17 research outputs found

    Both Cr(VI) and Cr(III) induce mutations in yeast.

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    <p>Cells of the yeast strain SJR576 carrying the <i>SUP4-o</i> plasmid were treated with or without CrO<sub>3</sub> or CrCl<sub>3</sub> for 24 hours and plated on indicator plates to select for <i>sup4-o</i> mutants. Mutational rates were calculated and plotted. The results are the means of three independent experiments. The error bars represent the means ± SD.</p

    Effects of Cr(VI) and Cr(III) on <i>Tm</i>.

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    <p>The plotted are melting curves of a GAPDH gene fragment in the absence (curves 1) and presence of 150 µM CrO<sub>3</sub> (curves 2) or CrCl<sub>3</sub> (curves 3).</p

    Chromium compounds induce DNA damage in yeast (A–D) and Jurkat cells (E–H).

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    <p>(A, E) Cells were not treated with chromium or a DNA damage treatment. (B) Cells were treated with 20 µM H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> for 30 minutes. (C, G) Cells were treated with 300 µM CrO<sub>3</sub> for 24 hours. (D, H) Cells were treated with 150 µM CrCl<sub>3</sub> for 24 hours. (F) Cells were exposed to UV for 1 hour. The slides were viewed using a fluorescent microscope at magnification 200× (A–D) and 100× (E–H).</p

    The effects of pH (A–C), temperature (D) and DTT (E) on chromium-induced plasmid DNA damadge.

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    <p>(A) Plasmid DNA samples were treated with increasing concentrations of CrO<sub>3</sub> (0 µM, 20 µM, 40 µM, 80 µM, and 120 µM) in Tris-HCl buffers of pH 5, pH 7, and pH 10.58 and analyzed with agarose gel electrophoresis. (B) Plasmid DNA samples were treated with increasing concentrations of CrCl<sub>3</sub> (0 µM, 20 µM, 40 µM, 80 µM, and 120 µM) in Tris-HCl buffers of pH 5, pH 7, and pH 10.58 and analyzed with agarose gel electrophoresis. (C) Plasmid DNA samples were treated with or without CrO<sub>3</sub> (80 µM) or CrCl<sub>3</sub> (80 µM) in PBS buffers of pH 4, pH 5, pH 7, and pH 10. (D) Plasmid DNA samples were treated with or without CrO<sub>3</sub> (80 µM) or CrCl<sub>3</sub> (80 µM) at 0°C, 20°C, 30°C, and 37°C. (E) Plasmid DNA samples were treated with or without CrO<sub>3</sub> (80 µM) or CrCl<sub>3</sub> (80 µM) in the presence or absence of increasing concentrations of DTT (0.1 mM, 0.5 mM, 1.5 mM, 5.0 mM and 10 mM). DTT concentration used in the absence of a chromium compound was 10 mM.</p

    Effects of Cr(VI) and Cr(III) on binding of ethidium bromide (EB) to DNA molecules.

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    <p>DNA samples (6 µg/mL) were first incubated in the presence or absence of 150 µM CrO<sub>3</sub> or CrCl<sub>3</sub> and then with equal volume of EB (12 ug/mL). Binding of EB to DNA under each condition was measured as the relative fluorescence intensity unit (RFU).</p

    Effects of Cr(VI) and Cr(III) on the CD spectra of plasmid DNA.

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    <p>Plasmid DNA (25 ng/µL) was measured in the presence or absence of 150 µM CrO<sub>3</sub> or CrCl<sub>3</sub>.</p

    Chromium compounds induce DNA damage <i>in vitro</i>.

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    <p>(A, B) Plasmid DNA (25 ng/uL) was incubated with or without CrO<sub>3</sub> or CrCl<sub>3</sub> at increasing concentrations (0 µM, 20 µM, 40 µM, 80 µM, and 120 µM). Nicking of DNA was manifested as the disappearance of a band of faster-migrating DNA (Band I) and the appearance of a band of slower-migrating DNA (Band II) on agarose gel electropheresis. Degradation of DNA was manifested as the disappearance of both bands. (C, D) Linearized YEplac195 DNA (40 ng/uL) by Hind III and T4 ligase-treated DNA was incubated with different concentrations of CrO<sub>3</sub> and CrCl<sub>3</sub> and re-ligated with T4 DNA ligase. “L” indicates linear DNA and “T4” represents T4 ligase-treated DNA. Reactions were resolved with agarose gel electrophoresis. (E, F) Re-ligated DNA samples pre-treated with different concentrations of CrO<sub>3</sub> or CrCl<sub>3</sub> (0 µM, 20 µM, 40 µM, 80 µM, and 120 µM) were transformed into DH5α competent cells. Relative transformation efficiency was calculated and plotted.</p