12,942 research outputs found

    Improving Robustness of Neural Inverse Text Normalization via Data-Augmentation, Semi-Supervised Learning, and Post-Aligning Method

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    Inverse text normalization (ITN) is crucial for converting spoken-form into written-form, especially in the context of automatic speech recognition (ASR). While most downstream tasks of ASR rely on written-form, ASR systems often output spoken-form, highlighting the necessity for robust ITN in product-level ASR-based applications. Although neural ITN methods have shown promise, they still encounter performance challenges, particularly when dealing with ASR-generated spoken text. These challenges arise from the out-of-domain problem between training data and ASR-generated text. To address this, we propose a direct training approach that utilizes ASR-generated written or spoken text, with pairs augmented through ASR linguistic context emulation and a semi-supervised learning method enhanced by a large language model, respectively. Additionally, we introduce a post-aligning method to manage unpredictable errors, thereby enhancing the reliability of ITN. Our experiments show that our proposed methods remarkably improved ITN performance in various ASR scenarios.Comment: submitted to ICASSP 202

    Characterization of human papillomavirus type 16 pseudovirus containing histones

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    Lymphoproliferative responses following four immunizations with HPV16 PsVs from fraction I, II, or III. The mice were immunized four times with 50 ng of PsVs per dose at 2-week intervals. Mouse splenocytes were obtained 5 days after the fourth immunization. Mouse splenocytes were labeled with carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester (CFSE), stimulated with purified HPV16 L1 VLPs, and cultured for 4 days. The splenocytes were stained with allophycocyanin (APC)-conjugated anti-CD4 antibody (eBioscience, USA) and examined with a FACSCalibur flow cytometer (BD Bioscience, USA). To count CD4+ cells, the cells were gated according to forward and side scatter, and the upper-left segment of each graph was counted on FITC and APC scatter plots. Panel A shows the flow cytometry results for three individual mice. The value in panel B represents the mean ± SEM (n = 3). (DOCX 171 kb

    Effects of polarization mode dispersion on polarization-entangled photons generated via broadband pumped spontaneous parametric down-conversion

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    An inexpensive and compact frequency multi-mode diode laser enables a compact two-photon polarization entanglement source via the continuous wave broadband pumped spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) process. Entanglement degradation caused by polarization mode dispersion (PMD) is one of the critical issues in optical fiber-based polarization entanglement distribution. We theoretically and experimentally investigate how the initial entanglement is degraded when the two-photon polarization entangled state undergoes PMD. We report an effect of PMD unique to broadband pumped SPDC, equally applicable to pulsed pumping as well as cw broadband pumping, which is that the amount of the entanglement degradation is asymmetrical to the PMD introduced to each quantum channel. We believe that our results have important applications in long-distance distribution of polarization entanglement via optical fiber channels.1111Ysciescopu

    Experimental demonstration of high fidelity entanglement distribution over decoherence channels via qubit transduction

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    Quantum coherence and entanglement, which are essential resources for quantum information, are often degraded and lost due to decoherence. Here, we report a proof-of-principle experimental demonstration of high fidelity entanglement distribution over decoherence channels via qubit transduction. By unitarily switching the initial qubit encoding to another, which is insensitive to particular forms of decoherence, we have demonstrated that it is possible to avoid the effect of decoherence completely. In particular, we demonstrate high-fidelity distribution of photonic polarization entanglement over quantum channels with two types of decoherence, amplitude damping and polarization-mode dispersion, via qubit transduction between polarization qubits and dual-rail qubits. These results represent a significant breakthrough in quantum communication over decoherence channels as the protocol is input-state independent, requires no ancillary photons and symmetries, and has near-unity success probability.1132Ysciescopu

    The Impact of Distance on the Accuracy of Luminance Measurement

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    AbstractMany researchers want to reduce the severe luminance difference caused by artificial lights or natural lighting and when luminance is highly uniform. This paper focused on the correlation between measured luminance and the distance of measurement from the light source. For this task, two types of luminance measuring methods were adopted. Namely, High Dynamic Range (HDR) image processing and CS-100 instrument for measuring surface luminance and point luminance respectively. The results indicate that there was a 3% decrease in measured luminance as the distance from the light source was increased by 1m

    Adapting An Existing Example-Based Machine Translation (EBMT) System For New Language Pairs Based On An Optimized Bilingual Knowledge Bank (BKB).

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    Sourcing for large amount of text and translating them are some of the challenges in building an Example-Based Machine Translation (EBMT) system. These big amounts of translated texts are annotated into the S-SSTC format to cover an extensive vocabulary and sentence structures. However, the Bilingual Knowledge Bank (BKB), which is a collection of the S-SSTCs, will normally contain redundancy. Hence, the idea of an optimized BKB is born. An optimized BKB (redundancy reduced; is smaller in size but is as equally extensive in term of its sentence structure coverage compared to an un-optimized BKB. Therefore, an optimized BKB enhances the performance of the EBMT. In this paper, we introduce the idea of an optimized BKB and propose it to be re-used to effectively construct new BKBs in order to adapt an existing EBMT for new language pairs

    Numerical modeling to analysis the abrasion of knee joint by walking pattern

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    In current studies, growing up of treatment of the knee joint damage such as arthritis, the research to prevent knee joint is under way. As knee joints could be damaged by various types of motion, one of the most influential factor of the abrasion on the knee joint is progressed by walking. It could be classified as 3 types of walking, 1. Walking plain, 2. Climbing stairs or uphill and 3. Going down. In this study, to find the damaged point of knee joint, the following ways would be used. After comparing the knee joint angle with interior and exterior movement of the knee in accordance with the joint dynamics of typical height, the walking pattern for walking up the stairs can be comprehended. It could be shown the variation of the center of rotation of knee joint. From this, the contact point which is pressed on the knee joints in accordance with each walking pattern could be derived. The numerical modeling could be made by quantifying the variety that is caused by the center of mass of knee bone. It would be expected to calculate the contact point on the knee joint through walking patterns. This numerical model is considered of the kinematics system in our knee