
Mosses new to Hong Kong (3)


Ten moss species - Philonotis turneriana (Schwaegr.) Mitt., Fissidens javanicus Dozy & Molk., Lopidium nazeense (Ther.) Broth., Himatocladium cyclophyllum (C. Muell.) Fleisch., Homaliodendron exigiuum (Bosch & Lac.) Fleisch., Homaliodendron microdendron (Mont.) Fleisch., Homaliodendron scapellifolium (Mitt.) Fleisch., Pinnatella anacamptolepis (C.Muell.) Broth., Calyptothecium wrightii (Mitt.) Fleisch. and Haplocladium angustifolium (Hampe & C. Muell.) Broth. are reported new to Hong Kong. Among them, four are new to Guangdong Province of China. An updated checklist of Hong Kong mosses is provided

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