204,876 research outputs found

    A Three-Dimensional Voting System in Hong Kong

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    The voting system in the Legislative Council of Hong Kong (Legco) is sometimes unicameral and sometimes bicameral, depending on whether the bill is proposed by the Hong Kong government. Therefore, although without any representative within Legco, the Hong Kong government has certain degree of legislative power --- as if there is a virtual representative of the Hong Kong government within the Legco. By introducing such a virtual representative of the Hong Kong government, we show that Legco is a three-dimensional voting system. We also calculate two power indices of the Hong Kong government through this virtual representative and consider the CC-dimension and the WW-dimension of Legco. Finally, some implications of this Legco model to the current constitutional reform in Hong Kong will be given

    Mosses new to Hong Kong (3)

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    Ten moss species - Philonotis turneriana (Schwaegr.) Mitt., Fissidens javanicus Dozy & Molk., Lopidium nazeense (Ther.) Broth., Himatocladium cyclophyllum (C. Muell.) Fleisch., Homaliodendron exigiuum (Bosch & Lac.) Fleisch., Homaliodendron microdendron (Mont.) Fleisch., Homaliodendron scapellifolium (Mitt.) Fleisch., Pinnatella anacamptolepis (C.Muell.) Broth., Calyptothecium wrightii (Mitt.) Fleisch. and Haplocladium angustifolium (Hampe & C. Muell.) Broth. are reported new to Hong Kong. Among them, four are new to Guangdong Province of China. An updated checklist of Hong Kong mosses is provided

    A General qq-Oscillator Algebra

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    It is well-known that the Macfarlane-Biedenharn qq-oscillator and its generalization has no Hopf structure, whereas the Hong Yan qq-oscillator can be endowed with a Hopf structure. In this letter, we demonstrate that it is possible to construct a general qq-oscillator algebra which includes the Macfarlane-Biedenharn oscillator algebra and the Hong Yan oscillator algebra as special cases.Comment: Needs subeqnarray.sty and epsf.sty (contains 2 figures

    Intermediaries in Entrepot Trade: Hong Kong Re-Exports of Chinese Goods

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    In this paper, we examine Hong Kong's role in intermediating trade between China and the rest of the world. Hong Kong distributes a large fraction of China's exports. Net of customs, insurance, and freight charges, re-exports of Chinese goods are much more expensive when they leave Hong Kong than when they enter. Hong Kong markups on re-exports of Chinese goods are higher for differentiated products, products with higher variance in export prices, products sent to China for further processing, and products shipped to countries which have less trade with China. These results are consistent with quality-sorting models of intermediation and with the outsourcing of production tasks from Hong Kong to China. Additional results suggest that Hong Kong traders price discriminate across destination markets and use transfer pricing to shift income from high-tax countries to Hong Kong.

    Mosses new to Hong Kong (1)

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    Ten moss species - Garkea flexuosa (Griffith) Marg. & Nork., Campylopus laxitextus Lac., Fissidens dubius P. Beauv., Fissidens ceylonensis Dozy & Molk, Fissidens maceratus Mitt., Philonotis thwaitesii Mitt., Isopterygium minutirameum (C. Muell.)Jaeg., Homalia trichomanoides (Hedw.) B.S.G., Pogonatum neesii (C. Muell.) Dozyand Polytrichum formosum Hedw. are reported new to Hong Kong. Among them, five are new to Guangdong Province of China

    Mosses new to Hong Kong (4)

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    Sixteen moss species - Eurhynchium asperisetum (C. Muell.) Tak.; Rhynchostegium pallidifolium (Mitt.) Jaeg.; Bryum argenteum Hedw.; Bryum caespiticium Hedw.; Bryum capillare Hedw.; Platyhynidium riarioides (Hedw.) Dix.; Dicranella varia (Hedw.) Schimp.;Entodon virudulus Card.; Fissidens strictulus C. Muell.; Ectropothecium obtusulum (Card.) Iwats.; Caduciella guangdongensis Enroth.; Plagiomnium cuspidatum (Hedw.) T. Kop.; Plagiomnium vesicatum (Besch.) T. Kop.; Pyrrhobryum spiniforme (Hedw.) Mitt., Taxithelium nepalense (Schwaegr.) Broth. and Claopodium aciculum (Broth.) Broth. are reported new to Hong Kong. Among them, four are new to Guangdong Province of China

    Estimating Price Effects in an Almost Ideal Demand Model of Outbound Thai Tourism to East Asia

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    This paper analyzes the responsiveness of Thai outbound tourism to East Asian destinations, namely China, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan and Korea, to changes in effective relative price of tourism, total real total tourism expenditure, and one-off events. The nonlinear and linear Almost Ideal Demand (AID) models are estimated with monthly data to identify the price competitiveness and interdependencies of tourism demand for competing destinations in both long run (static) and short run error correction (dynamic) specifications. The homogeneity and symmetry restricted long run and short run AID models are estimated to calculate elasticities. The income elasticities, and the compensated and uncompensated own-price and cross-price elasticities, provide useful information for public and private tourism agents at the various destinations to maintain and improve price competitiveness. The empirical results show that price competitiveness is important for tourism demand for Japan, Korea and Hong Kong in the long run, and for Hong Kong and Taiwan in the short run. With regard to long run cross-price elasticities, the substitution effect can be found in the following pairs of destinations: China-Korea, Japan-Hong Kong, Taiwan-Hong Kong, Japan-Korea, and Taiwan-Korea. In addition to the substitution effect, the complementary effect can be found in the following pairs of destinations: China-Hong Kong, China-Japan, China-Taiwan, Japan-Taiwan, and Korea-Hong Kong. Contrary to the findings obtained from the long run AID specification, Japan-Korea and Taiwan-Korea are complements in the short run. Furthermore, the real total tourism expenditure elasticities indicate that China’s share of real total tourism expenditure is inelastic in response to a change in real total tourism expenditure, while Korea’s share of real total tourism expenditure is most sensitive to changes in expenditure in the long run. The greatest impact on the share of real total tourism expenditure in the short run is tourism demand for Taiwan.tourism demand;almost ideal Demand (AID) model;compensated prices;budget shares;complements;error correction;monthly frequency;price competitiveness;substitutes;uncompensated prices

    Christian worship: unity in cultural diversity

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    Reviewed Book: Stauffer, S Anita. Christian worship: unity in cultural diversity. Geneva: Lutheran World Federation, 1996. Reviewed Book: Stauffer, S Anita. Worship and culture in dialogue: reports of international consultations: Cartigny, Switzerland, 1993; Hong Kong, 1994. Geneva: LWF, 1994

    Economic Interdependence and Macroeconomic Coordination

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    Data indicate that there has been an increasing integration of world financial markets. These have raised fears that countries have become vulnerable to external policies and events. This article discusses the need for policy coordination when there is interdependence among countries. The Philippine macroeconomic and policy coordination is discussed while a two-part recommendation is advocated.economic openness, economic integration

    Economic Interdependence and Macroeconomic Coordination

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    Data indicate that there has been an increasing integration of world financial markets. These have raised fears that countries have become vulnerable to external policies and events. This article discusses the need for policy coordination when there is interdependence among countries. The Philippine macroeconomic and policy coordination is discussed while a two-part recommendation is advocated.economic openness, economic integration