7 research outputs found

    Food selection by the northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbons (Nomascus annamensis), northern Cambodia

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    Tropical regions have extremely high plant diversity, which in turn supports a high diversity of animals. However, not all plant species are selected by animals as food sources, with some herbivores selecting only specific plants as food as not all plants have the same nutrient make up. Animals must select which food items to include in their diets, as the amount and type of nutrients in their diet can affect lifespan, health, fitness, and reproduction. Gibbon populations have declined significantly in recent years due to habitat destruction and hunting. Northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbon (Nomascus annamensis) is a newly described species, and has a limited distribution restricted to Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. The northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbons play an important role in seed dispersal, yet little is currently known about this species, including its food selection and nutritional needs. However, data on food selection and nutritional composition of selected food items would greatly inform the conservation of both wild and captive populations of this species. This study aims to quantify food selection by the northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbons by investigating the main plant species consumed and the influence of the availability of food items on their selection. The study also explores the nutritional composition of food items consumed by this gibbon species and identifying key plant species that provide these significant nutrients. A habituated group of the northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbons with five members located in northern Cambodia was studied for 12 weeks during the dry season, and focal animal sampling was used to observe individual feeding behaviours. Four main activity categories were recorded including resting, feeding, travelling and socializing. Phenological data was recorded from transect lines, and plant densities from 20 vegetation plots inside the home range of this group of gibbons were also measured. Seventy-four plant samples from 20 tree and liana species that were consumed by this group of gibbons were collected for nutritional analyses. These samples were initially dried in sunlight, and then oven dried before levels of protein, total non-structural carbohydrates, lipids, fibres and condensed tannins were measured at the Nutritional Ecology Lab at Hunter College of the City University of New York, New York. The northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbon individuals spent most of the time resting, followed by feeding, travelling and socializing. Their main diet was fruit, supplemented with young leaves, flowers, mature leaves, and occasionally insects. Individuals selected food from 37 plant species, but predominately fed on just 16 of these species. The three most-consumed species were fruit from Ilex umbellulata (tree), Ficus. sp (liana), and young leaves from Lithocarpus elegans (tree). There was a significant relationship between feeding time and the availability of flowers, indicating that flowers were actively selected for when present. However, there was no significant relationship between feeding time and the availability of fruit or young leaves. Only a small number of plants bore fruit, with very low densities in the home range of this gibbon study group, but these plants produced a large abundance of fruit. These findings clearly indicate that fruit is the main diet for northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbons in the dry season, with young leaves, flowers, mature leaves and insects acting as secondary food sources. The northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbons selected only a small number of specific plants in their territory for food sources, indicating that any selective logging targeting these plant species would reduce food availability, and restrict the diet of these animals. Fruits consumed by the northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbons were rich in carbohydrates and lipids, while young leaves were richest concentration of protein. Mature leaves had a high moisture content, whereas flowers contained condensed tannins more often than other plant tissues. All plant tissues consumed had similar amount of fibres. Generally, the food items consumed had higher concentrations of carbohydrate than protein or lipids. The overall diet of this group of gibbons was low in lipids. These results indicate that northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbon consumed food items with high concentrations of carbohydrate, and only selected a few food sources with high level of protein. Overall, these findings have contributed important knowledge that can be used for long-term conservation of this gibbon species. There are a small number of key food species in the home range which need special protection. The northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbons consumed food items from different plant species, and as a consequence, all plant species selected play an important role for nutritional requirements by this gibbon species. When considering feeding requirement by the northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbons for captive breeding programs, diets should include fruit, which is rich in carbohydrates, and young leaves, which have high levels of protein

    Food selection by the northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbons (Nomascus annamensis), northern Cambodia

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    Tropical regions have extremely high plant diversity, which in turn supports a high diversity of animals. However, not all plant species are selected by animals as food sources, with some herbivores selecting only specific plants as food as not all plants have the same nutrient make up. Animals must select which food items to include in their diets, as the amount and type of nutrients in their diet can affect lifespan, health, fitness, and reproduction. Gibbon populations have declined significantly in recent years due to habitat destruction and hunting. Northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbon (Nomascus annamensis) is a newly described species, and has a limited distribution restricted to Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. The northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbons play an important role in seed dispersal, yet little is currently known about this species, including its food selection and nutritional needs. However, data on food selection and nutritional composition of selected food items would greatly inform the conservation of both wild and captive populations of this species. This study aims to quantify food selection by the northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbons by investigating the main plant species consumed and the influence of the availability of food items on their selection. The study also explores the nutritional composition of food items consumed by this gibbon species and identifying key plant species that provide these significant nutrients. A habituated group of the northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbons with five members located in northern Cambodia was studied for 12 weeks during the dry season, and focal animal sampling was used to observe individual feeding behaviours. Four main activity categories were recorded including resting, feeding, travelling and socializing. Phenological data was recorded from transect lines, and plant densities from 20 vegetation plots inside the home range of this group of gibbons were also measured. Seventy-four plant samples from 20 tree and liana species that were consumed by this group of gibbons were collected for nutritional analyses. These samples were initially dried in sunlight, and then oven dried before levels of protein, total non-structural carbohydrates, lipids, fibres and condensed tannins were measured at the Nutritional Ecology Lab at Hunter College of the City University of New York, New York. The northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbon individuals spent most of the time resting, followed by feeding, travelling and socializing. Their main diet was fruit, supplemented with young leaves, flowers, mature leaves, and occasionally insects. Individuals selected food from 37 plant species, but predominately fed on just 16 of these species. The three most-consumed species were fruit from Ilex umbellulata (tree), Ficus. sp (liana), and young leaves from Lithocarpus elegans (tree). There was a significant relationship between feeding time and the availability of flowers, indicating that flowers were actively selected for when present. However, there was no significant relationship between feeding time and the availability of fruit or young leaves. Only a small number of plants bore fruit, with very low densities in the home range of this gibbon study group, but these plants produced a large abundance of fruit. These findings clearly indicate that fruit is the main diet for northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbons in the dry season, with young leaves, flowers, mature leaves and insects acting as secondary food sources. The northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbons selected only a small number of specific plants in their territory for food sources, indicating that any selective logging targeting these plant species would reduce food availability, and restrict the diet of these animals. Fruits consumed by the northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbons were rich in carbohydrates and lipids, while young leaves were richest concentration of protein. Mature leaves had a high moisture content, whereas flowers contained condensed tannins more often than other plant tissues. All plant tissues consumed had similar amount of fibres. Generally, the food items consumed had higher concentrations of carbohydrate than protein or lipids. The overall diet of this group of gibbons was low in lipids. These results indicate that northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbon consumed food items with high concentrations of carbohydrate, and only selected a few food sources with high level of protein. Overall, these findings have contributed important knowledge that can be used for long-term conservation of this gibbon species. There are a small number of key food species in the home range which need special protection. The northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbons consumed food items from different plant species, and as a consequence, all plant species selected play an important role for nutritional requirements by this gibbon species. When considering feeding requirement by the northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbons for captive breeding programs, diets should include fruit, which is rich in carbohydrates, and young leaves, which have high levels of protein

    Nutritional composition of the diet of the northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbon (Nomascus annamensis) in northeastern Cambodia

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    This study measured the nutritional composition of foods consumed by the northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbon (Nomascus annamensis) in northeastern Cambodia. One group of N. annamensis was studied, and focal animal sampling was used to observe their feeding behavior. The study was conducted for 4 months (January–April 2015) in the dry season and 69 foods were collected for nutritional analyses. N. annamensis fed on 37 plant species, but only seven species made up more than 80% of feeding time. N. annamensis spent the majority of their time feeding on fruit (60.36%), followed by young leaves (22.60%), flowers (13.74%), and mature leaves (3.30%). Fruit had the highest concentrations of total non-structural carbohydrates, while young leaves had the highest concentration of crude protein compared to other food items. All food items had similar concentrations of lipids, except young leaves, which had lower levels than fruit and flowers. All plant parts consumed by N. annamensis had similar amounts of neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, and acid detergent lignin. Thirty-two percent of all food items contained condensed tannins, and they had a similar level of it. All foods also had similar energy contents. This study adds to our knowledge of the feeding ecology of N. annamensis by providing baseline data on the make-up of the foods they eat and may contribute to captive feeding programs, ultimately assisting the conservation of this species

    Patterns of salt lick use by mammals and birds in northeastern Cambodia

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    Natural salt or mineral licks are valuable, yet spatially limited resources for wild animal populations. Many animals visit salt licks to engage in geophagy, which may serve to supplement mineral intake, ease gastrointestinal issues or buff er the eff ects of dietary toxins. This makes salt licks benefi cial resources for the diet, nutrition and health of the animals that use them. Veun Sai–Siem Pang National Park in Cambodia is an area of high biodiversity value, and includes a number of salt lick sites. By placing camera traps at fi ve salt lick locations within the conservation area, we investigated the patt erns of lick use by animals to assess the importance of these resources within the ecosystem. Over 530 camera-trap days, nine mammal and three bird species were found to visit the salt licks, but only six mammals (two primates, one rodent and three ungulates) clearly engaged in geophagy. Visitation rate, encounter frequency and duration of visits diff ered between these species, as did grouping patt erns and daily timing of lick visits. Both primates and gaur spent prolonged periods of time at the salt licks, suggesting such sites are an important part of their ecology. Gaur and red muntjacs were found to be nocturnal salt lick visitors, which is atypical of their normal activity patt erns. Although the functional benefi ts of geophagy were not confi rmed by this study, the frequency and patt ern of use by a variety of Endangered and Vulnerable species demonstrates the signifi cance of the licks and highlights the need to focus conservation eff orts on their protection

    Seasonal variation in the diet and activity budget of the northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbon Nomascus annamensis

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    Crested gibbons (genus Nomascus) are among the most highly endangered and understudied primates on the planet. One member of the group, the northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbon Nomascus annamensis, is similarly threatened and has been subject to few published studies. Because understanding the behaviour and ecology of a species and how it adjusts to changes in its environment are integral to its conservation, our aim was to determine how N. annamensis adapts its diet and behaviour to seasonal changes in northeastern Cambodia. To this end, we employed instantaneous scan sampling to quantify the diet and activity of a habituated group in Veun Sai-Siem Pang National Park from 2007 to 2014. Our results indicate that activity varied seasonally, and that this variation was likely due to changes in feeding activity. There was a pronounced increase in leaf consumption and a decrease in fruit consumption during the dry (November–April) season. With the increase in folivory, gibbons spent more time eating overall and less time on other activities compared to the wet season (May–October). Overall, our data suggests that N. annamensis exhibits behav-ioural patt erns similar to other gibbon species

    Tropical field stations yield high conservation return on investment

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    Conservation funding is currently limited; cost-effective conservation solutions are essential. We suggest that the thousands of field stations worldwide can play key roles at the frontline of biodiversity conservation and have high intrinsic value. We assessed field stations’ conservation return on investment and explored the impact of COVID-19. We surveyed leaders of field stations across tropical regions that host primate research; 157 field stations in 56 countries responded. Respondents reported improved habitat quality and reduced hunting rates at over 80% of field stations and lower operational costs per km2 than protected areas, yet half of those surveyed have less funding now than in 2019. Spatial analyses support field station presence as reducing deforestation. These ‘earth observatories’ provide a high return on investment; we advocate for increased support of field station programs and for governments to support their vital conservation efforts by investing accordingly