1,910 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Honan, Mary (Hebron, Oxford County)

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    Intergovernmental Relations and OCS Oil and Gas Development

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    Oil and gas exploration and development in federal waters off the coast of California have been a source of conflict between federal and state governments for a number of years. More recently local governments and local citizenry have joined in the battle to prevent development of outer continental shelf (OCS) oil and gas reserves. Between 1985 and 1986 the passage of thirteen local land use initiatives prohibiting or requiring voter approval of onshore facilities to service offshore platforms occurred. These initiatives reflect growing local dissatisfaction with the present legislative structure governing OCS development. From their perspective the existing OCS development process does not weigh heavily enough the onshore impacts associated with offshore development, nor provide sufficient opportunity for local input. In the absence of a formal source of power the local concerns have utilized the zoning authority granted by the state in an attempt to influence federal OCS development. This exercise of political skill and acumen by the locals have made them a player in the intergovernmental relations surrounding OCS development. Three political science models of intergovernmental relations (IGR), the separate, inclusive and overlapping authority models describe the changes in IGR which have occurred in OCS governance as well as describing the view each IGR player holds concerning its role in the process. The differing perspectives of IGR held by the federal, state and local levels contribute to the continuing conflict over OCS development

    Fighting the rip: Using digital texts in classrooms

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    This paper reports on a study investigating the use of digital texts in schools serving low and middle/upper socioeconomic communities. It draws on theoretical notions of rhizomes from the work of Deleuze and Guattari to explain the network of relations that are formed in classrooms, and that form the context for a set of patterns observed when students and teachers engage with digital texts in literacy lessons. These patterns of complexity, fragility, continuity, conservation and authenticity can explain some of the connections and conjunctions between and across the rhizomatic systems of different classrooms as well as providing a genealogical tracing of the past back to a report on the integration of new technologies in literacy classrooms published in 1997. It would seem that in the current contemporary climate, teachers who work with digital texts at any level swim against the tide of normative and conventional literacy routines of the classroom

    Effect of Using Behavioral Support Program for High School Students

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    This study investigated disciplinary records of thirteen students who participated in a behavioral support program entitled P.R.I.D.E. offered at Tinley Park High School. An analysis of the records suggests that the program did have an impact on deterring certain disciplinary events. Educational implications and recommendations for future research are discussed

    The Effect of Fluorine on Boron Diffusion

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    The role of fluorine in a BF2 implant has been investigated by implanting BF2, B alone and different combinations of B and F at equivalent implant energies. Each combination was designed to test for something, such as the effect of fluorine after B was implanted or the F damage before B was implanted. The wafers from each group received a spike anneal at 1075°C. The resulting boron profiles after implant and after spike anneal were obtained by SIMS analysis. Sheet resistance was measured and compared with the values calculated from the profiles. The junctions with boron implant had the smallest sheet resistance whereas those obtained with boron implant following F implant had the largest sheet resistance. The SIMS profiles supported these results. The profiles do suggest that the presence of fluorine reduced the transient enhanced diffusion of boron

    Influencers are Invading Kids’ Apps

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    Lord and Taylor, Warner Brothers, and L’Oreal all have something in common. Each of these companies have employed “social media influencers” to advertise their products and brands to consumers on social media. Social media influencers (“influencers”) tend to be described as 20 somethings that have garnered thousands of followers. Companies such as Lord & Taylor will pay these influencers thousands of dollars for them to snap pictures of their products and upload them on their different social media platforms. The goal of social media influencing is to reach young consumers that live and breath through their social media. This post was originally published on the Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal website on November 10, 2016. The original post can be accessed via the Archived Link button above

    Obscenity: News Articles (1989): News Article 28

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    Examination Of Bovine Rumen Fluid And Milk Fat Globule Membrane Proteome Dynamics

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    Proteomic technology has been increasingly incorporated into agricultural research, as characterization of proteomes can provide valuable information for potential biomarkers of health and physiological status of an animal. As dairy cattle are a dominant production animal in the USA, their biofluids such as milk, blood, urine, and rumen fluid have been examined by proteomic analysis. The research outlined herein was performed to further characterize the dynamics of specific proteomes and relate them to dairy cattle physiology. The first experiment evaluated the diurnal dynamicity of the rumen metaproteome in Holstein dairy cattle. Rumen fluid was collected from three mid to late lactation multiparous dairy cattle (207 ± 53.5 days in milk) at three time points relative to their first morning offering of a total mixed ration (TMR) (0 h, 4 h, and 6 h after feeding). Samples were processed and labeled using Tandem Mass tagging before being further fractionated with a high pH reversed-phase peptide fractionation kit. Samples were analyzed by LC-MS/MS and statistically analyzed for variations across hour of sampling using the MIXED procedure of SAS with orthogonal contrasts. A total of 242 proteins were characterized across 12 microbial species, with 35 proteins identified from a variety of 9 species affected by time of collection. Translation-related proteins were correlated positively with increasing hour of sampling while more specific metabolic proteins were negatively correlated with increasing hour of sampling. Results suggest that as nutrients become more readily available, microbes shift from conversion-focused biosynthetic routes to more encompassing DNA-driven pathways. The second experiment aimed to characterize the milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) proteomes of colostrum and transition milk for comparison from multi- (n = 10) and primiparous (n = 10) Holstein dairy cattle. Samples were collected at four timepoints post-partum (milkings 1, 2, 4, and 14). After isolation of the protein lysates from the MFGM, proteins were labeled using Tandem Mass tagging and analyzed using LC-MS/MS techniques. Protein identification was completed using MASCOT and Sequest in Proteome Discoverer 2.2. Protein abundance values were scaled and analyzed using the MIXED procedure in SAS to determine the effect of parity, milking number, and parity x milking number, and the adaptive false-discovery rate (FDR)-adjusted P values were determined using the MULTTEST procedure of SAS. There were 104 proteins identified within the MFGM. Statistical analysis revealed that 44.2% of proteins were affected by parity, 70.2% by milking number, and 32.7% by the variable of parity x milking number. There was a two-fold difference in calcium sensing S100 proteins in cows differing in parity possibly due to the multiparous mammary gland being more adapted to the physiological demand of lactation or the lesser requirement of calcium in primiparous cows because of a lower production rate

    Reauthorization: S. 2724 (1990): News Article 03

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