    A new method for generation of spiral bevel gears is proposed. The main features of this method are as follows: (1) the gear tooth surfaces are conjugated and can transform rotation with zero transmission errors; (2) the tooth bearing contact is localized; (3) the center of the instantaneous contact ellipse moves in a plane that has a fixed orientation; (4) the contact normal performs in the process of meshing a parallel motion; (5) the motion of the contact ellipse provides improved conditions of lubrication; and (6) the gears can be manufactured by use of Gleason's equipment

    Empirical study on clique-degree distribution of networks

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    The community structure and motif-modular-network hierarchy are of great importance for understanding the relationship between structures and functions. In this paper, we investigate the distribution of clique-degree, which is an extension of degree and can be used to measure the density of cliques in networks. The empirical studies indicate the extensive existence of power-law clique-degree distributions in various real networks, and the power-law exponent decreases with the increasing of clique size.Comment: 9 figures, 4 page

    Kondo effect in carbon nanotube quantum dots with spin-orbit coupling

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    Motivated by recent experimental observation of spin-orbit coupling in carbon nanotube quantum dots [F. Kuemmeth \textsl{et al.}, Nature (London) {\bf 452}, 448 (2008)], we investigate in detail its influence on the Kondo effect. The spin-orbit coupling intrinsically lifts out the fourfold degeneracy of a single electron in the dot, thereby breaking the SU(4) symmetry and splitting the Kondo resonance even at zero magnetic field. When the field is applied, the Kondo resonance further splits and exhibits fine multipeak structures resulting from the interplay of spin-orbit coupling and Zeeman effect. A microscopic cotunneling process for each peak can be uniquely identified. Finally, a purely orbital Kondo effect in the two-electron regime is also obtained.Comment: published version, 5 pages, 4 figure

    Soliton solutions of the improved quark mass density-dependent model at finite temperature

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    The improved quark mass density-dependent model (IQMDD) based on soliton bag model is studied at finite temperature. Appling the finite temperature field theory, the effective potential of the IQMDD model and the bag constant B(T)B(T) have been calculated at different temperatures. It is shown that there is a critical temperature TC≃110MeVT_{C}\simeq 110 \mathrm{MeV}. We also calculate the soliton solutions of the IQMDD model at finite tmperature. It turns out that when T<TCT<T_{C}, there is a bag constant B(T)B(T) and the soliton solutions are stable. However, when T>TCT>T_{C} the bag constant B(T)=0B(T)=0 and there is no soliton solution, therefore, the confinement of quarks are removed quickly.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures; Version to appear in Physical Review

    New application of decomposition of U(1) gauge potential:Aharonov-Bohm effect and Anderson-Higgs mechanism

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    In this paper we study the Aharonov-Bohm (A-B) effect and Anderson-Higgs mechanism in Ginzburg-Landau model of superconductors from the perspective of the decomposition of U(1) gauge potential. By the Helmholtz theorem, we derive exactly the expression of the transverse gauge potential A⃗⊥\vec{A}_\perp in A-B experiment, which is gauge-invariant and physical. For the case of a bulk superconductor, we find that the gradient of the total phase field θ\theta provides the longitudinal component A⃗∥{\vec A}_{\parallel}, which reflects the Anderson-Higgs mechanism. For the case of a superconductor ring, the gradient of the longitudinal phase field θ1\theta_1 provides the longitudinal component A⃗∥{\vec A}_{\parallel}, while the transverse phase field θ2\theta_2 produces new physical effects such as the flux quantization inside a superconducting ring.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, final version to appear in Modern Physics Letters
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