1,709 research outputs found

    Literature Review challenges for emerging technologies

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    The path to academia begins with a Ph.D. A student must then navigate the publish or perish path to prove worthy of a highly prized tenured position. In seeking to balance research in fast-paced (even hyped) areas against the tension to mature our discipline, one might feel overwhelmed and struggle with acceptance to IS academic circles. This paper presents three challenges faced in the early stages of a personal Ph.D. journey. In particular, when studying rapidly evolving technologies such as blockchain, and how some of these challenges may even be overcome with a viable blockchain solution

    Understanding How Audiences Interpret Science News Frames

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    This thesis is an investigation into audience perception of the use of science frames versus non-science frames in news journalism covering science content. The effect of a science frame versus a non-science frame is measured through survey treatments that measure three dependent variables: The audience perceptions of the message source, meaningfulness of the message, and the journalistic �objectivity� of that message. Participants responded more favorably to a science frame than to a non-science frame in national coverage of the discovery of Homo naledi from 2015 for all three variables. The findings indicate that using a non-science frame to cover a science story does not reflect well on the journalist, does not make the story more meaningful, and does not increase a sense of journalistic balance for audiences.Mass Communication

    The origins of individual differences in how learning is expressed in rats: a general-process perspective

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    Laboratory rats can exhibit marked, qualitative individual differences in the form of acquired behaviors. For example, when exposed to a signal-reinforcer relationship some rats show marked and consistent changes in sign-tracking (interacting with the signal; e.g., a lever) and others show marked and consistent changes in goal-tracking (interacting with the location of the predicted reinforcer; e.g., the food well). Here, stable individual differences in rats' sign-tracking and goal-tracking emerged over the course of training, but these differences did not generalize across different signal-reinforcer relationships (Experiment 1). This selectivity suggests that individual differences in sign- and goal-tracking reflect differences in the value placed on individual reinforcers. Two findings provide direct support for this interpretation: the palatability of a reinforcer (as measured by an analysis of lick-cluster size) was positively correlated with goal-tracking (and negatively correlated with sign-tracking); and sating rats with a reinforcer affected goal-tracking but not sign-tracking (Experiment 2). These results indicate that the observed individual differences in sign- and goal-tracking behavior arise from the interaction between the palatability or value of the reinforcer and processes of association as opposed to dispositional differences (e.g., in sensory processes, 'temperament,' or response repertoire)

    Optical Variability of the Black Hole Candidate GX339-4 (X1659-487, V821 Ara) - Limits on Periodic Modulation

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    We present results of extensive CCD optical photometry (over 1000 frames representing ~150 hr of integration time) of the optical counterpart of the X-ray source GX339–4 obtained during the high (soft) state. The source was seen to be significantly variable. We do not, however, detect any periodic modulation with semi-amplitude greater than ~0.03 mag for periods less than ~0.5 day or semi-amplitude greater than ~0.07 mag for longer periods. An optical spectrum obtained shortly after GX339–4 made a transition from a ‘low’ to a ‘high’ state is also presented and compared with previous results. The width of the He IIλ4686 emission line in the spectrum implies that GX339–4 does not have an unusually low inclination angle and we therefore conclude that the orbital period of GX339–4 is probably longer than ~0.5 day

    Citra Kota Batam Sebagai Kota Pariwisata Menurut Wisatawan Yang Berkunjung Ke Kota Batam

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    Tourism is not new, currently tourism is an industrial product that is increasingly in demand to be visited. Local governments are responsible for developing and managing all the potentials of their respective regions to be able to attract foreign and local tourists. As a tourism destination, Batam City has a geographic area in one or more administrative areas that have accessibility, tourism facilities, public facilities, tourist attractions to complement the realization of tourism. The research is carried out on the basis of samples, the analysis can use descriptive statistics, descriptive statistics themselves can be used if the research only needs to present sample data and does not want to draw conclusions for the population where the sample is obtained, and testing in this study uses descriptive testing using several tests through assistance software SPSS 23. This type of research is quantitative research that will study that will test the image of the city which consists of cognitive images, unique images and affective images. Sampling using simple random sampling technique. Keywords: Tourism, City Imag
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