47,995 research outputs found

    Analysis on the evolution and governance of the biotechnology industry of China

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    The past twenty years have witnessed the high-speed growth of China’s biotechnology industry, and this presents an excellent opportunity to examine the changes that have taken place, especially, to carry out overall evaluation and governance analysis from the perspective of technology policies. Although China’s biotechnology industry has achieved tremendous extension both in scale and structure, the strengths it gained from basic research have been significantly weakened by commercialization. This has resulted in the comparatively limited scale of the whole industry, innovation-lacking products, poor output from research and development and scarcity of industrial resources. A large range of literature regarding China’s biotechnology industry attributes these outcomes to vague and even inappropriate governance, findings supported mainly by analyses based on the linear model of impact of government policies on industrial development. In these analyses, government, enterprises and companies as well as R&D organizations are either put on the opposite poles or in a straight line. After examining the nature of China’s biotechnology industry, and in particular the dynamic procedures in research and development, the authors of this paper argue that besides government, enterprises and R&D organizations, a diverse array of factors should be taken into account as we tackle issues emerging in understanding the development of China’s biotechnology industry. Furthermore, these factors, human or nonhuman, should not be arranged as opposing poles or linearly connected points on a straight line. They are in fact all knitted in networks and act as both knitters and knots. China’s biotechnology industry gains its strength to develop and evolve from these networks, thus its governance must be aimed at improving their stability and quality. Although the main disciplinary perspectives of this research are historical and sociological (including identification of the three development stages of biotechnology in China since 1978 to present days), a large number of concepts and ideas from management studies as well as an interdisciplinary approach are also incorporated into the analysis. The main model used in this research is Actor Network Theory, which is employed as a basic theoretical frame. From this starting point the authors attempt to make a closer examination of China’s biotechnology industry both at the level of technology research and development and at the level of commercialization. The modeling process in this research can be regarded as an attempt to explore the social construction of China’s biotechnology industry. The paper reveals how China’s biotechnology industry develops in the form of networks within the country’s social context and what kinds of relationships exist among the relevant factors; therefore, providing guiding insights for improving the governance of China’s biotechnology industry both in policy and management

    Spontaneous current generation in the gapless 2SC phase

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    It is found that, except chromomagnetic instability, the gapless 2SC phase also exhibits a paramagnetic response to the perturbation of an external color neutral baryon current. The spontaneously generated baryon current driven by the mismatch is equivalent to the one-plane wave LOFF state. We describe the 2SC phase in the nonlinear realization framework, and show that each instability indicates the spontaneous generation of the corresponding pseudo Nambu-Golstone current. We show this Nambu-Goldstone currents generation state covers the gluon phase as well as the one-plane wave LOFF state. We further point out that, when charge neutrality condition is required, there exists a narrow unstable LOFF (Us-LOFF) window, where not only off-diagonal gluons but the diagonal 8-th gluon cannot avoid the magnetic instability. We discuss that the diagonal magnetic instability in this Us-LOFF window cannot be cured by off-diagonal gluon condensate in color superconducting phase, and it will also show up in some constrained Abelian asymmetric superfluid/superconducting system.Comment: 8 pages, no figure, final version to appear in PR

    The 2MASS Tully-Fisher Survey : Mapping the Mass in the Universe

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    The 2MASS Tully-Fisher Survey (2MTF) aims to measure Tully-Fisher (TF) distances for all bright inclined spirals in the 2MASS Redshift Survey (2MRS) using high quality HI widths and 2MASS photometry. Compared with previous peculiar velocity surveys, the 2MTF survey provides more accurate width measurements and more uniform sky coverage, combining observations with the Green Bank, Arecibo and Parkes telescopes. With this new redshift-independent distance database, we will significantly improve our understanding of the mass distribution in the local universe.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, IAU Symposium 289 proceedin

    Identifying Retweetable Tweets with a Personalized Global Classifier

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    In this paper we present a method to identify tweets that a user may find interesting enough to retweet. The method is based on a global, but personalized classifier, which is trained on data from several users, represented in terms of user-specific features. Thus, the method is trained on a sufficient volume of data, while also being able to make personalized decisions, i.e., the same post received by two different users may lead to different classification decisions. Experimenting with a collection of approx.\ 130K tweets received by 122 journalists, we train a logistic regression classifier, using a wide variety of features: the content of each tweet, its novelty, its text similarity to tweets previously posted or retweeted by the recipient or sender of the tweet, the network influence of the author and sender, and their past interactions. Our system obtains F1 approx. 0.9 using only 10 features and 5K training instances.Comment: This is a long paper version of the extended abstract titled "A Personalized Global Filter To Predict Retweets", of the same authors, which was published in the 25th ACM UMAP conference in Bratislava, Slovakia, in July 201

    Self-trapping of a Fermi super-fluid in a double-well potential in the BEC-unitarity crossover

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    We derive a generalized Gross-Pitaevskii density-functional equation appropriate to study the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of dimers formed of singlet spin-half Fermi pairs in the BEC-unitarity crossover while the dimer-dimer scattering length aa changes from 0 to \infty. Using an effective one-dimensional form of this equation, we study the phenomenon of dynamical self-trapping of a cigar-shaped Fermi super-fluid in the entire BEC-unitarity crossover in a double-well potential. A simple two-mode model is constructed to provide analytical insights. We also discuss the consequence of our study on the self-trapping of an atomic BEC in a double-well potential.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Building stock dynamics and its impacts on materials and energy demand in China

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    China hosts a large amount of building stocks, which is nearly 50 billion square meters. Moreover, annual new construction is growing fast, representing half of the world's total. The trend is expected to continue through the year 2050. Impressive demand for new residential and commercial construction, relative shorter average building lifetime, and higher material intensities have driven massive domestic production of energy intensive building materials such as cement and steel. This paper developed a bottom-up building stock turnover model to project the growths, retrofits and retirements of China's residential and commercial building floor space from 2010 to 2050. It also applied typical material intensities and energy intensities to estimate building materials demand and energy consumed to produce these building materials. By conducting scenario analyses of building lifetime, it identified significant potentials of building materials and energy demand conservation. This study underscored the importance of addressing building material efficiency, improving building lifetime and quality, and promoting compact urban development to reduce energy and environment consequences in China

    Variation of the first Hilbert coefficients of parameters with a common integral closure

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    A problem posed by Wolmer V. Vasconcelos on the variation of the first Hilbert coefficients of parameter ideals with a common integral closure in a local ring is studied. Affirmative answers are given and counterexamples are explored as well