45,641 research outputs found

    Chiral condensate and dressed Polyakov loop in the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model

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    We investigate the chiral condensate and the dressed Polyakov loop or dual chiral condensate at finite temperature and density in two-flavor Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model. The dressed Polyakov loop is regarded as an equivalent order parameter of deconfinement phase transition in a confining theory. We find the behavior of dressed Polyakov loop in absence of any confinement mechanism is quite interesting, with only quark degrees of freedom present, it still shows an order parameter like behavior. It is found that in the chiral limit, the critical temperature for chiral phase transition coincides with that of the dressed Polyakov loop in the whole (T,μ)(T,\mu) plane. In the case of explicit chiral symmetry breaking, it is found that the transition temperature for chiral restoration TcχT_c^{\chi} is smaller than that of the dressed Polyakov loop TcDT_c^{{\cal D}} in the low baryon density region where the transition is a crossover. With the increase of current quark mass the difference between the two transition temperatures is found to be increasing. However, the two critical temperatures coincide in the high baryon density region where the phase transition is of first order. We give an explanation on the feature of Tcχ=TcDT_c^{\chi}=T_c^{\cal D} in the case of 1st and 2nd order phase transitions, and Tcχ<TcDT_c^{\chi}<T_c^{\cal D} in the case of crossover, and expect this feature is general and can be extended to full QCD theory. Our result might indicate that in the case of crossover, there exists a small region where chiral symmetry is restored but the color degrees of freedom are still confined.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figure

    Dressed Polyakov loop and flavor dependent phase transitions

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    The chiral condensate and dressed Polyakov loop at finite temperature and density have been investigated in the framework of Nf = 2+1 Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model with two degenerate u, d quarks and one strange quark. In the case of explicit chiral symmetry breaking with physical quark masses, it is found that the phase transitions for light u, d quarks and s quark are sequentially happened, and the separation between the transition lines for different flavors becomes wider and wider with the increase of baryon density. For each flavor, the pseudo-critical temperatures for chiral condensate and dressed Polyakov loop differ in a narrow transition range in the lower baryon density region, and the two transitions coincide in the higher baryon density region.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures; Version accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Dynamics of Vortex Core Switching in Ferromagnetic Nanodisks

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    Dynamics of magnetic vortex core switching in nanometer-scale permalloy disk, having a single vortex ground state, was investigated by micromagnetic modeling. When an in-plane magnetic field pulse with an appropriate strength and duration is applied to the vortex structure, additional two vortices, i.e., a circular- and an anti-vortex, are created near the original vortex core. Sequentially, the vortex-antivortex pair annihilates. A spin wave is created at the annihilation point and propagated through the entire element; the relaxed state for the system is the single vortex state with a switched vortex core.Comment: to appear in Appl. Phys. Let

    Single Top Quark Production and Decay at Next-to-leading Order in Hadron Collision

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    We present a calculation of the next-to-leading order QCD corrections, with one-scale phase space slicing method, to single top quark production and decay process ppˉ,pptbˉ+Xbνbˉ+Xp\bar{p},pp\to t\bar{b}+X\to b\ell\nu\bar{b}+X at hadron colliders. Using the helicity amplitude method, the angular correlation of the final state partons and the spin correlation of the top quark are preserved. The effect of the top quark width is also examined.Comment: 47 pages, 9 figure

    The Optimal Inhomogeneity for Superconductivity: Finite Size Studies

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    We report the results of exact diagonalization studies of Hubbard models on a 4×44\times 4 square lattice with periodic boundary conditions and various degrees and patterns of inhomogeneity, which are represented by inequivalent hopping integrals tt and tt^{\prime}. We focus primarily on two patterns, the checkerboard and the striped cases, for a large range of values of the on-site repulsion UU and doped hole concentration, xx. We present evidence that superconductivity is strongest for UU of order the bandwidth, and intermediate inhomogeneity, 0<t<t0 <t^\prime< t. The maximum value of the ``pair-binding energy'' we have found with purely repulsive interactions is Δpb=0.32t\Delta_{pb} = 0.32t for the checkerboard Hubbard model with U=8tU=8t and t=0.5tt^\prime = 0.5t. Moreover, for near optimal values, our results are insensitive to changes in boundary conditions, suggesting that the correlation length is sufficiently short that finite size effects are already unimportant.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures; minor revisions; more references adde

    Low thrust orbit determination program

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    Logical flow and guidelines are provided for the construction of a low thrust orbit determination computer program. The program, tentatively called FRACAS (filter response analysis for continuously accelerating spacecraft), is capable of generating a reference low thrust trajectory, performing a linear covariance analysis of guidance and navigation processes, and analyzing trajectory nonlinearities in Monte Carlo fashion. The choice of trajectory, guidance and navigation models has been made after extensive literature surveys and investigation of previous software. A key part of program design relied upon experience gained in developing and using Martin Marietta Aerospace programs: TOPSEP (Targeting/Optimization for Solar Electric Propulsion), GODSEP (Guidance and Orbit Determination for SEP) and SIMSEP (Simulation of SEP)

    Observation of a kink during the formation of the Kondo resonance band in a heavy-fermion system

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    We have shown that the kink behavior in the spectral function of a heavy fermion can appear during the formation of the Kondo resonance (KR) band and the hybridization gap. We have investigated the heavy fermion compound CeCoGe2, using a combined approach of the density functional theory and the dynamical mean field theory. Low temperature T spectral functions show dispersive KR states, similarly to the recent experimental observation. During the evolution from the non-f conduction band state at high T to the dispersive KR band state at low T, which have topologically different band shapes, we have found the existence of kinks in the non-f spectral function near the Fermi level E-F. The observation of kink is clearly in correspondence with the multiple temperature scales of the formation of the KR band.X1186sciescopu

    BCS BEC crossover and phase structure of relativistic system: a variational approach

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    We investigate here the BCS BEC crossover in relativistic systems using a variational construct for the ground state and the minimization of the thermodynamic potential. This is first studied in a four fermion point interaction model and with a BCS type ansatz for the ground state with fermion pairs. It is shown that the antiparticle degrees of freedom play an important role in the BCS BEC crossover physics, even when the ratio of fermi momentum to the mass of the fermion is small. We also consider the phase structure for the case of fermion pairing with imbalanced populations. Within the ansatz, thermodynamically stable gapless modes for both fermions and anti fermions are seen for strong coupling in the BEC regime. We further investigate the effect of fluctuations of the condensate field by treating it as a dynamical field and generalize the BCS ansatz to include quanta of the condensate field also in a boson fermion model with quartic self interaction of the condensate field. It is seen that the critical temperature decreases with inclusion of fluctuations.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures, one more section added, title modified, version to appear in Phys Rev

    Temperature-dependent Fermi surface evolution in heavy fermion CeIrIn5

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    In Cerium-based heavy electron materials, the 4f electron's magnetic moments bind to the itinerant quasiparticles to form composite heavy quasiparticles at low temperature. The volume of the Fermi surfacein the Brillouin zone incorporates the moments to produce a "large FS" due to the Luttinger theorem. When the 4f electrons are localized free moments, a "small FS" is induced since it contains only broad bands of conduction spd electrons. We have addressed theoretically the evolution of the heavy fermion FS as a function of temperature, using a first principles dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) approach combined with density functional theory (DFT+DMFT). We focus on the archetypical heavy electrons in CeIrIn5, which is believed to be near a quantum critical point. Upon cooling, both the quantum oscillation frequencies and cyclotron masses show logarithmic scaling behavior (~ ln(T_0/T)) with different characteristic temperatures T_0 = 130 and 50 K, respectively. The resistivity coherence peak observed at T ~ 50 K is the result of the competition between the binding of incoherent 4f electrons to the spd conduction electrons at Fermi level and the formation of coherent 4f electrons.Comment: 5 pages main article,3 figures for the main article, 2 page Supplementary information, 2 figures for the Supplementary information. Supplementary movie 1 and 2 are provided on the webpage(http://www-ph.postech.ac.kr/~win/supple.html

    The C-metric as a colliding plane wave space-time

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    It is explicitly shown that part of the C-metric space-time inside the black hole horizon may be interpreted as the interaction region of two colliding plane waves with aligned linear polarization, provided the rotational coordinate is replaced by a linear one. This is a one-parameter generalization of the degenerate Ferrari-Ibanez solution in which the focussing singularity is a Cauchy horizon rather than a curvature singularity.Comment: 6 pages. To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit