5 research outputs found

    Certain Class of Analytic Functions Based on qq-difference operator

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    In this paper, we considered a generalized class of starlike functions defined by Kanas and R\u{a}ducanu\cite{10} to obtain integral means inequalities and subordination results. Further, we obtain the for various subclasses of starlike functions.Comment:

    Additional file 4 of Engineering Bacillus pumilus alkaline serine protease to increase its low-temperature proteolytic activity by directed evolution

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    Figure S2. Multiple alignments of the selected bacterial alkaline proteases. DHAP (GI:38373994); Savi (subtilisin Savinase, PDB code: 1NDQ); BgAP (GI:227300899); SAPB (GI: 1869288); SubE (subtilisin E, PDB code: 1SCJ); SubN (subtilisin NOVO, PDB code: 2SBT); Carl (subtilisin Carlsberg, PDB code: 1SBC); WF146 (GI:34851156); S41 (psychrophilic subtilisin-like protease, PDB code: 2GKO); TA39 (psychrophilic subtilisinlike protease, GI: 40201). “s” represents beta sheet; “h” represents a helix. The substitution sites in red color are labeled. (PDF 340 kb

    Additional file 3 of Engineering Bacillus pumilus alkaline serine protease to increase its low-temperature proteolytic activity by directed evolution

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    Figure S1. SDS-PAGE analysis of the wt and variants of the alkaline protease (DHAP). Lane 1–12 represents the wt, P9S, A38V, A116T, T162I, S182R, T243S, A1G/K27 K, P9S/K27Q, P9S/T162I, K27Q/T162I, and P9S/K27Q/T162I. (PDF 398 kb

    Additional file 1 of Engineering Bacillus pumilus alkaline serine protease to increase its low-temperature proteolytic activity by directed evolution

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    Table S1. The primers used to construction of DHAP variants by site-directed mutagenesis. (DOCX 16 kb