109 research outputs found

    The Decline of British Seapower

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    Replacing Battleships with Aircraft Carriers in the Pacific in World War II

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    This is a case study of operational and tactical innovation in the U.S. Navy during World War II. Its purpose is to erase a myth—the myth that Navy tactical and operational doctrine existing at the time of Pearl Harbor facilitated a straightforward substitution of carriers for the battleship force that had been severely damaged by Japanese carrier aviation on 7 December 1941. That is not what happened

    Pearl Harbor: The Continuing Controversy

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    The Effectiveness of the Washington Treaty Navy

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    The Washington Treaty was intended to permit its signatories the minimum force necessary for an effective strategic defense while making strategic victory such a gamble that none would risk war. World War II measured the Navy\u27s effectiveness in treaty-limited force planning

    Review Essay—Battle on the Potomac

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    This War Really Matters: Inside the Fight for Defense Dollar

    In My View

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    Interwar Innovation in Three Navies: U.S. Navy, Royal Navy, Imperial Japanese Navy

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    In 1919, three major naval powers—Great Britain, Japan, and the United States—faced two major challenges: integrating new technology into their doctrines and organizations, and coping with reduced naval expenditures and arms treaties that came as a postwar reaction to armaments spending

    Professional Reading: Review Article, Managerial Style in the Interwar Navy: A Reappraisal

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    Pearl Harbor as Histor

    Innovation in Carrier Aviation

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    This study is about innovations in carrier aviation and the spread of those innovations from one navy to the navy of a close ally. The innovations are the angled flight deck; the steam catapult; and the mirror and lighted landing aid that enabled pilots to land jet aircraft on a carrier’s short and narrow flight deck.https://digital-commons.usnwc.edu/usnwc-newport-papers/1036/thumbnail.jp

    The Development of the Angled-Deck Aircraft Carrier—Innovation and Adaptation

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    In the years immediately after World War II, three British innovations—the angled flight deck, steam catapult, and optical landing aid—enabled the modern aircraft carrier. How did the U.S. Navy take such quick advantage of them, and why were they not American innovations in the first place
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