4,701 research outputs found

    Exotic phase separation in one-dimensional hard-core boson system with two- and three-body interactions

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    We investigate the ground state phase diagram of hard-core boson system with repulsive two-body and attractive three-body interactions in one-dimensional optic lattice. When these two interactions are comparable and increasing the hopping rate, physically intuitive analysis indicates that there exists an exotic phase separation regime between the solid phase with charge density wave order and superfluid phase. We identify these phases and phase transitions by numerically analyzing the density distribution, structure factor of density-density correlation function, three-body correlation function and von Neumann entropy estimator obtained by density matrix renormalization group method. These exotic phases and phase transitions are expected to be observed in the ultra-cold polar molecule experiments by properly tuning interaction parameters, which is constructive to understand the physics of ubiquitous insulating-superconducting phase transitions in condensed matter systems

    Quantum resource studied from the perspective of quantum state superposition

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    Quantum resources,such as discord and entanglement, are crucial in quantum information processing. In this paper, quantum resources are studied from the aspect of quantum state superposition. We define the local superposition (LS) as the superposition between basis of single part, and nonlocal superposition (NLS) as the superposition between product basis of multiple parts. For quantum resource with nonzero LS, quantum operation must be introduced to prepare it, and for quantum resource with nonzero NLS, nonlocal quantum operation must be introduced to prepare it. We prove that LS vanishes if and only if the state is classical and NLS vanishes if and only if the state is separable. From this superposition aspect, quantum resources are categorized as superpositions existing in different parts. These results are helpful to study quantum resources from a unified frame.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Entanglement and quantum discord dynamics of two atoms under practical feedback control

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    We study the dynamics of two identical atoms resonantly coupled to a single-mode cavity under practical feedback control, and focus on the detection inefficiency. The entanglement is induced to vanish in finite time by the inefficiency of detection. Counterintuitively, the asymptotic entanglement and quantum discord can be increased by the inefficiency of detection. The noise of detection triggers control field to create entanglement and discord when no photon are emitted from the atoms. Furthermore, sudden change happens to the dynamics of entanglement.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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